The Daily American from Somerset, Pennsylvania (2024)

jGerman Girl Welfare League Nflmes Wins Title of i i IMrs. Oppegard For 1963 If! IT WOMAN'S WORLD Page 4 Monday, July 17, 1961 Daily American Phone 4136 miss universe Calendar Events Mrs. T. H. Oppegard was turned to tccther a Jtiai.

Tbe pre- 1 A i presided elect far 13, asd Mrs. I $tU suixt iia Sara Reed. Earl A. Luciut aatomaticaJly I to i3 titer Biodtbura cuie moves to presidency ISO cf I la Uhatd ia Sccutrixr. S-ra By LOUIS UCHITEU.E MIAMI BEACH.

F5a, a 10 12 13 his 1C'17 IG 10 'J 21 22 the Somerset Welfare Lfifje. I was present at the luncheon as Marieoe Sctrnkit woke up Sunday it i i i 5 a The action was taieo at tbe the guest and expressed in the executive suite of a plusto hotel and put aside for a year a aemi annual meeting to the Son 1 ber apprectaUoa for tbe beip. erset Country club Saturday aiu-r-1 One sti kit schooL two com- -to-5 job as a 3-a-week eJec-tronics engineer. "But when the year fa over. I )H im DttnjkV MACS TMt COLUMN noon.

Uit-BTtl Walters, pre pleted with honors, three wiU en-dent, presided. ter third year and one enters Other officers in 1962 will be secopd year studies. Miss Katherine Snyder, vice pres- This report covered a number AvCALI TO AOVIITttC TMI fJ PCK INCH FOB CASH AOS Hospital News linMtayes Ceremony At Belief orite on Saturday wiH return to the jab, said the EVCNT1 OW CLUtf AND OTHER OK- OANIZATtONL PnONS VOU AOVS- TlSCMtNT TODAY TO SOMSISfiT Hit newly crowned Mas Universe from Stuttgart, Germany. "I have been given a leave of absence by went; Mrs. Albert D.

Graham, I of years and was a surprise to recording secretary; Mrs. Blair I many who do not know bow much Ty Cobb Reported, Missile Site Bartanan, assistant, Mrs. R. T. I is being done by the League.

Mrs. Bouch, corresponding secretary Cascio was highly commended by my employer. Engineering is my The following births and dis career. I ve been interested in In Fair Condition charges were recorded at the Sonv 80(1 Mrs- Jonn w- Schrock, treas- Mrs. Walters for her report technical subjects since I was 5." Work Stoppages urer.

The nominations were 'pre-1 Mrs. Arthur Mangne. chairman erset Community Hospital as of Miss Schmidt, 24, won her tide sented by Mrs. W. H.

Beachy, I of civic, section reported on work July IS, 1961. Saturday night in a contest Decline in June BIRTHS ThAro mora nnmininM fnrxn, I omnimfe rrnr. tko rnMinitw I maTKea Dy 3 SiappUlg OIKl IBmB- IT I I l-in- --jJo-t. K-Wun tun calling incident between two Mr. and Mrs.

Wm, HYANNIS PORT, Mass. AP- "vraa I tne noor. The officers will assume I hospital for the nursery, some- rfnHr in if is thA niotnm I Hmoe a mi'itar naaA So fntinA at American beauties in a makeup Somerset, Girl 4 ATLANTA (AP) Ty Colb. famed baseball star, was reported in fair condition Sunday ii Einory University Hospital. The 74-yearrold Georgian entered the hospital about a month ago.

He is suffering from diabetes and other He was reported to be in poor Preswent Kennedy got a report VI i nriH Kfra Tami tr Rf I T. I I mm 'uuuiuuai, i ot rno ipapup TA vt. ottlPArs siy I niw nf trvw mints Jhnn of flu) I I o.j.. i. Somerset, Boy IrrK anS spend the traveUng, appear.

dis at the nation xnwaiu oust, one vear anead. I sprwratd. paratd. KXT-TS missile sites have been sharolv year aomerset, uin b-cvi i ociim- anA ne hnnowv I reoucea uas year. condition Saturday with frequent DISCHARGES annual business meeting tallow- Aivin M.

inoemaKer, memberswp T7kwX3 rwu mi f. Secretary, of Labor Arthur J. Miss Betsy Hayes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hayes, EeQe-foote RD 3, became the bride of Joseph P.

Lippincott, 103 West Church Street, 'Lock Haven, son of the ate Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Lippincott of omerset, at a.m. Saturday, July 15, in the United Church of Christ in Belle fonte.

Miss Hayes, a January, 1961, graduate of Lock Haven- State College, taught third grade in the Bellefonte school system during the spring semester, Se graduated from Bellefonte High School in 1956. Mr. Lippincott, a 1958 graduate of Somerset High School, attend-, ed Penn tate Universtiy and is sports editor of The Lock Haven Express. He formSerly was employed as bureau manager of the "Windber News Bureau for the Johnstown Tribune-Democrat and as a reporter for the omerset Daily American. lapses into unconsciousness.

Mrs. Dorothy Ann Barsis, Somcr-1 ing. the luncheon at which covens I there are now three on the; fut- 'mSbein bete next two weeks nUe sites sharply in membersnip. list, one being fiermanv for a June compared with the same affirmatively at the here, then go to Germany tor. a set, RD 3, Medical were laid for more man forty I toe tt to I I mamhone onf met Thtvui Kwn.lf.

I r1tri nn Qffimirkhiuhr 1 he former star wound up his baseball career in 1928 with the Philadelphia Athletics after piling muiy uciAey, ucnnersiown. I vv- uwi4 whjo twvu 1 on I .1 A 1.1 Medical of IoveIy madonna hues and yel-1 meeting. The league membership I Mrs Barbara Dain. Acosta. Girl low daisies, were used as decora-1 is sixty.

Mrs. Sara Getty report mTofT-inThe Goldberg, chn the Missile oOier year-or most ot itr-in tne united rirrir.r vf. United Debra L. Deaner. Stnvstown an-.

"ons' Mre Wolfinc! Mrs T.iiinic nnrJ I Wna the ITorfo miss UIUVCIOC VUKMU I the Detroit Tigers and managed Kennedy May 26, said man days gical said. tne team over a six-year period. another member, Mrs. R. AvGil- dinner for the Children's of work lost in June equaled only Denise K.

Deaner, Stoystown, Sur $500 Cash Prize i. ii mour. I home; MrsAEmil Harnett for whn frne frt over one per ceraronne gical Walters warmly welcomed I senior hospital auxiliary and Mrs. aa uiiv vmM vr ua. wva jvw time lost a year earlier.

John R. Deaner, Stoystown, Sur, i mAmhArc mvtvnnKCl AW-ili. nrlA Mibirm-Mi nf fho She Will haVC Collected a $5,000 the Goldberg said the commission gical thanks fr wrk Of luncheon dance committee. Mrs. Ogle gave caf a mi.ct has obtained no-strike and no-Cairnbrook, cwnmlttee of whicy Mrs, EnAl the date as' September.

3, with Mfl C5 lockout pledges from both labor Mrs. Patricia Farkas, MRS. JOSEPH LIPPINCOTT a- Girl I Anderson was chairman, assist. 1 fnr an nniiKimllv itolifhtfiil I lul toouiku aijmuvra. i Mrs.

Susan Mae Grady, Shanks- Ui hv Mrs." Coher Braiifher affair. Mrs. A. T) Graham. who Linda Bement of Salt Lake The double-ring ceremony was performed by the Richard C.

Masters before the church altar ville, Medical Mrs wx tWisItov ami Mm VonnrtoH fnr the Mf PinvhmtBo City, Utah, last year's Miss Uni- Don't miss a much needed summer vacation because of Mrs. Eilen Hardesty, Somerset, R. TV Bouch. who suDDlemented eave the amount of season tickets verse, has said she has netted PlavSTOllnd Contest lack of cash. Come in, exam jweaicai the menu with a eenerous con-1 koM and exnlained the fact that I a decorated with greens, white roses, and candelabra.

Thomas w. 1 I mL. ti-l hit 1 re I I iiiiiri I lllllllllll tl I Ronald L. Harned. Somerset.

Ac- tribution of candied sweets hv I nne mav nnmhase a half season's The stately Marlene, a O-IUUl-0 I ine our many loan plans, Area Homemakers Invited to Enter For Mrs. America Homemakers throughout this1 area are being offered the opportunity to compete for top you'reX sure to find one to ciaera ner nusDana. ticket nas Been an advantage. uwra rm arfnn laef iufc nf tho suit yoi Mrs. wanaa Juay, Kocicwood, ivirs.

j.j.. voums, secretary, rne Duyer purcnases eignt tiCKets Snmpispt nlavsn-ound werp as fol- I tk 41 1 i 1 rnnmna(Tn ann sm pn npr wav i DUy I lean una 1 umiuira iw uro (W I licsicaa UI ID, I I 10WS Mrs. Laura' Aiuu, fnedens, Girl "1'-1" ouyuer cau- ai ine request 01 me ooara "5 1 Mnndav fPilin? RlorkslIerrv Monday 1 ri -rtii. i -c 1 i nipnT I rwn i I'lcniHHi'd i-iarrv iip np. MPfiipa i uic iun, iua.

j. ncunu, uucuuis ui ouiiiciaci. vxjiiihiluulv i lllliuuiy 1 Beth Morocco, Jack treasurer gave the financial re- hospital the league voted onthree mother Germany to give "Boyer, church organist, played traditional wedding selections. Given in marriage by her! parents, the bride was attired in a street-length dress of white eyelet embroidery. She wore a matching headpiece with short veil and carried a white Bibb and small bouquet of red roses'.

1 The bride's mother selected a gray and white' dress of cotton and silk, white accessories and a I honors in- the 23rd. annual Mrs. James Park Reed, Jennerstown, Medical a nnrf nt tha lmTiio'c Imccnrv on oKorK, r.Mfu1 (W her the news. Itycaia, ivuci luminal, i.ioir- Ameica contest, which offers 0 UVUdUtJ 11111 I 0 HV Ml 1 1. V.

V4 U1C ll0 I I 1 tt TtKl I ko r. Thp mothpp lives wrth a 17- eer. anu. oeii cjiuivu 000 in prizes to nation's outstand yiiai uuaiu yviuv.ii in mill mull I it iA T-r. rp Mrs.

Stella Sanner, 'Rockwood, U-I--J evlort nna no a numW nf fho Vear-OId daUChter. tier OniV Otner lucsudy iuu luoouie iiw ing homemaker. Entry blanks are Medical 'riTTu- Knnr, Thn Mciffnofin child, in Hattincen. and runs a Singer, Jerry Coleman, Pete Miller, RWM.2im.T!.- 1 now available ana any marnea Mrs Jane Shumaker, Somerset, ation committee was sent by Mrs. J.

R. McGough as correspond- flower shop. Marlene lived alone Jean Spangler, Jane Morocco, and wouiaii uver uie ate ui a m-iy ra Bill Renner. u.aA i in ti rann a Twm in ntitttd'itt -s-tii nftrmtr Whether it'i for vacation, josepn uascio, cnairman, sw-ieidiy was uiuugia up oDtain inem tree oy wriungmrs. Speelman, Stoys- Wednesday (Golf Contest) Terry household repairs or any corsage of white roses.

The couple departed on a two- ana Mrs. laoya Barnext was away, uie mumer aiiu iw read by Mrs. Oppegard. as Mrs, pointed' by Mrs. waiters to act I aaugnters aetectea trom niast io emergency, we like to say Cascio was obliged to be with Trent, Phil Parker, Tom Cowlin, Graig Shaffer, Phil Peretti, and quarters; 527 Madison avenue, WnizL cn- tA New York 22.

N.Y. room 1019. Spc9cer- Sancr yes to any loan request. in that capacity until January her charges at Brownie camp. West Germany only a year ago.

"It was very comfortable," Jack Beals. when the new officers take office, The report gave the chairman's jwetucai The coveted title and its at- Ru(h FrJedens, week trip to Iowa City, Iowa, where the bride plans to teach school and the groom plans to enter the State University of Iowa in September. Following the wed Marlene said. "I worked most of $601 Thursday (Ring Tossing on Pegs) LCiiuuiu yi win uc; onoiuvu rui activities and also a resume of the work of former chairmen. The the time, doing research in radio Steve Judy Emmitt, Bill Coley, Maryetta Peretti, Terry Mrs.

Stephanie Tobin. Normal- andy electronics. I ve had little time for boys, and would rather total amount spent since the league started the scholarships was ant in iuii 'Ivnip siirpiml BELD Winn, and Marsha Ream. ding trip, the couple will reside at 103 West Church Street, Lock not discuss the subject. iw nn Mrs.

Prudence. Trent, Fnedens, Friday (Wheel-Barrel Race) $4,600 in scholarship loans for Haven, until the end of August "But I am domestic. I like to rl limif anA (ho Mm Am. I SUrglCal nine students. Some of these al Birthdays July Happy Birthday To: Lois F.

Haer, Garret llllllll UhC limit aim erica contest Is not a beauty con- Neva Stickler, Acosta, MedJ- Dave Trent and Ed Bash, Pete Barnhart and Roy Deist, Dave Emmitt and Bill Singer. ready have repaid the loan. This always goes back into the fund cook mashed potatoes because that's the easiest thing there is to cook." test. Mrs. America Is selected I tu Contests for week of July 17 arc on the basis of her bomcmaklng F-I-N-A-N-C-E LOANS 130 W.

Main S. SOMERSET, PENNA. Phone 5077 skill, poise, personality, groom July 1M1 BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Homer Gardner.

Edna Spcichcr, Lombcrts- ing and participation in commun as follows: Monday marbles in numbered stalls. Tuesday mmixr gucsing. Wednesday jungle gym ville Penn State Changes Qrange News Wills Grans ity affairs. Somerset, Girl race. Thursday Croquet ball to The national finalists who com John Meyers, Stoystown RD Linda Gindlcspcrgcr, Holsopp'e Curriculum of peg.

Friday three legged race. DISCHARGES Lorcn Crarnpton, Somerset Skir- 8000 Fayette Co. Families Have an Improved Diet UNIONTOWN. Pa. (AP)-About 8.000 families in Fnycttc county have on Improved diet, thanks to the Kennedy's administration's experimental food stamp plan.

The program started in the county June 1. The Kive helped Mrs. Wayne Cook, Somerset RD The Will's Grange met Friday pete for the coveted Mrs? America title ore selected on the bails of their performance In a gical The Earth Sciences Virginia Custer, Somerset Kenneth Hoffman, Somerset evening for its regular meeting. Worthy Master, William Rinclcr, naf mat nf fObie Friwltlne. BoswcD, sinte finals compeutoin conduct RD, presided over the business acs- Dorothy Hoover, Somerset, Medi- rd In e.irh of I hi SO states and UNIVERSITY PARK-Planning ihc DiMrtct of Columljla in which cnl for new requirements and future Haie finalists partk-pote in cwk-1 Nora Jcrin Katntr.

Surclcal Inj. baking, hair stylirur. home I Virginia Koontz, Rorkwood, Sur. developments in the earth sciences, two curriculum of the col-lecc of mineral Industries at the Improvrmert and menu wanning I Jicaj rrnU to ik-monAirale their horw-1 H-anor KuhiM, Stoyown. Girl Pennsylvania Slate university sion, The Literary program was pre-wmlcd by Die Worthy Lecturer, Mrs.

Thomas Stoufcr. The theme for the program was "Dairy." Af-lT Ihc ojirning wng "In the Gar-len," the Lecturer gave a reading. "Kvcry Suralay lor the evening wai l.ik'jn from IVlm B5 ami rrad UU.U, r-xti rtatc winivTI Oscar RritX. Sflmrrsrt. Meihrril Linda Brant, Friedcns RD Paula Pylc, Rock wood RD 3 Lester Wcimcr.

Rock wood WiBuvn Good, Macdonoldton Pauline Fike, Somerset Dohra Kkilow, Aco(a Mrs. Pauline Sipe, Somerset Untla Lambert, Lambmxville David rxsTpsiattt, Stortown RD Betty Stall. Berlin IU) AlU-n ni. Sonwrt have been rvvLwd into a curri will awarded a erwrp of mrr-1 Schrock, Saniemi, MxlJ. culum In ecological sciences.

The curriculum were peoknar inn 10 ri Lnu.irfxWff tsn nt nitx Sw. Rorim. CM plenty, nyi ilotrt llcimKiucfi. unrmj'Iaycxl miner prewndy Ixvins: wnA four children in nrarby fiiliniion on jniM "We ran buy tncnv ftwd. V9 cVi'l hat to SAtmji on oif dtei," Mm.

itush (iritg Ikirtin. Mry lj. rtf WH f4f, mwrU ffr than lJ tJ ta pljfTtp rft iwrt lo IN and miorralocy and gcojioyfcicj and sochrmi'4ry. (4 partipsie the ra-1 Khrja Smah, Sonwi-I, Surg! t.y lb Chaplain, Mm. Fjruitmfs hat txvtl Miifiod I klifhUy to aotinrlcr fundamental JUre SI rwiinrol Irfwl ASa Puxatl Harry lunsW, Tt Worthy Ixlurrr pTTrfitcd tratnnii? In physics, thmuj4ry, and mathrrrwfics.

accontinj ta lw. Richard II. Jahm. nrt(ar a ditwsikiO 'XTwf AC3ifi'4 Miik," McrfJm of the diicmM'in rrtl'TMKv tvrr lar rml WeJrT. Trrt t.w li te Mn, Amrtka arf in cat fl ihrir lomni rrf; "Milk iwtjrnMtifte fmji in Jft.

all. vt ftw Ifwfl 31 a prokiy and chairmnn of iht Ray Shnffer, Markkon RD I 116 Campers, Ucadcrs at Roaring Run dl t4 Mm, ditMnrt earth trtftw, tUnW: "Ilkw M.k fif etfrt t4 11 M'J. hraV il Th lnrrtAMig dmund artvrj tmiy Ifwkitti r4m M-3ft tH- Personals rf fifrw fnr rsi rtrjiirij-rr ftod crMiwte fvJi ft? of Nfwif MJ f(V tar a prwMmg -M'h ftfl frr tfairy ri Carrots .1 2 lb. bag 35c Onions 3 lb. bag 45c Celery, 24 Sixo stalk 29c Super IUtc Skinless Wclners lb.

49c Sliced Halibut lb. 49c Thick Sliced Bacon 2 lb. pkg. 99c Arm Pace Solad Dressing qr. 49c Reymers Blend 3-46 ox.

battles SI Tea Bogs 100 count S9c 4writ Jam v5iC diiHinr, fir) (rf lr-it i- WfV ita lor in IM rrisi( Th firm pn ft 4 (rtf IJjffwa'l tVi-. Mf4 frrrt UUf Ah tufte un4 I 9i (ran 4 If Iji k-. Mr. pr o7 tatnr ptvt, rrvn I -W me. I Wfir' trvrJ JXJ Jrtr'tirlJ tcri f-f4- fi, Kf tit "5 tt It Vutile li-r i.

m4 -t 33 ft Tait Stuart Ls Spaced to Wed )r. Livincood 'Xm T7l t5i ttf rj cf kwki e1 feci lit ffn vti tfar-i wi of it. 0t Pickle Slices 2 pints 45c ''t IS l-r pie fr.i.e jSrt. tTl ft feet rd Hi IM 1 n- -(fwi-e-f 7 'I IJ f- i an 'it'Vr Vr Ht I-CH't V-t-t -it 'i'4 nVM fvt f-f JtK flt S. If I t.Pf)4 l.ll-t I SI 4 T- I'm Vil trf i.

nn I uu 7' n-yr-ffm iti i V' jAnhic Spciclicr FcfctI af Jir rv tt-r "t' t-t- i- f'it 4 i( iij- It (juVS tVtrflll :4 1 -'t-n r.r' j-'' Ji'n Today's Events 't it S-if urifiy I'Acnm HI Acf super I frfrlton Central Off Sorncrutf I I'Mli ti 1 flirt 1 tt 'tie vv -l i if ...1 'I'M .1 M-- 'if 'I' i ti il it ri'i 1 t.r(-"..i(i -it i iiir MW 'lP I 'if rj i imjt 'ii4 tt rftf El--I IU iw. 1 i.ti.-..f f', ..1 ANMVEILSAKV t-if r.r nr--t ir flrnnj'if iriii. i- j-'i--!" It f-t I SALE iW Goinu On HARCAINS! ISAMAINS! 1 vw 1 I- or A Cool Summer tin f.nt 1 VMt ft tf it An -ft t- 7 ''T-f tt'9 nit i i I fffX, It IT' T' I. X. L.

FRESH MILK i 1 1 tin Lor. Ann -tr 7 tt -Tit Mf 't nnnn 0.

The Daily American from Somerset, Pennsylvania (2024)


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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

Birthday: 2001-08-13

Address: 96487 Kris Cliff, Teresiafurt, WI 95201

Phone: +9418513585781

Job: Senior Designer

Hobby: Calligraphy, Rowing, Vacation, Geocaching, Web surfing, Electronics, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.