EverQuest 1: Now Free to Play, with official goon server & guild (2024)

Dec 24, 2007
EverQuest 1: Now Free to Play, with official goon server & guild (1)
EverQuest 1: Now Free to Play, with official goon server & guild (2)
You can say that, but it doesn’t make your argument hold any water. It’s just a silly thing to get upset about that isn’t hurting anyone
#?Jun 14, 2024 00:38
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EverQuest 1: Now Free to Play, with official goon server & guild (5)
#?Jun 22, 2024 08:22
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Nov 15, 2007
EverQuest 1: Now Free to Play, with official goon server & guild (7)
I’m not upset, I just think it’s a dumb inclusion on a kunark launch TLP because it makes a lot of items near irrelevant for the first 5+ months of the servers life. Not every item obviously, just many. Lots of things about TLPs are dumb though.

I think TLPs are successful and fun because they’re easy. I think the OOC regen change is good and I wish they’d make tranquil blessings available immediately. I think they should make MotM less punishing and tedious, especially on trash mobs and especially in ToV and VT. gently caress those places.

If I was going to whine about player power I’d probably start with healing distillates which are comically cheap and powerful, but I like them because they enhance my solo enchanter godliness.

#?Jun 14, 2024 01:19
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May 12, 2001
EverQuest 1: Now Free to Play, with official goon server & guild (10)
hiding in plain sight
I'm having fun with the little bit that I'm playing on Teek. I originally joined a guild i didn't mesh with, so i left and am happier for it. I really don't mind the tower stuff, but I'm not a big krono farmer, so it doesn't effect me.

I actually made a bunch of krono on Vaniki in the weeks leaving up to Teek. I found that the bazaar had trouble keeping Conflagrant Cloaks in stock. And I knew from making them before they have a low trivial, only 202 trivial. As opposed to the rest of Conflagrant, which trivials in the 4-500 range. So I spent 50k plat and raised my tailoring to 220~ish and then set my 2 toons to fishing for 10-12 hours a day (i did use an auto clicker program "GS Auto Clicker") and then left my toons logged in overnight doing afk fish scale combines in my guild hall. Within in two days I was making 2-3 krono a day. I made almost 50 in couple of weeks. It was fun.

I also had fun running the achievement raids and giving away free adds to them, I did the level 40-55 ones. Actually doing another run of the 50-55 ones tomorrow (Saturday June 15th, 7pm EST/4pm PST) for my live guild if anyone still needs. Send Philbert a tell a bit before 4 pm PST for an invite. Starting with ldon, yelinak, kunark dragons, emp ssra and finally cragbeast queen.

Also, if you are not happy with Teek and want harder I hear P99 is still going for the true masoch*sts.

Aragosta f*cked around with this message at 17:16 on Jun 14, 2024

#?Jun 14, 2024 17:06
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Jun 12, 2005
EverQuest 1: Now Free to Play, with official goon server & guild (13)

RCarr posted:

There’s plenty of ways to make yourself miserable playing EQ the brutally hard way it was back in the day. This server is not for people who want to do that. You could also, just like, not use the tower gear if it bothers you. Giving players an option to feel powerful without devoting large chunks of their life to raiding every week is a good thing.

Having good gear come from non raiding options is fine, but this is just too much. It's way, way better than any other gear option until luclin. That's just bonkers. It would be fine if it was at 75 hp/mana level in kunark, or 100/100 in velious.

For comparison, this is top raid loot in kunark:

EverQuest 1: Now Free to Play, with official goon server & guild (14)

Philonius f*cked around with this message at 15:24 on Jun 16, 2024

#?Jun 16, 2024 15:14
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Dec 24, 2007
EverQuest 1: Now Free to Play, with official goon server & guild (17)
EverQuest 1: Now Free to Play, with official goon server & guild (18)
But like, who is this hurting? If you want the challenge or are lusting for the normal BIS gear you can just ignore the tower stuff.

It’s not PVP, other people being over-geared isn’t making your gameplay any worse. Even if it somehow was, you can just play on a server or emulated server that doesn’t have that stuff.

Almost everyone playing on this server has done the classic-PoP (or whatever expansion) grind multiple times anyway. Something new is fine. Having your character be overpowered is fun.

It feels like the only people this would inconvenience are the poop-sockers who feel cool being the best geared on the server and lord over everyone because they play 24/7.

RCarr f*cked around with this message at 15:42 on Jun 16, 2024

#?Jun 16, 2024 15:38
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Nov 19, 2002
EverQuest 1: Now Free to Play, with official goon server & guild (21)
Is it really that hard to see how it ruins the gear chase and eliminates any incentive to do the slog raids for worse gear?
#?Jun 16, 2024 16:02
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house of the dad
Jul 4, 2005
EverQuest 1: Now Free to Play, with official goon server & guild (24)
It doesn't help that there's a monetary aspect to gear on these TLPs that leads to people acting in the most miserable ways possible. OP things do kind of ruin the integrity of the game when EQ is mostly just a big quest for valuable gear.
#?Jun 16, 2024 16:17
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Apr 27, 2014
EverQuest 1: Now Free to Play, with official goon server & guild (27)
Don't you realize that being nice just makes you get hurt?
There's also zero incentive or reason to play the game in any normal fashion now.

If the whole point of being social and doing raids with guildies is to.. earn gear, well now you don't have to do that until at least luclin at a mininum? You'll always be at the top of the power curve (way higher than you should be for each expansion) and don't need to collect upgrades? Has that *ever* been an Everquest experience, one where you get a set of gear week one of a server, then don't upgrade (because literally everything else that drops is garbage) until +4 expansions in? Sounds like an absolutely awful time.

Catch-up gear and mechanics are GOOD, but if they are given before there is any reason to catch-up, they just set a bad precedent for the new minimum.

Raid gear on a free-trade server still requires a team to earn, and if it's still not as good as tower quest gear that a level 2 mage persona can cheese so yeah it IS different, and worse.

onesixtwo f*cked around with this message at 16:30 on Jun 16, 2024

#?Jun 16, 2024 16:24
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Dec 24, 2007
EverQuest 1: Now Free to Play, with official goon server & guild (30)
EverQuest 1: Now Free to Play, with official goon server & guild (31)

rally posted:

Is it really that hard to see how it ruins the gear chase and eliminates any incentive to do the slog raids for worse gear?

I mean it sounds better to me, honestly. I’d rather just have the good gear than have to dedicate 3 nights a week or whatever, raiding, for a chance to get it via DKP.

If you still want to do the raids you can. Save your DKP instead of wasting it on some lovely classic/Kunark/Velious gear.

The point still stands that if you want to do the normal routine of getting your gear via raiding, you can. There’s nothing stopping you.

It’s a free-trade server also, does the fact that people can just buy the best raid gear ruin your experience as well?

RCarr f*cked around with this message at 16:29 on Jun 16, 2024

#?Jun 16, 2024 16:26
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Oct 21, 2017
EverQuest 1: Now Free to Play, with official goon server & guild (34)

EverQuest 1: Now Free to Play, with official goon server & guild (35)

I think they should make a "hard" TLP next year.

Like stronger raids mobs(or just buff MoTM I guess). Stronger rare named mobs. Everything No drop. Reduced coin loot, etc.

Would be fun after the EZMode that is Teek.

We're not even a month into Teek and I'm already kinda bored. I'm working on finishing up my necro skullcap(the real epic) and should be done before too long. I'm mostly done with the actual epic too, just need a drop from Sky.

After that I don't know what else to do.

I might roll up a box and persona my main to something.

Malaria f*cked around with this message at 20:34 on Jun 16, 2024

#?Jun 16, 2024 20:14
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Aug 3, 2013
EverQuest 1: Now Free to Play, with official goon server & guild (38)
A kind little mouse!

Malaria posted:

I think they should make a "hard" TLP next year.

Like stronger raids mobs(or just buff MoTM I guess). Stronger rare named mobs. Everything No drop. Reduced coin loot, etc.

Would be fun after the EZMode that is Teek.

We're not even a month into Teek and I'm already kinda bored. I'm working on finishing up my necro skullcap(the real epic) and should be done before too long. I'm mostly done with the actual epic too, just need a drop from Sky.

After that I don't know what else to do.

I might roll up a box and persona my main to something.

you mean vaniki? when it first came out? they will just let the server rot when it hits a wall in your buffed motm. like vaniki and corruption cure.

work on slayers tlps have to do them backwards as in they do the broad category 5k kill ones. its possible in classic to max out the force of nature achievement. thats 2% more dmg and more then any gear in kunark or velious will give you as a necro. as a fun side effect personas can grind them for you to.

idk why everyone is so up in arms over tower gear. there is literally 2 eras where its op and it doesnt even come close to full gearing you. the eras are 55 and 105 btw. the 65 one is like elemental quality. the 75 is worse then tss raid gear the 85 is about equal to sod t3 95 is about equal to voa t3 and 105 is op. 115 is worse then raid gear and 125 is also worse then raid gear. the augs when ever they turn to heroic stats are probably the most meaningful impact they have. i also dont think they plan to leave the tower in next year except during anniversary time. both of the op eras are op because of the theory of how stats should work in the game changing. classic kunark the itemization was so bad noone had any idea what
people wanted. well in luclin they nailed it down so you have luclin quality gear on tower and 105 is because in tbm they went with an absurd mudflation style of gear and revamped 2ndary stats to be heroics and put in augs to give you insane amount of heroics so the 105 gear is tbm gear.

i do think they should fix the broken group average bullsh*t though. the tower ha's can actually be difficult at 60 in kunark gear but you can just invite two lvl 2s and oops now you can solo it. it should be a set difficulty like normal has. in cotf ha's scale up to your highest level and they cap at being dark blue to 100s. in tds the ha's just seem to be normal dungeons with no scaling.

my personal dream tlp and the only one that could get me to suffer truebox longer then 3 months is the vaniki era system with out the - 10 level stuff but it keeps the caster resist system because jesus please gut motm resists and pet threat as well as the 70 era of resists. every single zone is open and you have rec not req. defiant wouldnt drop until you hit 75 era. 3 months in each era ideally no truebox but relaxed will happen fast enough for me. i do think this server type can be hard. you could be trying to do stuff early. when youre 50 you can go into lower pop zones and try to flag. to get ornate. you can also go right into uf w/o farming full bis in sod to get uf server first. you could go do your 2.0 at 60 or something and get your orb from doing ture hanvar. essentially it makes it way more sandboxy and you can make your own fun. the most fun ive had recently is doing anniversary stuff that wasnt suppose to be in. i have the 120 anniversary mission pet on rizlona and i did it in rof gear. its actually hard even with a glyph. there was also the tempest festival earring which are = to tbm group ears where i had to glyph my entire group and 1 heal it to have enough dpsto get it down in time. paladins were the best tank for that mission because they make it easier to 1 heal something. the mob was basically immune to magic damage so sks couldnt tap spam. Ide love to do dumb stuff like that in a raid situation where they cant just make the server die by not giving us corruption cure. I also had fun on vaniki until we were stuck on stitch for 3 months. you dont even need corruption cure for lethar just have the raid mass bard invuln when the dt is at < 15s. you 100% need it for stitch.

snergle f*cked around with this message at 21:23 on Jun 16, 2024

#?Jun 16, 2024 21:05
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Jul 26, 2007
EverQuest 1: Now Free to Play, with official goon server & guild (41)
Grimey Drawer
Maybe I’m in the minority (given how insanely popular Teek is), but my goal for this TLP was to do some of the armor quests I hadn’t done before (starting with greenmist), in era and when they are good, but the tower armor kinda took the wind out of my sails to play.
#?Jun 16, 2024 22:22
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Jan 7, 2023
EverQuest 1: Now Free to Play, with official goon server & guild (44)
a real newbie
Is it worth playing today?
#?Jun 17, 2024 19:12
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Oct 21, 2017
EverQuest 1: Now Free to Play, with official goon server & guild (47)

EverQuest 1: Now Free to Play, with official goon server & guild (48)

lolman posted:

Is it worth playing today?

On Teek? Yeah. The population is huge. You can find groups at all level ranges. Loot is cheap and plentiful. Lots of raid guilds to pick from.

It's crazy cheap to gear up a melee type.

The server isn't even a month old yet. Guise and pre nerf CoS and Fungi staff are still dropping.

Big patch Wednesday is bringing OOC regen in and some tower earrings.

#?Jun 17, 2024 19:24
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Jan 7, 2023
EverQuest 1: Now Free to Play, with official goon server & guild (51)
a real newbie

Malaria posted:

On Teek? Yeah. The population is huge. You can find groups at all level ranges. Loot is cheap and plentiful. Lots of raid guilds to pick from.

It's crazy cheap to gear up a melee type.

The server isn't even a month old yet. Guise and pre nerf CoS and Fungi staff are still dropping.

Big patch Wednesday is bringing OOC regen in and some tower earrings.

but is it the official server or a private server?
#?Jun 17, 2024 20:17
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Oct 21, 2017
EverQuest 1: Now Free to Play, with official goon server & guild (54)

EverQuest 1: Now Free to Play, with official goon server & guild (55)

lolman posted:

but is it the official server or a private server?

Teek is a Progression Server. It's an official one and requires a subscription.
#?Jun 17, 2024 20:21
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Dec 24, 2007
EverQuest 1: Now Free to Play, with official goon server & guild (58)
EverQuest 1: Now Free to Play, with official goon server & guild (59)
Playing on a progression server is crazy fun and will kick your nostalgia into overdrive if you haven’t played EQ in years.
#?Jun 17, 2024 21:10
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Oct 21, 2017
EverQuest 1: Now Free to Play, with official goon server & guild (62)

EverQuest 1: Now Free to Play, with official goon server & guild (63)

I won a necro pet focus book in hate last night on Teek.

New earrings coming out today make it useless. Lol

Still has clicky reclaim energy I guess.

Being geared up on Teek is wild. We have been able to split raids and finish them with such tiny raid forces. It's wildly different than my experience on Oakwynd

#?Jun 19, 2024 18:50
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Jul 20, 2013
EverQuest 1: Now Free to Play, with official goon server & guild (66)
Fallen Rib
Got my 6-box squad to level 40, don't get a whole lot of time to play these days.

This time I went for a melee-centric group with a warrior and monks as my DPS, but I've pretty much been forced into leveling in outdoor zones. Every time I go into a dungeon of some kind I get a pull of 4-5 and just can't manage aggro without a hybrid tank and enchanter.

The new change to out-of-combat regen is making me seriously consider personaing the whole team into something more caster centric. How do people handle large pulls with these warrior/monk groups?

#?Jun 20, 2024 02:10
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Dec 24, 2007
EverQuest 1: Now Free to Play, with official goon server & guild (69)
EverQuest 1: Now Free to Play, with official goon server & guild (70)
Do you have an enchanter? Every group needs an enchanter.
#?Jun 20, 2024 02:12
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Jul 20, 2013
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Fallen Rib

RCarr posted:

Do you have an enchanter? Every group needs an enchanter.

I don't. Went caster heavy on Mischief and wanted to mix things up a bit.

Right now I've got:
Warrior, Cleric, Shaman, Bard, Monk, Monk
I'm thinking of personaing them into:
Paladin, Wizard, Enchanter, Wizard, Druid, Wizard

#?Jun 20, 2024 02:31
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EverQuest 1: Now Free to Play, with official goon server & guild (76)
#?Jun 22, 2024 08:22
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May 8, 2008


EverQuest 1: Now Free to Play, with official goon server & guild (78)
Warrior agro is balls until like DoDH, but if you get gear on at least one monk they can tank the mob you're currently kiling while the warrior agros the other mobs.
#?Jun 20, 2024 10:57
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EverQuest 1: Now Free to Play, with official goon server & guild (2024)


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