The Buffalo News from Buffalo, New York (2024)

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SUBOHBAK EDinON inancial Thursday July 23 1959 Section III Buffalo Evening News 42 Addition Rising on Sylvania Electric's Amherst Lab Stock Exchange Pace Slows a Bit 109 PrCl Wish bow Latest SO 35 Insurance Tests Livestock Market 15 42 7 77 26 1375 1413: Carborundum to Pay 40 Cents 45 cur 100 63 53 Wheat Prices Mixed 55 32 i 31 46 45 American Stock Exchange 24 LATEST PRICES STOCKS TRADED TODAY Jufr Nov 86 47 48 47 47 47 CLOSING PRICES STOCKS TRADED YESTERDAY 18 21 25 Wilt ClOS Julv I Sept' Dee I Mar 52 I 34 1 55 16 21 714 22 12 12 12 12 3050 4250 11 5900 102 71 44 38 SoCalEd 3 5 fllii Markets at a Glance 45" New York Bonds LATEST PRICES BONDS TRADED TODAY 20 29 CLOSING PRICES BONDS TRADED YESTERDAY 38 18 65 1 1 1 ft 37 37 4 lift 4 iCrrde 50:1 Ri 3 71 123 122 122 52 1 HohrA 3'77 iin auen compsnisa sihSi 412022! TWX Miturtd bondi A Vi 4 'ES Hlghl Low Close PrCl SOYBEAN MEAL 24 26 28 26 8985 8958 7984 9470 8580 9100 55 43 30 6 25 55 30 19 34 13 55 80 98 100 24 26 15 69 22 88 40 13 59 54 69 33 87 38 436 55 2 15 34 66 40 93 26 58 45 14 82 5 41 43 69 21 113 32 26 56 38 48 84 39 62 55 36 79 30 43 9 38 61 41 58 20 5 20 32 12 25 35 13 60 96144 6 34 27 63 12 55 31 36 56 27 49 435 55 25 26 48 20 39 64 19 122 28 48 147 20 55 30 27 93 26 82 39 10 34 66 40 59 65 39 10 46 12 Slack tele July 12 1110000 shares Bond 140000 stock sale year inn 853545 shares Bonds 1119000 1H 24 ll Go 07 II 7 6 19 12 26 20 19 44 50 153 42 26 31 32 44 35 18 32 47 41 18 12 30 7 63 49 86 30 36 35 46 104 53 65 148 21 44 24 36 6 47 17 2 15 34 37 42 24 16 41 85 24 67 26 140 38 59 51 46 29 38 43 141 23 40 25 46 12 IB 71 07 7 157' 1W 14 43 11 62 116 53 17 33 35 i 37 114 84 33 29 46 35 33 57 28 10 43 37 56 43 12 59 17 69 33 42 59 54 20 47 17 85 49 37 51 153 42 26 31 49 12 35 88 18 72 45 52 35 20 129 40 01 37 19 11 20 7 38 21 86 47 56 60 31 17 8 471 12' 3 9 40 17 48 47 62 34 96 28 109 66 37 147 25 64 41 27 34 51 81 131 41 92 37 pf 485 pf 410 pf 390 pf 360 pf 340 67 72 34 28 54 20 22 27 33 50 8 10 3 1 IB 47 37 43 142 60 15 70 31 30 70 25 54 7 20 39 13 40 36 47 61 85 8 22 77 52 58 49 117 52 25 2 83 42 4 52 43 30 37 683 miO 15 30 31 3 52 113 23 12 15 00 33 81 28 36 19 83 78' Will 1M4 44a fli 75 29 9 58 45 75 29 10 57 45 6 Eagle Pch 220 East Air lb East GAP 1 60 Eaat Sin EastmanKHh Eaton Mfg 3 Edison 180 Ekeo Product 2 ElasStopN lb ElecAutL £04 EleeAMus 19h Elec Stor Bat 2 El Paa NG 130 Emersn 160b Emersn £7 It Endicott 1208 quit Gai 173 Erie Railroad ErleRR5pf5 Evant Pr 25g Evenharp 120 Ex CeUO 150 19 33 1ls 48 43 29 14 37 183 21 21 49 21 13 7 alrb Whitney alrch En A airmont 160 amil in 160 ansteelMetlb awfckCp 30g edderaCp 1 ed Mogul 240 ed Pae £0h ed Dept Str 2 enestra Ine erro Cp 60g ibrebd L20b ifth Av Lns iltrol Cp 1 80 lreiton 260b iratamer £0 irst Str 2a irth Carpet llntkota 180 la Power 71 laPwALt £8 luor Cp 130 ood airs 1 ood Gnt 621! ood Mach 120 oote Mn £0b ord Mot 160g oretn Dairy 1 oster Wheel rank Str £0h reeptSul 120 ruehaufTrall 70 25 54 8 38 14 47 22 13 54 30SJ 27 17 2ft 46 17 85 49 37 2 12 Calif Pk 115 Callahan Min Calumet AH 1 Camp 35a Campb 160 Canada Dry 1 Can pf 425 Can Taclf 1 50 Cannon Mill 8 Capital Alrlna Carborun 160 Carey Ph 160 CarollnaP 132 Carpen Stl 9 Carriere £d( CarrAGen 30g Carter Prod 3 Case (JI) Caterpll 3 Celanese dls Celancvpts 60 Celotex 3 Cent Agr 140 Cent nd 80 Cent Ga 1: Cent Ga pf 5 CentHdG 80 Can Ill 152 Cent Hall NJ A SW 1 R' 30 11 65 31 19 43 24 60 34 56 27 49 103 47 14 55 21 12'4 31 32 3 19 34 37 39) 47 50 43 49 32'6 47 42 18 670 690 680 700 640 665 578 598 564 569 544 549 4 R9 4JI 47 53 25 141 35 43 3ft The following are prices of stocks traded up to edition time today and closing prices The blank space in the last column indicates that the stock was not traded up to edi tion time today Where blank spaces occur the high and low are Otherwise the high low and latest are Babbitt 20g Babck A lb Bald Lima 60 Balt GAE 1 80 BaltAOh 150a Balt AO pf 4 BangrAA 160 Barber 9 50 Basle 1 20a Bath Ir Wk 3 BauachALO 1 Bayuk Clgrs 1 Beat ds 180 Beaunlt £0g Beckman Inst Beech A 1 60: BchNLifel Bell Aire 25g Bell A How 14h BendlxAv 240 Benef inan 1 Eenguct 15a Beat A Co 9 Best Gyp lltf Beth Steel 2 40 Beth Steel pf 7 Bleelow Sanfd Black A Deck 2 BlawKn 140b Bliss A I 65g Bliss W1 Boeing Air 1b Bohn Alu 50g Bond Strs 125 Book 80a Borden 120g Borg Warn 3 Bost Ed 2 80 Bost A Maine Bran Alrw 60 Bridge Br 75g Briggs Mfg Briggs A St 2 Brlst My 105g Bklyn UG 220 Brown A Big 1 Brown Sh 220 Bruns Blk 150 Buck PL 140 Bucyrus Erie Budd Co 50g Buf orge 70g Bullard Co Bulova 45g Bur! Ind I Burrougha 1 Buah Trm 30d Butler 180 Butte Copper Byers (AM)40a 39 30 49 7 48 32 62 29 77 53 68 49 43 34 03 64 37 26 48 66 150 21 20 75 4Mi IM4 40 26 46 12 60 28 78 91 76 34 50 22 62 45 25 49 6 Is 19 39 30 53 12 15 90 33 81 28 35 19 9 8 19 94 52 25 29 47 61 46 24 26 56 63 54 31 27 34 76 69 8 32 21 34 36 56 20 17 19 55 41 32 49 105 11 12 33 26 48 65 151 31 102 144 24 69 9 33'4 277' 18 17 54 44 34 99 40 67 71 34 28 54 20 22 27 33 18 66 35 17 20 56 41 32 50 106 11 57 6445 49 26 34 25 22 35 28 49 32 78 20 35 23 62 9 62 27 52 31 23 60 93 131 40 92 68 19 4 51 49 35 68 19 4 51 45 54 100 55 19 34 37 39 47 IMS' 6 a IM A 4b Of nT 8 74 37 35 24 53 17 38 74 12 83 25 8 37 24 23 44 48 22 13 15 39 39 16 77 18 32 50 106 11 12 33 26 48 66 46 35 33 55 28 10 43 37 60 48 38 61 43 48 43 29 14 37 181 17 26 88 19 77 50 48 9 44 52 23 45 35 30 563' 8 32 47 41 183' 33 27 18 45 60 30 16 10 6616 47 16 11 93 9tf 25 70 4 69U 1314 124 23 33 13 14 12 35 89 56 63 branches of the armed serv defense contracts for all branches of the armed serv ices Scheduled for comple tion in November the addition will make possible the planned gradual increase in the labor 42 20 Vi 77 18 26 91 49 678 335 215 1226 22 15 23 35 26 40 21 48 56 70 80 100 56 70 24 30 36 35 46 104 53 55 Brick work is rising on this 19200 square foot addition to Sylvania Electric Engineering Laboratory at Wehrle Dr and Cayuga Rd Amherst which is en gaged in multi million dollar 19 41 17 42 30 13 13 59 60 33 25 22 17 125 90 168 35 4634 38 47 14 65 11 65 74 42 57 32 66 18 62 3034 13 12 59:4 60 47 33 37 88 78 43 33 93 61 36 42 58 13 41 44 22 10 41 37 32 59 80 89 10 WebbAKnapp Weatm Cl 21 48 66 69 78 100 56 56 4 16 534 2534 72 52 501a 43'4 49 4034 2014 39 13 40 77 46 43 30 5444 26 26 22 25 20 11 27 19 41 17 42 Williams Co Names Gould Williams Co 400 Vul can St today announced the promotion of rank Gould to assistant manager forging sales With the company seven years he previously was sales repre sentative in the New York New England area 20 25 46 14 32 3 24 8 8 1 7 79 72 15 58 70 34 46 14 33 37 30 6734 72 34 28 54 20 22 27 33 18 55 35 21 11 77 52 68 49 117 52 25 2 83 42 4 52 43 30 38 48 33 37 89 78 4334 34 93'4 65 37 42 58 14 41 4134 22 41 37 32 59 80 89 12 27'4 '67 38 36 18 69 81 25 1 38 38 56 17 72 44 52 35 20 64 30 11 64 31 19 43 23 60 34 19 32 43 35 18 20 45 24 88 40 13 8 16 12 32 12 15 90 33 81 28 36 19 D61t In flat in bankruptcy or racelvwahip or ba Ing reorganized un der th Bankrupt cy Act or wicurl ilea aaaumad by meh cnmpatuaa 19 41 17 42 Thursday 11 AM Wadnaiday Year ago Sale B2000 43000 41500 39500 37200 35300 34100 31700 28600 27900 16 5 25 72 52 46 50 43 49 40 20 39 1 i 13 40 Austral 31 62 A 5 75 100 19 94 51 25 30 47 61 51 47 37 43 143 60 15 70 87 30 31 16 80 99 123 53 14 15 84 39 62 55 43 55 145 145 31 31 103 103 70 34 46 14 33 37 30 38 59 51 46 29 71 58 45 46 91 37 42 24 16 41 85 24 67 26 5760: 5870 5715I 5870I 5740 57W 5780' 57051 5780' 5750 5590: 5780' 5780 5590 5590' 5530 5590 5480 5485 54451 54851 5475 34 44 67 72 34 28 54 20 22 27 33 18 55 35 21 10 76 52 68 49 115 52 24 2 83 42 4 52 43 28 37 683 20 ChNWev4 09 63 CCCSL 4kh 77 73 C01cv4 77 114 GMotAo 5 77 ina GMotAc3 61 GMtAc 3 75 87 GMifAc373 87 GMot Ac3 60 90 132 GilTalcv 4 71 158 Grate'v375 106 12 14 18 12 43 19 20 901' Tecnico Teleprom Thew Sho Th rift 1 A 1 20 Tllo Bf 120a TransLux 30 Tri Cnnt wt Unexeell Ch Un Can 32 61 43 48 43 29 14 37 182 17 17 19 94 52 25 29 47 61 46 51 47 37 43 142 60 15 70 87 30 30 16 80 98 123 52 14 15 84 39 61 55 41 37 32 46 36 79 29 43 23 12 62 49 86 30 36 35 46 104 53 55 53 70 34 46 14 33 37 30 38 69 51 46 29 71 58 45 45 91 37 42 24 16 41 85 24 66 26 138 26 93 26 82 39 10 34 66M 40 12 15 90 33 81 28 36 19 60 21 62 45 25 49 3 96 144 39 52 I 2 £7Jk 57 63 4 16 5 26 72 62 46 50 43 49 40 20 39 13 40 70 54 7 Vufalo Evening News Bureau NIAGARA ALLS July Directors of the Carborundum Co have declared a quarterly dividend of 40 cents a common share payable Sept 10 to stock holders of record Aug 14 The stock closed at 55 Wednesday 37 17 34 21 64 57 32 56 18 Desilu Pd 69 19 Det Cask £5g 16 nraper 354 Dunlop 09d 3Mi Dvnam Am 140 32H EnwryA 60b 27Mi Equity Cp 15b 4H argo inan itrh Giant Globe 44 Mi 32Mi 9 44 51 23 45 34 41 90 Mur A 3 20 NYCki 4 20 NYCen 4 98 NYConn2lS 73 Nor Vac 4 97 PaeTAT'lM 78 KCAcv 3 80 133 SILScv4 20 77 ScuttPcy 3 71 108 Air 6 mo June 30 Per share 40 40 26 45 12 58 13 41 44 Chlckaaha 30g '17 ciuyaler £0g Cinn 150 Clnn Milla 160 CIT inan 2CO CitServ 210b City Invat 40a City Prod 260 City Str 75g Clark Equip 2 Cleve II 180 Clevita 55g CluettPea 1g Coca Cola 4a Colg Palm 120 Coll A Ak 40g Colo A1 125! Colo I pf 273 CBS L20 Columb Gaa Column Pict If ColuCarb 240 ColuASO 160 Comb Eng 113 Com Cred Com Solv 10g Com Edison 2b Congoleum Cona Cig 180a Cona Edla 280 Cona Eidyn 40 Cona Electron Cona ood lb ConaLaun 120 Cona NG 210 Cona Coal 120 Conau Pw 240 ContalnerCp 1 Cont Bak 2 20 Cont pf 350 Cont Can 180 Cont CAS 70b Cont Inaur 2b Cont Motor 60 Cont 011 160 Cont Steel 2a Coop Beas lt0 Cop Bangs 50 Copweld Stl 1g Corn Prod 2 CorneU £0 Corning GW la Cosden Pet lb Coty Incorp Coty Inti 30g Crane Co 40g Crescent 37if Crown Cork Crown Zel 180 Crucible 80 Cub AS L60a Cudahy Pack CuneoPreaa80 Curtl Pub 35 Curtlss 250 Cutler Ham 37 77 46 43 30 55 26 26 22 25 6 29 109 Juiv Aug Seat pet Dec Asked Cornell Lab Gets Contract Buffalo Evening Kewe Bureau WASHINGTON July 23 The Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory of Buffalo has been awarded a $70572 contract for co*ckpit sim ulator engineering services for the ederal Aviation Agency Washington Gabriel Co 30g Gamble Sg £0 Gamewell £0g Gar Wood Ind Gardner Den 2 Garrett Corp GenAcceptanl GenAmlndlOg Gen A Inv 20g Gen A Oil 40b Gen Am Tr 190 Gen Baking 60 Gen Bak pf 8 Gen Brons 130 Gen Cable Cp 2 Gen Cigar 80 Gen Contrl 00 Gen Dynamic 2 Gen Electric 2 Gen inan 120 Gen ood 260 Gen Instr 13e Gen Milla Inc 3 Gen Motor 3 Gen Motorpf 3 Gen Outd 240 GenPCem25h GenPrec Equip Gen Puh nlg GcnPubUZBh Gen Ry Sig la Gen Real 47y Gen Refract 2 Gen Steel 160 28 Gen Tel El 2 76 Gen TlmoCpl Gen Tire AR 70 Geneseo 160 Geo Pae lb Getty 25! Gillette Co 3a GUnbel 18Q Glen Alden Glidden Co 2 Goebel Brew Goodrich 320 Goodyear240b Gould Bal GraceACo £0d Graham Paige Granby Mln SafewySt 120 St Joa Lead 1 San 50g St Reg Pa 140b Sav Arms 20g Schenley lb Schering 12oa Schick Ine Scolt Paper 3 ScovlU Mf Screw A Bolt Scab AL RR 3 Seab inan lb Seagrave 10r Scalrlght 140' Sear Roe 120 SelberRub43g Scrvel Inc Shahmoon Ind Shamrock lfiO Sharon £0g Shattuck 40a Shell Oil 3 Shell Trn 30g Sherat Am 00b Slegler 29d Slgnodo lb Simmon 120g 56 SlmondsSlBOg Simp Pat I Sinclair OU 3 Skelly OU 180 24 35 13 60 28 76 91 Underwood Un Bag 120a Un Carb 360 Un Elec 152 UnOCal 73d Un Pae 120a UnPaepf 40 Union TC Un Twist Unit Air! Unit Aire Un Artist Unit Bisc Unit Brd Unit Carbon 2b Un Carr 3 UnltdCp 10g Unit EC! 160 1 Unit ruit 2 Unit Gaa 150 Un Gas Im 240 UnGrenf 43g Unit Ind 60 Unit MAM 1 UnltSh 250a US Borax US or £0g US reight 3 US Gypsm 3a US Hoff US Induat US Line 2 USPIpA 120 USPlywd 2a US Rubber 2 USRublpf US Smelting US Steel 3 US Steel pf 7 USTobac 120 Unit Stkyd 70 16 Unit St pf 12g UnWallp £0 Univ Cyc stl lb Un Lf Tob 2a Univ OHP 50 Uplohn 48g Utah 120 54 30 27 35 76 69 9 32 10 41 37 32 59 85 89 a year ago that it had to b6 expanded The lab and the Great Arrow Ave electronics plant in Buffalo are part of Sylvania's Electronic Systems Division Holler Bros City of Tonawanda is the general con tractor for the addition 56 37 16 34 21 64 64 57 32 55 18 4 38 69 51 45 29 71 59 45 45 91 37 42 24 16 41 84 24 66 26 138 140 26 93 26 82 10 34 66 40 Cessna Air 2X Chad Goifflim Champ 120 Champ So 150 Champlin 0 1 21 ChancoVgt 3 83 55 30 27 34 75 69 9 32 22 34 36 56 20 20 56 18 72 44 52 35 20 64 30 11 65 31 19 43 23 60 34 19 32 44 35 18 20 45 24 88 40 13 39 39 77 18 17 33 47 56 ComrpRATION Am i' 8 283075 AmTATSBJ UU AmTAT2 86 71 'a Am Tob 1163 93 A 0 4 90 73 BethS CV3 80 177 Boelng4 80 100 J'anA CV4W 76 77 2055! 88 91 146 71 66 10 131 30 32 16 31 41 34 44 44 sr 38 21 86 5'16 23 14 43 16V 10 16 13 PrCl High 37 76 46 43 30 55 26 26 22 25 6 29 109 48 22 71 12 90 145 71 56 10 131 29 32 16 31 41 34 44 87 38 21 86 81 43 61 31 36a 20 31 81 33 35 37 114 84 33 29 46 35 33 66 28 10 43 37 60 49 Oils 5 Gen 30 12 Sterl 10 A'el 30g 8 6 2 A 2 4 31 0 39 16 15 57 I 28 33 20 25 46 14 31 3 24 8 8 29 43 22 72 122 23 33 89 5 20 32 12 102 41 58 20 23 26 30 6 40 6 14 33 13 63 14 3 39 14 7 17 July 22 October December March May July October IWsmhAr fiddling spot 34iiN NomlnaP Am Stl 240 Am Store 2b Am Sug 1 60a AmSgpf 175 Am Sum 25g Am TAT 330 Am Tobae 4a Am Tob pt Am Viscose 1g AmWaW 60 Am Zine 25g Ampex Corp AmphnBg 140 Anaconda 2 AnaeWAC5' AnchrHG Mt Ander Clay 37 AnderPri I4O Archer Dan 2 Argo Oil 120 Armco Steel 2 Armour 262if Artnstrg 120a Arnold JOa Artloom Cpt Arvin Ind 50d Ashland OU lb Aahld pf 150 ASX Prod JO AaadDryG 2 20 Aasoe 1 pf 525 102 Aaaoc Inv 2 60 Atchison 120a Atehian pf 50 Atlantic 2 Atlantic Ref 2 Atlas Corp 13r Atlas Pw 240 Aust Nich JOd Auto Canteen 1 AvcoCorp 40 31 46 36 79 29 43 23 12 25 20 33 13 55 17 69 33 42 59 54 19 46 17 84 49 37 51 153 42 26 31 49 45 21 21 49 35 35 62 15 58 12 67 64 45 49 26 25 49 25 35 13 60 28 76 91 76 74 2' 5'16 134 52 7 23 13 31 Bu the Associated Press i NEW YORK July 23 Most itock market prices stepped higher in a relaxed trading pace today Motors aluminum and select ed electronics led the mild ad vance which lifted key shares fiom fractions to a point or so Some prices after punching higher at the opening pulled back as trading progressed Steels aircrafts and chemi cals were mixed Oils eased a American Motors ran ahead close to a point ord Chrys ler and General Motors climbed Around half a point Alcoa jumped about iy2 points and Kaiser Aluminum dose to a point: Motorola rose more than a point General Telephone and Sperry Rand added fractions Youngstown Sheet Tube con tinued higher with a 2 point ad vance Jones Laughlin rose more than a point Bethlehem added a fraction but Steel and Republic Steel dipped a shade National Distillers leaped close to 2 after the company increased the dividend American Stock Exchange prices generally held steady Corporate bonds were mixed 436 436 bb 145 31 103 17 125 90 161 35 46 39 20 25 46 14 32 3 24 8 8 30 48 22 72 12 91 146 71 56 10 131 30 32 16'' 31 41 34 3 19 7 53 lai i7 55 40 30 27 96 84 By SUta Dept of Agri Mkta CATTLE (Buffalo July Steer and One load of southern heif ers arrived and not snld at the close Dairy type slaughter cattle: Cows and bull mostly 50 cent lower heif er about steady Commercial and standard cow 1900 1950: few 2000: utility and cutter 1700 1900 canner 1400 1600 and some shelly kind be low: fat yellow cows 1800 1700: good dairy heifers 2100 2300 commercial 1900 2100 utility and cutter 1800 1300 canner 15 00 1600 Utility saus age bulls 2350 2450 cutter 2250 2350 canner 19002150 CAI Light bob slightly strong er other steady Prime 3500: good and choice 3200 3400 medium and heavy bob 2900 3200 light bobs 2800 down HOGS Market weak to 50 eent lower No 1 to 3 butcher weighing 180 230 ibs 1450 1500: few selected meat types 1550 230 2W lbs 1400 1450 260 300 lbs 1300 14 00 most good and choice 300 600 lb sows 9001100 good boar under 60 lbs 700 300 SHEEP AND Demand mod erate market steady Choice spring lambs 2500 good to choice 2300 medium to good 2000 2200 feeders 1800 down 1281 130 127 129 128 130' i 130'1 128 1129 130 133 133 132 5133 133 135'133 134 135 '135 145 24 16 8 9 44 52 23 45 35 now The de 75 42 23 47 53 25 14t 20 11 3 62 20 38 55 31 21 13 14 12 35 89 34 36 58 20 20 56 41 50 106 11 12 33 26 49 66 150 150 31 101 101 146 24 16 72 62 65 61 65 84 82 30 62 CHICAGO July 23 The grain future market was mostly weak1 to day with soybean of! sharply Wheat was cent a bushel higher lower September Va corn to 14 lower September 1 19 18 oat to lower September new tvpe contract 87 and aoybean 3 to 2 cent lower September 221 V'l'A HEAT 37 44 41 143 141 23 23 40 40 6 25 35 Int BmMach 2 Int Harveat 2 Int Harr 7 145 Int Mi Ch 160 31 Int Nickel 260 103 int Packers so Int Paper 3b Int Paper pf Int Salt Co 2g Int Shoe 180 Int Silver 150 Int Tel 4 Tel 1 Inter DS 120b 35 35 Interst Pw £5 Iowa IUG 180b IslCrkCoal 2 ITECkt 180 Telautograph Temco A 60a Tenn Cp 320a Tenn Gaa 140 Texaco 240 Tex 120b TexGPr 60 TexGSuiph 1 Tex Instrumta 152 153 152 152 Texaa 4 Pac 1 TexPLTr 30g Tex APR 5a Tex Util 176 Textron 125 Thatch G1 140 Thlokol new Thnmp Jr 50g ThompRW140 Tide Oil 137 if Tlmk Bear 1 Tiahman 40a Toledo Ed 70 Tran Air Tranaatner £0 TranaueAW 1 Tri Cont 60g Truax Tr 160 Tung Sol 140 TwenC 160 Twin City J55p Tw Coach 87if TXL Oil 78 1ntas 1 124 23 33 91 5 20 33 12 102 41 58 20 125 123 123 5643 12 12 59 59 82 33 35 37 115 84 68 34 42 59 53 20 47 17 83 49 36 50 153 42 27 31 49 45 46 21 21 21 21 49 49 35 35 85 35 62 62 15 58 5812 13 68 64 44 49 26 25 49 36 55 27 49 103 47 14 65 11 11 55 55 73 41 23 46 52 24 140 20 11 3 50 19 38 55 31 20 13 14 12 35 88 2 15 34 112 33 27 18 Dan Rlv £0 Dana Corp 3 Dayatrom 120 DaytPiL 240 DaytRub 140 DeccaReCord 1 Deere fc Co 2a Del Hudan 2 De! Lack A Del A 210 Delta Air 60g DenARGW 1 Det Edison 2 Detroit Steel 1 DiaAlkal I SO Dla Gardr 120 Diana Store 1 Diners Dlaney 40b Dla Seag 120a Dome Mln 70 Dominick 106g Doug Aire Ip Dover Corp ig Dow Cbm 120 Dresser Ind 2 Duplan Corp duPontdeN3g 256 Low Latest 36 76 46 43 30 54 26 26 22 25 6 29 109 77 86 99 100 SouwestPS143 Spalding 62 if Sparton 15e SpenCh 240 Spen Kell £0 Sperry 80 Sperry pf 450 Spiegel lb Square DI Std Brand 260 Stand Coil rd Std Gaa Std Oil Calif 2 Std In 140b Std NJ 110g Std Oh 250 Std Packag Std Ry Eq 2Sg Stan War 120 Starrett 80 Stauffer Cl Sterlng 140a Stevena 150 Stew Warn 2b Stoke £0b Stone A 2a 61 Storer Bd Stude Packard Sun Chem 30g Sun Oil lb Sunbeam 140a Sundstrand lb Sunray 132 Sunrp! A 1121 Sunsh Bia 440 Sunsh Mn 20 SupOUCal 3e1803 1814 1814 1814 Suther Pap 2 Sweet Co 1g Swift A Co 160 Sy Wayne 60 39 8 8 mo June 30 Per hare Revenue Vartol Aircraft 8 mn June 30 Per ehare Bausch I Lemb 1950 6 mo June 30 (1200076 Per share 1 29 Bliss A Laughlin 1959 rao June 30 (1719220 Per share 207 Jeff Lake Jewel Tea I 20 John Manvl 2 John A 40g Jone 250 Jone A Lpf 5 Joy Mfg 2 Kaiser Al 90 KanCPAL2 20 Kan Sou 4 Kan PAL 136 Kayser Roth Kellogg Co 1 Kelsey 240 Kenneeott 3g Kern Lnd 2a KerrMcG £0 Keystone 2 KlmbrlyC 1 80 KLM RD 106g Koppers £0g Korvette Kresge SS 160 KreaaSII 2 Kroger Co 20 58 64 45 49 26 26 49 36 36 66 27 49 103 103 47 14 55 11 55 74 42 23 47 63 25 141 20 11 3 51 19 38 65 31 20 13 Van Norman VanRaalte VanadCp 75g Vert Sug 127e Vick Ch 160 Viet Ch Wk 1 Va Carolln Cb Va E1AP 110 Virginia Ry 2 Vulcan 50 WalgreenlOOa Walker 140g WallTler 150b Walworth37if Ward Bak WardBpf 550 Warner Br 120 Warn Ln 150 Waukesha 2 Welbiit 07 West Ky Coe I Penn El 160 Pip 90g WrMAIrLSOh West Auto 120 West Mary 3 60 Westpaclf 3 WestUTell20 Westg AB 120 Westg leo 3 Wheel 150g Whirl Cp 1 White Dt 160b White Mot 175 While Sew WllcnxOll lb Wilson Co 140 Wilson 20g Windsor 45g Winn Dig 120 Wlac El 170 Woodwrd 160 Woolwth 250 Worthing 250 Wrigley Co 3a Wyanw 20g Yala AT 150 Young SAW 2 YngatShAT 6 YngslnSn75g Rad 1 18 72 45 52 35 20 65 30 11 65 31 19 43 24 60 34 19 32 44 35 18 20 45 24 88 40 14 256 255 256 du Prt pf 420 100 100 Duque Lt 110 DWGClgr 90 Cities Svc 3 77 Colo 477 113 I Ulliint eT V2B4 ColSOE 314 70 8H 4 73 lOHV ConsuP 2H 73 BL Deere S3 ItttTTunlMl kAi 7 HowCh 3 82 1 Erii) 4 Vi 201 A BL 1'478 7 77 4 7ft 77 12 HO 77 1 71 1 Aem Sup iOd Aerojet 1 7J4 A12om Uran 3 154 Alleg Cp wt fi ALHed Pap 4t Am Seal 10rf ArkUGa 120 Bailey Sei 7H Banif 1 Bnt Pet lfi 67 BrownO 3M 147a Burma 01 ff Burrv Riw 20? ft Cal El Pw 80 2OH Campb Chib 7T Can Pet 4 Vi Cdn Javelin 3 154 Cascn Pd 30a 8 Catalin 05e 104 Cen Hadlev 34 CThief MnX 14 Claro0 Mf Cott Rev jng Creole 130g 47H CrownCPet 12U Int Prod Jtinifer Dil Kaiser Ind W4 ainssi ra Klein Str 1 Lake Sh La Land t40a Makkpv 1R1 MeadJohn 12n 78 MetATher 40g 24 Mich Ch t25e 2344 Midw Pip 24Vi Molybden 50f 46V4 Muntz TV 2U Nat Bell II 84 NEngTT 8 199H in jnna im No Rankin 1 Ogden Cp Pae Pet Ltd 12f ParkB 1 20 PrkbgAeL15e Phoenix Stl Re mA rm 20g 25 49 3 96 96 143 144 39 '4 61 2 30 13 12 59 60 60 25 22 100 31 102 141 24 16 8 9 44 52 24 45 35 25 22 100 100 7 6 52 25 2 83 42 4 52 43 27 37'4 682 683 20 11 27 19 41 17 42 I AT983 kL 3 75 HR 5 88 tiiflo I 465 94H I 48t 73 Ryan Aer JO 81 16 34 NEW YORK CITY 380 80 C6il ATION Alil7d 89 Amr rs yuiii AmTATS 81 AmTftT4 7 Am7 7 Anil 8 Ami 3 7 Am i 2 AmTAT9l uni Am Atrh BAG RAO HAO Helts ho*rv 4 CnnA 4 CH It NI 3' CheA 1 39 1 14 121 23 33 89 5 20 33 12 102 40 58 20 125 56 42 12 60 82 33 35 37 113 84 3333 29 29 36 33 57 28 10 43 37 60 49 38 38 62 43 48 43 29 14 37 183 17 17 19 94 62 25 29 48 62 47 51 47 37 43 142 60 1570 87 30 31 16 80 99 123 53 14 16 86 39 62 55 43 38 32 46 86 79 30 43 23 12 26 25 20 33 13 55 102 75 29 10 57 45 16 247 2 18 18 3 19 14 fl 5 7 53 18 16 78 37 23 23 2 18 24 46 2 8 anna II Clock 3 1 264 23 35 70 14 47 33 37 88 78 43 33 93 63 36 42 57 13 41 44 22 10 41 37 32 59 80 89 10 176 250 180 160 1 Il'kflON 76 77 3 6k fl rn 3 6 itanf 5 (L 83 20 33 13 55 102 75 29 10 67 45 Buf fain Ereninp News Bureau ALBANY July The State In surance Department today announced the name of those who passed exami nations ln Buffalo June 18 for license as agents and brokers: Henry Bajak Richard Barcaykowskl Margaret Bauer Paul Bauer James Biggs Robert Biniszklewtcr Robert Hrzezicki David Cederquist Philip Cowan Salvatore DiCarlo Patricia A Dunn Leonard Engel David Evans Leonard Goodman Robert Hahn Cart Jamele Betty A Krafft Robert Larkin James Mikoll Lotti Minervino Raymond Pahura Charles Rice Lloyd A Kissinger rances Stolarek Jack Travlor BROKERS Albert Barone Jr She ldon Berlow Bruno Bocco lucci Kogert Brawn Boger A Carl son Joseph Cavanaugh Bernard A Cesar Robert aulks Roger A oote William uchs John Gainey Charles Galante Lawrence Galletta William Gardner Theodore Georger rancis Grandoni Charles Grampp Rob ert Crampp David Guenther William Gulbransen Allan Gustafson Jean Halm Donald Herman Steven Hersev Preston Hoskin Mark Ives Mil ton A Johnson Justice Jones Law rence Keefe Harold Lane George Li' Larson Irma Lisma nowskl Howard Luntz Robert MUler Joseph Musca Louis Mus carella David Notar Robert Nutt Walter A Palka Jr Anthony Palumbo Russell Perla Donald Peter son Carl Rizzo Darrell Sage Albert Seifert Anthony A Serio Pau! Sirwatka Edgar Thompson Nor man Walawender Svdney Will son Donald Yoshida Lola Young Geraldine Zamerski 48 33 57 89 37 35 24 63 17 38 74 12 83 25 8 37 24 23 Grand Unlo 60 Granite CSU Grant WT 220 Gt AtlAP 70g Gt Nor Ore 2e Gt North Ry 3 Gt Wat 120a Green Id Greyhound lb Crum Air 150 Cuant Sug 25e Gulf Mo AO 1g Gulf Oil 250b Gulf Sta Utl Hall Print 140 Hallibrtn 240 IlamlltnW Mg Ham Pap 75g Hammond 02a Harb Walk 180 Harri In 150 Harsco Corp 2 Harshaw Ch 1 Hart A 2 HatCp Am 75f Haveg Ind 25e Hayes Ind eog Heinz 220 Helm GW 160a Hercules Mot Hercules? £0g Hertz Corp 1 Hewitt Rob 2 Heyden £0g Hilton Hot 120 Hires 60 Holland 60 Holly Sug 120 Ifomestk 160a Honolulu 011 3 Hooker Chm 1 Hotel Corp Am Houdatuilnlb Househld 120b HoustLA P16O Howe Sound Hudson Hupp Corp 25! Pr CI High ow Latest 42 20 7 77 18 25 91 50 36 68 19 4 51 45 45 50 60 56 37 EED tper ton In burlap nagw uran Prompt St Mid Promp Red Dog Prompt 130 40 92 37 19 19 11' 12 20 20 7(i 38 19'4 63 76 19 15' 2' 8 25s 2 17 4 3ns 81 45 15 34 18 15 57 1 41 37'4 35 24 53 17 38 74 12 83 25 8 36 24 23 43 47 22 13 14 39 39 16 77 18 17 33 47 56 100 101 100 29 29 28 59 59 59 84 6S Socnnv 2 76 So Pae 4 81 StdOU)d4 83 St UnGaaC4 78 83 'x US Steel 4 83 93 Vancv 4 76 intl'A WShore 4 2361 foreign illghAu575 2 16 74 112 112 33 27 18 45 60 31 42 20 7 77 17 25 91 49 35 68 19 4 51 45 50 56 37 17 34 21 64 57 32 56 18 61 30 13 12 59 TEN LEADING STOCKS Close Change 1 Laclede 90 1 Lee Rub 120 Lees A Sons 2b 1 Lehigh CAN Lehigh PC 1 1 Lehigh Ind Leh Ind 1 pf 1 LehVInd2pf 1 Lehigh VRR Lehman 149g Lehn A 160a Lerner St 1 20 LO Glass 2 LlbMcN 40 Lfgg A My 3 Ugg A pf 7 Link Belt 180g Idly Tulip 1 Uonel Cp Litton Ind 2f Lock Air 120 Loews Inc Loews Theater Lone St 120 Ione St 1 80 Long I Lt 130 Lorillard 2 Lou A Nash 5 Lou GAE 130 Lowenstn 60 LukensSt! 75g MackTrk 180 Macy Stores 2 Madsn 127g Mad Gar 1g 14 Magma Copper Magnvx lsnh Manail 20e Man Shirt 70 Marac Oil 15g Marine Mid 1 Marine pf 2 Marq Cm 1 60 Marshall 2a Martin Co 160 Masonite 120b May Dept 2 20 Maytag 160 McCall 60b McCord 220 McCrorMcl 80 McDerm 60b McDon Air lb McGrEd 140 McGr 140a McIntyre 2a McK A 280 McLean 30g McQuay 120 MeadCp 170 Melville 97g Merck 140a MerChAS 120 Mesta 51 250 a Miami Cop 2 Mid St Ut 190 Midland Entrp Midi Ross 3 pls Hon 160a Mpls Moline MplsStL140 pls St Paul 1 Minn MM 140 Minute 50g Mission 225r Mission Dev Miss Riv 160 Mo Kan Tex Mo Pao 240 Mohasco 20a Mojud 30g Monarch 120 Monsanto 1 Mont Dk Ut 1 Mont Pow 240 Montecat 92g Mnntrey llStf Montg Ward 2 Moore Mo 150 MorellAC 30d Motor £0h Motor Wh 30g Motorola 150 Mueller Br 140 150 Murphy 2a Murray Corp Nafl Corp Nat Acme 3 Nat Adri 12d Nat Avlat 1g Nat Biscuit 2a Nat Can It NatCsh 20 NatCltLna Nat Dairy 2 Nat Distill I Nat uel 1 10a Nat Gypsm 2b Nat Gyp pt 450 Net Load 150g Nat Ma) 1g Nat Steel 3 Nat Sug 2a Nat Tea 80 Nat Theat 50 Nat Vul £0 Natomaa Nelsner £0 NeptunftM 140 Newberry 3 New Eng El 1 Newmont 2 Newp NS 140a NY Air Brie 1 NY Central A St 3 NYNHAH N'YNHAH pf NY Shipbldg 2 NYSEAG 230 NiaMPow 180 NlaMP NlaMP NlaMP NlaMP NlaMP Nlag Shr 70g Noeast 175! Nopco Ch 1 NorfAW 3 60a NorAmAv 160 Nor Am Car 1 Nor Nat 140 Nor Pacific 2b Nor Sta 110 Northrop 160 N'westAir £0 Norwich 140 Ohio Ed 264 Ohio Oil 160 Okla GAE 1 Okla NG 124 Olin Math 73g Oliver Cp 60 Otis Elev 240 Outbd Mar £0 OwenC £0 Owens IG 250 Oxford Pap Pac Am ish Pacific Coast Pac GAE 260 Pae Light 240 Pac TAT 7 Pac Tin 20 Pan Am WA 80 Panh EPL 180 Paramnt 2 Parke Dav la ParkerR 1121g Patino Min Peabody 40 Penn Dix 140 Penney 3a 112 Pennsalt 60 PennaPAL125 Penna RR 25e PeoplesDrug 2 Peoples Gas 2 PepsiCola 120 Petrol Cp 25g 17 Pfeiffer Brew Pfizer 60 Phelps Dg 3 Phlla Elec 224 PhllARdg Phllco Corp Phil co Cpf 3 75 Phil Morris 3 Phillips 170 Pillsbury 140 Pills Co pf 4 Piper Aire 1 Pitney Bow 60 Pitts CAC 1 Pitts org 30g Pit Met 621g PittsPl 165g Pitts Steel Pittston 120b plymouthl 20b Polaroid £0 Poor A Co 758 Porter pf ShO PotomcEP 120 ProcterAG22o 180 Publicker 62 i Puget Snd 144 Pullman 3 Pure Oil 160 Quaker Oats 3 RCA la RCA pf 350 Ranco 120 Rayomer 80 Raytheon 3f Reading 50p Reed Bit ReeveB 12g Reich Ch 60b Reliables 120 RellanEl 180 RellancM 150! Repub Avia 21 ibg Republic Stl 3 Revere 25g Revlon 180 Rex Drug 50b ReynoldM 50a 11 6 Reyn Tob 220 Rheem Mf Rhodesian (3g Richfield 3a Riegel 120 Roan Ant 08g Robult 150 RochGAE RochTel 1 Rock Std 2 Rohm A 2b Rohr Aire 1 Ronson 60 Roper Geo Roy Cr Cola 80 Royal Dut 92g Royal Mo 15p Ruberoid 3 Minneapolis 1214 1208 209 I Kansas City CASH GRAIN Estimated track receipts tor Wednes dav on the Buffalo Corn Exchange were: Wheat 180 cars corn 2 cars oats 45 cars barley 3 cars (Buffalo cash prices are on a Philadelphia Rail basis) WHEAT No 2 strictly milling qualitv red Winter 213V Buffalo strictly No 2 yel low I 571s OATS Buffalo No 2 extra heavy white A BARLEY Buffalo (46 Ibsh 136 nominal feed 126 nominal Chicago prices nominal malting 120 135 feed 90 108 CHICAGO Julv 23 At Re reipts 7500 Moderately active most ly steady to weak on 200 230 lb butchers slow steady to 25 lower on weights under 200 lbs weights over 230 lbs steady sows uneven steady prospects early clearance butchers over 260 lbs relatively scarce: 1st 2s and 3s mixed grade and mixed Erati4 jzihi aii ns mixd grade 2s and 9s and 1 2 200 220 lhs 14004433 a few lots mixed 12 and Is 200 220 lbs 14 23 1450: a few select lots le 200 220 lbs sorted for grade 14504465 31 head lot Is 215 lbs with high yield of Iran rut 1475 mixed grade 2 3 240 200 hs 1350 1400 mixed grade 2 3 and 3s 260 260 lbs 1300 1350 a few scattered lota mostly 3s 280 310 lbs 1225 13 00 mixed grade 1 3 180490 Ihs 13 004400 mixed grade 1 275 350 lb sows 1100 1223 350 400 lbs 1050 1150 400 550 lbs 923 1050 CATTLE Receipts 10000: calves 100 slaughter steers over 1100 lbs slow steady to 50 higher: lighter weights moderately active strong tn 50 higher heifers steady to 50 high er cows 25 lower: bulls and vealers steady stackers and feeders steady load lots prime 11234375 lb steers 2850 30 00 mixed choice and' prime 1100 1350 lbs 2700 285 high choice and mixed choice and prime below 1100 lbs 2825 2923 most good to high chocie 1100 lbs and heavier 25 00 2750: comparable grade belnw 1100 lbs 2600 2850 standard and low Rood 2300 2550 several loads mixed high choice and prime 950 1025 lb heifen 2800 2823 most good to high choice 2475 2775 utility and commer cial rows 1600 19 00: a few high com mercial and standard 19 25 2150 can ners and cutters 14J254800 SHEEP Receipts 1500: Spring slaughter lambs and ehora slaughter yearlings fully Mead yr ewes un changed: bulk good and choice 80 100 lb spring slaughter lambs 2300 2400 2 6 3 62 Medndy 8)jM 44j50gi Tuesdzy I 83831 36lfl14445l 5941 Mnp mn I 81411 3811)1 4909 5713 lr axu 49461 27481 3775 46641 I Chief Mng 1 Cinerama 3M Clarost Mf 8Vi Colon Oil 20g 24 von ims bo Con Sun Rav Cott Bev 10g CreoleP 130g Crown Pet i Crown Orug Davega Str Davidson Desili! Pd fiA Det Gask 25g 15 Det Grav I Devon Oils Itg Dorr Oily ilk I Hi maper DukePwl40a Dunlon 09(1 Dynam Am East Sta Cp El EmerrA 60b 28" EqultyCn 13b 4's wire orgeijog Eureka Cp Eureka Pipe atrchCmSOe argo Oils 5 elmt Pet 6 rinan en ju irth Sterl ishman 70 ly Tiger ordLtd ullerGA150 Gen Dcvpil Gen Plywd (iMi Ktra Giant Yel 30g 8M uiuJisn iu Globe Un I Greer llwl Grid reeh Guild ilm Hall Lamp Hazel Blahnp Hazeltine Hei t40 Hlljer Aire HnllinRer 24a i HomeOll A Home Oil Hormei 2 I Imp Chem 08g 8 30 48 12 91 146 71 A 131 29 32 16 3114 EARNINGS REPORTS Reduction 1939 17017122 201 Sales 101836859 Amer Sug Ref 1959 6 mo June 30 14494000 Per share 163 Sales 163100000 Allls Chalmert Mf 1959 8 mo June 30 15314739 Per share 57 Sales 221226490 Relchhold Chem 1959 6 mo June 30 61754000 Her snare Cromp A Know 1939 mo dune ju Per share Sapph Prt Seeburg Cp SignalOASOb Silex Co Simca Wt 6 Sperry wt Tampal 120 Technics ThewShov TranLux 30e Tri Cont wt Unit Ash Ihiit Valspar 10g 13e 7i Vogt Mf 30g 11 Waltham Prec a nn Weight 11 1 9H8 BONDs2 AppElP3ii7O 83 SCalGas3ys70 86 8 13 31 25 47 9 Pc Pen ereMarflakflO 79 4'187 1 3B? 135 llnhr ftlT 1 6 5 41 41 43 43 atory's work force which stands at about 760 volume of fense work has grown rapidly since the 88000 square foot building was dedi cated only a little more than Royal OU 8 Ryan Aero 20 2t IB 18 Scott" Pa 3 71 187 Sear R4U83 101 Sears 5 82 104 SJnclalr488 Socony 2 78 77 SBellTT2IS5 72 SoPac48t 87 fll SD lnd 483 SO lnd 3H2 110 Tex Corp 3 65 92 Steel 4 t)3 94 Van 4'i 75 io: Virk Ky 3 5 72 3 66 B5 Sh 4 23flt 89 OREIGN 16827 18789 12955 17358 15794 1X7 01 9989 p304 StLawrCp I Salem Bro Sapph Pet Scurry Rain SeeburgCn29e Servomeeh Shaw Wat 80 SherwWm 5a ShoeCpA 1 20 SignalO A 80b Silex Co Silv Grk Preq Simca 30g Simca Simpson 60 Skiatron Sonotone 28 SoPennOil 2a Sperry wt Std 140g Stan Av 40g Sterl Prec StopAS 40b SLroock 25g Sym Way wt Talon A 1 Tampa EUJO 52 i 20 23 £29 86 30 37 35 45 104 53 65 5369 33 46 14 33 37 30 14 82 82 82 41 43 21 21 21 33 33 33 lln 1 Hvrl Grid reeh Guild ilm Hazel Bish Hazeltine Hecla 44 Hollinger 24a Home Oil A Home Oil Hormei 2 Hygrade ini Petrol 60g 89 74 'A 35 34 34 50 50 22 22 52 52 45t 45 494 3 16050g50b 3 16050g 1958 66556381 171 85618068 1958 $5113006 198 162896000 1958 $8611204 103 26906611 1958 $1325000 44 i938 $1701838 1958 $5340000 273 124410000 19x58 $18502127 81081261 1958 $606482 61 1958 $47049? 57 High Lowl Close I32'37t32323238 13236 3232 32331326213256 32 56B 3275 3272 3273 32M 3228 3229 30 32 '3028 3029 3031 30263027B fti Keppen Lnnuar Acme 50g 2t AeroSup 10d 6H Aerojet 71 Ajax Pet Al Wood 70g 36 AinSKR Alli Algom Uran Alleg Airl Alleg pwtllind Art AliledPan 14143(1 am tspvor Am Elertron l(i Am seal un Ark rm ArkLaGas 120 67 Armnur AroEquip lb Aaameratl Indust Atlas Min Atlas Cp wt Atlaa Ply Bailey Sei Banff Oil Hlumenth Braz Trac Breeze Cn Br Am Oil LOUR EED (SACKS) CARLOTS OB BUALO LOUR taB prices nominal per cwt) 8ta ram Bak G1 Std Kak Irt Clear White rye Med rye Ta rlr rva YORK COTTON UTUR 37 35 24 63 17 37 74 12 82 25'4 8 35 24 23 43 48' i 22 13 14 39 38 16 75 19'1 17 17 33 34 4f Abbott 180a ABC Vend 1 AC Ind 125g AC Wrlg 40 Stl 120 Adam Ex 304 Adams Mill 2 Address 150b Admiral Corp Aeroqulp 40 Air Reduc 250 A Industrie Alco Prod 1 Aldenlnc 120b Alleghany Cp Alleg pf 550 AllgCpepf 60 AlleghLStI 3 Allen lnd 1 Allied Chem I AIUedLab 120 Allied Mill 2a Allied Prod Allied Stra 3 Allied St pf 4 Allla Ch 50g Alpha PC 150 Alumlnm 45g Alcoa 120 Amerada 3 Am Ag Ch 160 Am Airlines 1 Am Baker 3 40 AmBkN 120 Am Botch 120 Am BkS 240 Am Brd Par 1 Am CIA £0 Am Can Co 3 Am Cn pf Am Chain AmChlcle Am CrysS Am Cyan 160 Am Dla 160b Am Am Knka 35g A'o Export 2 An Pw 1 Am Hdw 6fta AmllmPr 360a Am Ice Co Am Inti 30g 17 Am Invest 1 Am MachA Am MAM 160 Am Metal 130 Am Met Pd 160 Am Mot 240 Am Ga 360b Am Newa 160 Am Optical 2 Am Potsh 130 Am Seat 160 AmSmelt Mt Am Sm pf 7 Am Snff S592322 136 1959 (6043800 309 131802400 I960 (227 JOO34 14338418 MoKanV 67f 66 Mol'c 5 5fl MoP 4 2ft20f 63 MoP 4 3030! 60 4 till 72 MoPe 4 2005 70 MoAE3 2000 3 70 86 NYCen 6 80 72 NYCen 5 2013 73 NYC 4 2013 55 NYCen 4 98 61 NY A 80 83NYN4 2022 24 NlaMP 4 72 11? No Pac 3 2047 81 lOlin 8 82 125 Pa Ctt: 70 85 to 07 99 4(48! 73M 4V4R4 72 Most Stock Prices Advance as Trading July 22 1959 Hupp Corp Stud Packard Colo A Ir Glen Alden Aluminum Ltd Det Steel Corp Morrell A Co Gen Tel A Elec Am Motors alrb Whit WHAT THE STOCK MARKET DID Wednesday Tuesday Advances wu Decline 41f Unchanged 220 Total Issues 1246 64 New 1959 Highs 10 New Low TOTAL STOCK AND BOND SALES Wednesday Tuesday Stock 3310000 2IWOOOO Bonds $4890000 $5640000 DUN BRADSTREET INDEX Basic Commodities (1 930'32 100) Wednesday 2761'2 Month ago 278 42 Tuesday 27614 Year ago 28000 STANDARD A POOR'S INDEX I425indr251lr I 5bUta lEOOStk wd W'hen distributed wl WJmn la sued ww wllh warrant xw 'Without warrants ex dividend xi Ex rights 1 Imp oil 120 41 Ins Am 3 13n ILn tBrew 1 14 Int Petrol 60g 34 ini rruu Irving Air Jupiter Oils Kaiser Ind Kidde Klngst Pd Klein Str 1 Koback 80 Krueg Brew Lake Sh Lakev LaLand 140a ManafTA RO Massey 40 MeadJohnt20 Mefcabiiron Sf MetATher40g MichChem25e Mich Sugar Mid WAR 60 MidwPip 1 MolybdenSOf MuntzTV NatBetlHti Nat Rub Nat Un Elee NEng TAT 8 1 Idria 70g Nn Rankin Nneast Alrl Ogden Cp oh Brass 2 (Vokiep 391g Pac PelTld Pancoast 12! 3 ranirp mi ParkPenB120 PrkbgAetlSe Pepperell 3a El Phoenix Stl Piaseckl Aire PitALakeE3g Prairie Oil Pren Hall 40 Pyle Nat 120a Quebec Llth Ravm Int 2 an RemArma 20g 13 Royal Am 5 DOW JONES AVERAGES 30 tnd 20Rit 15 Uls 00523 664311 40712 High W50 64 36 Low 1950 574 46 High 11)58 583 53 L0(j(IJ938 43689 223'223 219 222 223 222 223 220 220 222 222 A 224'1 221 '223 222 Z9A 1228 227W 2264k March '229'1'231 '228 230 229 SOYBEAN OIL fl 5 7W Brit Pet 18g 6 Brown Co 30d 14 BrownD ROb Buckeye 20b 8 Buell Die 3 But Eellnse 14 Burma 01g Burry Bia 30g 9 CalgAd 10 Cal El Pw 50 Campb Chib Can So Pet Cdn Javelin Cdn Mare Carnatn 140s Casco 30g Catalin 05e Ufn Undlpv ChamhAm 07g 7 ChlHivet 160a 43 RYE JvTv Sept Det Starch SOYBEANS Un Can 32 20 Un Aire a 7 Unit Asb 4 US oil 40a 74 US Ruh Reel J0 Unit Stores 4 Utahld 40 7 Valshar 10g Va IrCAd 15e 7 Vogt Mf 3Og 11 wBiii nnc Walthm Prec U'ehhAknnnn Westm Cl 30 Williams RC 6 Wilson Br 38 WodlvPet 31 right BONDS SSf I A 4 I I I i aw i mi 1 acASi 'Wr a a ex A a PrCl High Low Latest Check Motors 17'4 17 17 17 Chcmetrn £0g 33 34 33 34 Chemway 10g 14 15 14 ChesCVa 120 38 38 38 Ches Oh 4 71 71 71 71 Chi A East Ill 16 16 16 16 Chi A DI A 2g 37 37 37 Chi Gt 2b 46 46 46 Chi GWpf 250 40 40 40 Chi MSP 150 30 30 30 30 Chi A North 26 26 26 ChlANWpf 41 41 41 41 ChlPneuTJa 35 36 36 36 Chi RIAP 160 34 33 33 33 Chock o' 1 28 29 28 30 30 30 30 26 26 26 62 52 62 62 27 30 28 28 31 31 31 52 52 52 55 55 55 55 44 45 45 45 42 41 41 41 30 30 30 30 45 45 45 9 9 9 9 59 60 59 14 14 14 11 78 80 79 80 33 33 32 20 21 21 21 71 72 71 72 42 41 41 41 38 38 38 38 23 23 23 23 39 39 39 39 14 15 14 13 13 13 23 23 23 41 42 42 42 56 57 57 57 47 47 47 47 7 7 7 7 21 21 21 21 33 33 32 32 72 72 72 72 22 22 22 54 54 54 54 15 16 15 16 33 33 33 33 29 29 29 29 52 52 52 PrCl High Low Latest 11 14 14 14 34 35 35 35 I 40 40 40 20 20 20 20 88 88 88 88 39 40 40 40 30 30 30 30 29 29 29 29 34 34 34 34 7 7 7 15 15 15 31 32 31 32 55 55 55 55 36 37 37 37 97 97 97 97 84 84 84 77 78 77 72 73 72 69 69 69 69 34 34 34 44 44 44 44 41 41 41 100 101 101 101 47 47 46 46 36 37 36 37 30 30 30 30 52 52 52 52 23 23 22 22 34 33 33 33 40 40 39 39 81 80 80 80 60 60 60 60 40 40 40 40 32 32 31 28 28 28 28 56 56 56 66 19 20 19 19 78 78 77 77 37 37 36 36 88 89 88 88 98 99 99 99 33 33 33 13 13 13 13 13 13 62 63 63 63 51 51 50 60 184 184 183 183 4 5 5 5 27 27 27 27 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 46 46 46 46 30 31 30 30 Idaho Pow 170 47 47 47 47 Ideal Cem £0 35 36 35 36 Ill Central Ig 47 48 48 48 Ill Power 150 38 38 38 38 IndplaPL 150 38 38 38 38 Indust Rayon 29 29 29 29 Ingeraol 3a 98 99 98 inland St 40h 52 52 52 52 Inspira Copig 39 39 39 39 Interchem63h 35 35 35 35 Interlak I 70g 29 29 29 29 17 17 125 125 90 161 161 35 46 46 39 39 35 19 11 34 31 37 37 39 47 47 20 47 66 56 69 79 79 29 29 29 29 21 21 21 21 120 1 20 120 74 74 74 74 28 28 2R 28 33 33 33 33 52 52 52 62 34 34 34 31 64 65 65 65 25 25 25 25 55 65 55 65 23 23 22 16 16 16 16 22 23 22 31 31 30 31 39 38 39 42 42 42 42 25 25 25 25 44 44 44 44 38 38 38 9 9 9 15 15 15 15 20 21 20 21 28 29 28 28 45 45 44 146 146 145 34 34 34 34 52 52 52 52 34 34 34 34 8 8 8 34 34 34 34 21 21 21 43 43 43 43 Julv il8T187 186 187 166 Sept 116931169 189 168 1895 Dec IBS 195 194 194 195 March 1197 198 197 197 183 Mav '185 1196 195 196 195 "WHEIT (1960) July 160 1180 180180I180 Sent CORN Julv 1125 127 '125 1128 1125 pt 1119 119I119 119 110 Dec II14H4113'114 114 Mar 1118 118'117I118 116 Mav 1120 120 118 1110ll20 )1S (Old) Jufv 68! 69 1 65 I 66 67 6 66l 66! 66OtTS LNewi July 68 69 67 68 68 Sent 68 68 67 67 68 Dee 69 I 69 69 69 69 March 14l 70l 70 70 70 i 55 55 40H 40J4 40 I 30 30 30 I 27 27 27 1 97 97 S6 84 84 84 I 53 53 52 39 39 39 30 30 30 49 49 7 7 7 I 47 48 48 31 32 32 66 66 66 19 19 18 34 33 33 38 38 38 15 15 15 69W 69 69 22 22 22 22 22 22 47 48 47 9 9 9 8 8'4 8 32 32 32 30 30 '30 56 56 56 8 8 8 18 18 18 62 63 62 28 29 29 63 64 63 19 19 19 44 45 44 50 50 50 15 16 15 37 37 37 147 147 147 25 '25 25 65 64 64 11 12 11 38 39 39 30 30 30 53 53 53 22 22 22 35 35 35 27 28 28 49 49'4 49 32 3274 32 77 78 77 20 20 20 34 35 34 17 1714 16 2874 28 26 2'74 26 23 23 23 26)4 26 26 30 30 30 6 6 6 52 52 52 44 44 44 17 17J4 17 6 6 6 34 34 34 28 27 2774 62 63 63 12 12 12 151 151 151 37 37 37 4174 41 41 27 27 27 34 34 34 52 52 51 81 81 3274 32 32 95 96 95 28 28 28 110 109 109 65 56 56 105 105 105 83 83 33 46 46 4614 41 41 40'4 40 40 40 5 5 5 93 93 92 17 17 17 39 39 384 14 14 14 9 9 9 40 0 17 17 17 49 49 48 46 47 46 63 62 62J4 34 34 34 52 52 52 26 26 26 56 56'4 56 38 38 38 48 48 48 50 50 50 27 27 27 67 68 67 38 38 38 36 36 36 18 18'4 18 69 70' f9 80 81 81 25 25 25 1 1 1 38 38 38 38 38 38'4 56 57 56 145 145 145 17 17 16 73 75 73 56 55 55 29 30 30 19 20 19 34 '4 34 34 31 32 31 22 22 22 22 23 22 80 81 81 44 44 43 61 61 61 11 11 11 15 14 14 4274 43 42 11 11 11 62 62 62 118 118 116 53 53 53 17 17 17 69 69 68 99 102 99 30 30 30 31 3154 31 29 30 30 34 34 33 22 22 22 15 15 15 23 23 23 35 36 35 25 26 26 40'4 40 40 5 5 5 44 45 45 30 30 6 6 6 26 2574 11 11 11 50'4 50 49 20 20 20 86 86 86 29 29 29 63 63 63 17)i 17 17 65 84 54 43 44 44 35 35 34 101 99 99 40 40 40 29 29 29 68)4 69 68 22 22 21 113 113 113 31 32 32 88 88 88 38 38 38 23 23 22 1874 1 9 19 62 53 53 78 76 78 19 19 19 33 33 32 29 30 29 63 62 62 15 15 16 39 39 39 Julv 920 921 1 ROS 9051 929 Sept 8R9 907 805 M3t 002 net 888' sno RR8 B95 889 lee 888' 9001 888 8951 689 Jan 888' 900! 888 894' 889 1 36 36 47 47 46 60 61 61 J4 90 '90 90 85 85 85 8 8 1 22 23 22 48 48 48 26'4 26 26 88 88 88 19 19? 19 76 77 76 51 50' 50 47 48 48 51 51 51 48 8 48 147 147 146 25 26 25 27 277 27 17 17 17 148 148 148 21 21 21 44 44 44 24 24 24 36 36 36 6 6 614 47' 47 47 17 17 17 13 13 13 20 20 20 55 55 30 30 74 75 74 24 25 25 27 26 48 48 48 21 21 20 37 39 38 65 64 64 19 19 19 122 124 122 28 28 28 34 34 34 48 48 4R 28 28 28 18 18 18 60 60 60 22 22 22 28 28 28 63 52 52 97a 10 9 62 62 62 27 27J4 27 52 52 52 30 31 31 23 23 23 60 60 60' 93 93 93 35 34 34 34 36 36 36 6 6 674 146 150 146 149 59 61 5974 61 29 29 29 29 39 39 387a 50 60 49 17)i 17 17 17 49 49 49 49 41 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 16 16 16 16 14 14 14 89 89 89 45 46 45 46 62 62 62 6274 42)4 43 42 6 6 6 6 21 21 21 3474 35 35 35 SmlthAOlCOb 62 63 61 63 Smith Cor 40 14 14 14 14 Smith Drg 130 28 27 27 27 Smith KI 1 58 58 68 58 Soeony 3 43 43 43 43 Soler Alrcr 1 20 21 20 SoAmGAP30r 6 6 6 6 SCarEAG 130 35 36 36 66 SoPRSuglSg 23 22 22 22 SoCal EdlsJCO 59 59 59' 59 South'nCo 130 39 39 39 39 Sou Nat Gas 8 39 39 '39 39 Sou Pacific 3 70 70 70 70 Smi Rail 380 55 56 56 166 SouRlUptl 19 18T.

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Author: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

Last Updated:

Views: 5751

Rating: 4.2 / 5 (63 voted)

Reviews: 86% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

Birthday: 2001-08-13

Address: 96487 Kris Cliff, Teresiafurt, WI 95201

Phone: +9418513585781

Job: Senior Designer

Hobby: Calligraphy, Rowing, Vacation, Geocaching, Web surfing, Electronics, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.