ginger chicken meatballs - Maihoo - 呪術廻戦 (2024)

Chapter Text

After Yuuji talked with Sukuna, the burden on his shoulder lessened. The nightmares, the guilt... They’re still there but unlike before where they are a fresh, bleeding wound, it’s more of a healing scar.

Right now, he is watching movies with Fushiguro and Kugisaki.

Or rather, Fushiguro, since Kugisaki has already fell asleep few moments ago. It’s nice, it’s warm, it’s comforting. Having moments in life to be a ordinary fifteen year old kid is pleasant and oddly domestic.

“Fushiguro, you awake?”

Fushiguro grunts, “Yeah. I am.”

Fushiguro is shivering, Yuuji thought. So, he snatches a blanket, wraps it around him and scoots to press his body with him.

“Oh? I... Thank you, Itadori.”

Yuuji beams at him with his idiosyncratic smile that is reminiscent of both summer and spring. “No problem, Fushiguro!”

The movie continues playing in the background. They sat in comfortable silence together before surprisingly, Fushiguro was the one to speak up.

“You seem a lot more relaxed now, Itadori.”

Yuuji blinks slowly, he tilts his head in a curious manner, “Eh, really?”

Fushiguro nods, “I’m not really one for words. Though, it’s like, hm. It’s like you don’t carry the world’s burdens on your back anymore.” He points it out like an obvious matter.

Yuuji was stunned. He gawks at him before he softly chuckles, “Man. You’re so perceptive and smart, Fushiguro! You know that?”

“It’s nothing, you don’t have to make a big deal about it.”

Yuuji pouts, “But, Fu-shi-gu-ro! It means so, so much to me.” He stares at Fushiguro like he hanged the stars for him.

It’s dark inside of their room, with the laptop as the only source of light. Yet, Yuuji’s eyes and presence lights up this room.

The eyes are the window to the soul.

It’s hard not to be intrigued. “As I said before, it’s nothing.” Fushiguro waves it off like it’s nothing.

Yuuji has made a few friends (or rather acquaintances) in his past schools before but no one understood him as well as Fushiguro and Kugisaki did. Is this what it’s like to be seen in a deeper level? Is this like what it’s like to be seen beneath the mask?

“I’m glad that you, Kugisaki and I are together. Hey, do you think we’re friends in every universe?”

It took a beat before Fushiguro answered.

“I don’t think so, but...” His eyes soften, “I think it makes this one special.”

Yuuji holds Fushiguro’s hands, “I think so too.”

Fushiguro huffs. “You’re such a sap, you know that?”

“Hey, you started it!” He grins with mischief, “My dear sugar bear, schmookie buns-“

Fushiguro smacks him, “You’re spending too much time with Gojo-sensei.”

Despite how closed off and prickly Fushiguro seemed, there was a twinkle of fondness in his eyes.

This time, Yuuji laughs loudly. His heart is filled with so much love, so much warmth, so much affection. They always said that he puts his heart in his sleeve, yet only they treasured it.

Don’t take them away from me.

Every step, every moment that passes- He will always treasure it. For that is the gift of living.

•—————— ☾ ———————•

“Okay fine, geez! We’re sorry!” One of the mean kids say.

Sukuna was towering over them with his fists clenched with fury. He turns his head to the kid that gave a back handed apology, who then quickly ran away.

The other kids then followed suit.

“Tsk.” He spits out a tooth and wipes blood from his cheek. Those stupid kids... They should have learned their place before he put them in it.

“Kuna-nii! Where are you?!” Yuuji yells before he spots him.

He was bouncy and excited when he found him but when he saw his current state, his smile curves upside down.

“Kuna-nii? What happened to you?”

“Those kids were saying bad stuff about you.”

They were calling him a ‘freak’, a ‘monster’. Of course, Sukuna is not going to repeat them because Yuuji has already heard those words several times. He’s not going to add to it.

Yuuji huffs and drags him away, “Let’s go home, Kuna-nii! And don’t worry, okay? They’re just words! They can’t hurt me!”

Lies. He can hear Yuuji staring at them with longing, he can hear the whispers around the neighborhood to avoid the kid with pink hair and amber eyes.

Sukuna rolls his eyes, “Whatever. Is ojichan home?”

Yuuji simply gives him a reassuring smile, “Don’t worry, Kuna-nii! I will defend you!”

After they arrived home, they rushed to the bathroom and locked the doors.

“Tada!” Yuuji reaches for the first aid kit and then gave it to him.

“Thanks.” Sukuna opens it, afterwards, he starts to treat his bruises, thankfully his nose isn’t bleeding. It’s much more easier.

Yuuji watches him carefully as Sukuna continues putting on bandages, wiping wounds and so on. He feels guilty...

“Hey, Kuna-nii?”


“You don’t have to beat those kids up for me! It’s okay.”

“Are you stupid? They were saying bad things about you! They’re the reason why you’re sad and alone.” Sukuna crosses his arms, “It’s us against the world.”

“It doesn’t have to be just us! Besides, I don’t want you to be alone because of me.” Yuuji bites his fingers. A sign of anxiety.

Sukuna gently puts away Yuuji’s hand from his teeth. “Hey! Listen to me, you stupid brat! You should stop blaming yourself for stuff you didn’t do! I would rather be with you than any of those punks.”

“But, Kuna-nii! You should have friends!”



Sukuna turns away, “I only do this because you’re sad! And you’re sad because of them! You’re not the problem, they are. So, stop being mean to yourself.”

He sighs, “I understand that you want me to have friends, but i’ll only be friends with someone if they’re nice to you. I’d burn the world for you.”

“You’d... really do that for me?”

“Yeah! Besides, we made a pinky promise to stick together.”

Yuuji embraces him with a hug. “Once I grow up, i will be strong so that when someone says very bad stuff to you, I’ll beat them up for you!”

Sukuna snickers, “Yeah! Go get ‘em tiger!”

Yuuji cheers, “Go get ‘em!”

Their worries soon melted, forgotten amidst the lanterns of cheers, promises and reassurances. Brothers stick together.

•—————— ☾ ———————•

When Yuuji was in middle school, not only did his reputation as ‘Tiger Of West Middle’ kick started. He also started to beat up those who picked on others to protect the weak.

That was also when Wasuke was admitted to the hospital. Sukuna was also fifteen years old at that time AND he was in Jujutsu Tech at that time.

“I’ll be fine, aniki! I’ll take it from here!”

Which left Yuuji alone at home. He barely even had any friends to talk to. He, in legal terms, technically didn’t had a guardian.

Which led to some problems when the principal called him about it. But, thankfully there were witnesses and CCTV cameras so he’s safe. (Yay!)

The only problem was when it was time to claim the report cards.

“Greetings, Itadori.”

“Hello, sensei! What can I do for you?”

She pats the seat facing her and he takes it.

“As you know, the school year is coming to a close.”

“Uh huh.”

She spins her pen absentmindedly, “Both in the day that you graduate and the day that you take your report card, you need a guardian.”

He shuffles in his seat nervously, “Uhm... The nurses say that my grandpa needs to stay in the hospital.”

She stops spinning her pen, “I’m sorry to hear that, Itadori. Do you have any other relatives? Like your uncle or aunt? Or an older sibling?”

An older sibling? “My brother is in Tokyo. He also has work.” He doesn’t know what it is and doesn’t need to question it, as long as it’s legal.

“Ah, can’t you just message him?”

“I’m not sure... We haven’t talked for a while now.”

She leans closer to him, “It’s worth a try, isn’t it?”

•—————— ☾ ———————•

Yuuji’s panic is currently skyrocketing as he tries to figure out what to do. Oh my god, oh my god, will he reply? Or will he decline?

Calm down, there are two weeks left. You’ll be fine.

He nervously opens his phone, checking in to see if Sukuna is online. When he is, he quickly sends a message. Wait, what should he say first? Should he say hello? Should he text or call?

Sukuna hates calling and he also likes to cut to the chase.

But what should he say!?

Screw it. Believe in instincts.

Yuuji: aniki help ヘ(。□°)ヘ
Yuuji: i need a gaurdan in school in graduation day
Yuuji: guardian*
Yuuji: ojichan isnt in the condition to do so. i also need to get my report card...

He taps his foot, when he sees three dots in the corner he feels his heartbeat going out of rhythm. Is he going to say yes, or is he going to say no?

Sukuna: Yes. Hello to you too, brat.

Wait, is he mad?

Sukuna: When is your graduation?

Oh wait he’s so dumb.

Yuuji: july 20

Sukuna: Okay sure.
Sukuna: You owe me.
Sukuna: It has been a long time ever since I have visited Sendai.

He pumps his fist in the air.

Yuuji: THANKS ANIKI!!! (≧▽≦) <33 (✿^‿^)

(. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)( ╹▽╹ )

Sukuna: What is with the excessive amount of emoticons? Is that really necesarey, brat?
Sukuna: Necessary.


Sukuna: I changed my mind.

Yuuji: wait no im sorry aniki 。:゚(;´∩`;)゚:。

*Sad big eyed creature staring*

Sukuna: It is amusing to see your reaction.
Sukuna: Do not fret, brat. I wish to see ojichan.

Yuuji: :DD

Sukuna: There will be no souvenirs for you, by the way.

Yuuji: i dons mind dw ^_^
Yuuji: domt
Yuuji: dokt

Sukuna: How did you even graduate when you can’t even spell ‘don’t’.

Yuuji: doat
Yuuji: dot
Yuuji: DONT
Yuuji: a magician never reveals his secrets (。•̀ᴗ-)✧

Sukuna: Whatever. See you in two weeks.

True to his word, Sukuna did show up to his graduation ceremony. To be honest, Yuuji never minded being alone during the ceremony, he understands that his grandpa needs to prioritize his health.

It's nice though. It’s nice having someone watching. He wishes his classmates would stop hitting on his older brother, though.

•—————— ☾ ———————•


“Oi, ojichan.”

Sukuna and Yuuji were currently in Wasuke’s room. Yuuji had excused himself to the bathroom a moment ago.

“How have you been, boy?”

“I’m fine.”

Sukuna leans against the wall, “Have you told the brat about his parents?”

Wasuke scowls, “No. I haven’t, every time I would offer or when I was about to tell him, he would interrupt me, tsk.”

Sukuna seems surprised for a bit before he reverted to his usual scowl. “For real?”

Annoyed, Wasuke glares at him sharply. “Yes? I just told you about it.” He flicks Sukuna’s forehead.

Sukuna rubs the spot and mutters curses under his breath before responding. “Yeah, yeah. Anyways, should I be the one to tell him about it?”

“It’s up to you.”

Wasuke looks up to the ceiling.

“Listen to me. Yuuji is a good kid, you know that?”

“Well, no sh*t, Sherlock.”

“Be quiet! Listen to your elders, won’t you!?”

Seeing as Wasuke is serious, Sukuna zips his mouth.

“Hmph. I’m worried about him. He doesn’t have any actual friends, hell, he doesn’t even join clubs.”

That’s... unexpected. Yuuji is a outgoing kid, could it be because of his unusual features?

“So, Sukuna. I want you to be there for him and vice versa. Don’t lose contact. Spend time together with your loved ones, you will never know when you’ll lose them.”

Sukuna processes his words. You’ll never know when you’ll lose them. Being a Jujutsu Sorcerer is a risky job. You’ll never know when you’ll see another day, you’ll never know whether it’s your last mission or not.

“Kunana! Kunana! Ababababa!” Baby Yuuji crawls up to a Child Sukuna, who is sobbing loudly. Mom and dad left them. Mom and dad left them. They’re not coming back. Mom was already gone anyways, but dad...

It’s only him, Yuuji and Wasuke now.

“Y...Yuu...?” He sniffs.

Even if Yuuji doesn’t understand what’s happening, he holds Sukuna’s finger. He then presses his small body close to him.

He babbles with only one word that can be picked out.


“I know that you don’t like letting yourself getting attached. But this is part of life. It’s better to love and be loved than not loving at all.”

•—————— ☾ ———————•

Sukuna was standing in grass field.

It’s so peaceful.

He sees Wasuke standing in the distance.

“You can’t help others if you can’t help yourself.”

Sukuna wakes up from his dream and yawns. What a strange dream that he had... Wasuke used to repeat those words all the time, had he not?

He turns on his phone and looks at the time. It’s around... midnight. He just closed his eyes for a few minutes and yet he ended up sleeping till midnight.

How annoying. How troublesome.

He groans as he feels his stomach rumbling. Guess he wouldn’t be returning to the realm of Morpheus for a while.

He gazes at the ceiling with his arms spread before he stood up, closed the door and then made a quick trip to the kitchen.

The lights are off, it’s dark inside.
He thought he was alone at first but then... He saw the familiar pair of amber, who’s glow is akin to a tiger.

He flips the switch. The lightbulb turns on to reveal someone with glowing eyes, who is presently making a sandwich. Along with bananas and strawberries to accompany it.


“Yo, aniki! Ya hungry?” He cheerfully waves. If it was someone else who saw it, the sounds of screaming would be heard across the campus. That would be hilarious.

“Indeed. Are there perhaps any leftovers?” He makes a disgusted expression, “I prefer to eat actual delicacies rather than... Instant ramen.”

“Yep! I cooked meatballs again earlier.”

Satisfied, Sukuna snatches the meatballs. He turns on the pan and begins heating it along with the rice using the rice cooker. After he is finished, he places them in his plate and begins eating.

The two brothers ate in peace, Yuuji with his sandwich and fruits. Sukuna with his rice and meatballs. Midnight snacks? More like midnight dinner.

They picked their respective plates. This time, Sukuna decided to be the one to wash it. It would be fair considering Yuuji was the one who cooked earlier.

As much as Sukuna wanted to go back to his room immediately... His gut tells him to stay.

“Aniki, guess what?”

“What is it brat?”

“Fushiguro, Kugisaki and I are going on a mission in Shibuya. Do you want me to bring you souvenirs?”

A mission in Shibuya? “I don’t mind, brat.”

“Got it!”

Despite Yuuji’s cheerful smile and voice, something was lingering underneath it. Seeing as he’s unconsciously biting his own arm (A nervous habit of his.)

It’s no surprise that Sukuna immediately knew that something was bothering him.

He will be fine.

No, ask him. Ask him.

“Something wrong, brat?”

He rubs the back of his head, chuckling nervously. “It’s just that... I have a bad feeling about this mission, you know?”

Sukuna was going to speak but Yuuji cuts him off with frantic waves along with meaningless comfort. “Don’t worry, aniki! I’ll be fine, i have Fushiguro and Kugisaki with me. Besides, it’s only a grade two. Nothing to worry about.”

He flashes a thumbs up, accompanied by a ‘trying to keep it together’ grin.

Sukuna was tired, so he simply decides to stop pressing him. He has his friends with him, besides, he is already a grade one and he can do Black Flash on command (according to others). It may be a grade two but they already fought curses that were stronger than it. They will be fine.

“Alright. Night, brat.”

“Goodnight, aniki.”

Sukuna closes the door.
For a moment, he sees at the same time as a sad smile etched on his face. Perhaps it’s just his imagination.

But alas, it was real.

Sukuna, being the idiot he is, ignored it. Ignored all the signs for help. He should have listened, he should have LISTENED-

•—————— ☾ ———————•




•—————— ☾ ———————•


Sukuna was being held back by infinity when he yells at Gojo. He was on the precipice of killing Gojo and the higher ups. His brother is missing. His brother is f*cking missing. And both Kugisaki and Megumi were severely injured.

“Listen, Sukuna-“


It’s very common for people to invent blame or create a casualty.

If it wasn’t for the barrier surrounding him, he would be grabbing his collar right now while screaming at him.

“Sukuna. Calm down and let me speak. I was away on a mission in a different country at that time.” His voice was solemn, low, with a hint of self loathing.

He continues, “I only found out because Nanami told me. I’m sorry, Sukuna. I’ll be taking full responsibility for this. I failed not only them but you as well. As a teacher, I was supposed to look after my students.”

Sukuna mellows out, he’s still angry though. “Tsk. You better find him, Gojo Satoru. I should kill all the higher ups at this point...”

The higher ups were the reason Kirara and Hakari were expelled. Now Yuuji was missing. Missing, missing, missing-

Yuuji already had a bad feeling about it and yet you ignored him.

You could have offered to take the mission instead but you’re too selfish.

You can’t even help yourself. How can you even help others?

Worthless. Failure. Sukuna is nothing but a false god. A mortal who played god. What use is a god who can’t even save his people? What use is a god who does nothing but kill and destroy. Like a guillotine.

He can destroy buildings yet he can’t comfort his loved ones. Isn’t it f*cking hilarious? He wasn’t even there at Wasuke’s last moments.

Now, he’ll never see his brother again.

All your fault.
All your fault.
It’s all your fault.

You’re a useless child, useless child, useless child.

“... --kuna? Sukuna? Can you hear me?”

He didn’t even realize that Gojo was firmly holding his shoulder. His eyes were glassy, distant, unfocused. His body is there in this current plane of existence but his mind is not.
Internally, he’s slowly drowning in the abyss. Useless child, useless child, useless child, useless child.

“Itadori. Sukuna-kun. Look at me, okay?”

Sukuna looks up to him, he is not wearing his blindfold now, leaving his blue eyes exposed. Despite how mesmerizing they seem, reminding him of the ocean and the bright blue skies... Sukuna feels like he’s being picked apart.

“Everything is going to be okay. I’m the strongest sorcerer, okay? I’ll track your brother’s cursed energy and use it to find him. ” He ruffles Sukuna’s hair.

But are you strong enough, Gojo Satoru? Sukuna thought.

Drained out of all the fight he had in him earlier, Sukuna surrenders, with his glass jar of emotions, spilling.

“f*ck... It’s all my fault. The only one to blame here is me. Yuuji already had a worried look in his eyes and I was too idiotic. I was too foolish and naïve to think that nothing too severe would happen to them. I should have interfered, I should have-“

“Hey. Listen to me, okay?” Gojo gently calls him, “It was completely out of your control. You should rest, Sukuna. Let me handle it, after all, I’m the strongest.”

He bobs his head.

Gojo was on his way to give him space when he was halted by Sukuna’s question.

“May I join you in your search?”

Gojo tilts his head to look at him before he closes the door, “I’ll think about it.”

Before Gojo entered the council, one of the higher ups was already absent. His corpse was later found, with his forehead in half.

•—————— ☾ ———————•

They say there are five stages of grief.

After they recovered enough to walk properly, Nobara was venting her frustration by throwing the chairs at the walls. Fushiguro doesn’t even bother to stop her. He’s usually the leveled headed one but seeing as he is in mourning too, it’s understandable.



Itadori was, no, Itadori is her best friend. Fushiguro knew him way before she went to Tokyo and Sukuna is his brother, she can’t imagine the amount of pain they were experiencing. Still though, she doesn’t undermine her grief. Her soul does not shatter, yet, it might as well shatter with the heavy pressure that she feels. She’s angry, she’s lonely, she’s upset.

There is a chance that he’s still alive, but there’s also the chance that he’s still dead.
It's frustrating. So, so, frustrating.



For f*ck sake, they were first years! Yet that was not an excuse for Kugisaki Nobara to be so, so weak. She wants to watch movies with her two idiots, she wants Itadori to carry her shopping bags again. If only she was strong then no one would be grieving for him right now, as his brightness illuminates the skies.


While Nobara expresses her grief like flames burning and consuming everything until it gets put out with time, Fushiguro expresses his grief like a bottle being filled until it bursts and explodes.

Quiet and loud.

Nobara doesn’t even realize that there’s tears coming out of her eyes. She pathetically sniffs, wiping her tears with her sleeve.

Ah...her makeup is ruined...

She’s going to make Itadori pay for this. She’s going to make him pay for all her makeup.

Will he come back though?

He’s not going to. He will come back. He’s not going to. He will come back. She feels tears leaking in her eyes. Her vision is slightly getting blurry. She would rather be stabbed with million nails than to feel the pain of loss. It...hurts.


“Yu- Itadori... Itadori is a strong person.”

Fushiguro suddenly spoke up, did she said it out loud?

“I’m not an optimist. I’m not. Yet even so, I know that he will come back in some way or another. He’s just that kind of person. He’s not the type to waver easily.”

Unshakeable character. Permanence. Unwavering Humanity. Benevolence. It perfectly encapsulates Itadori’s character.

Fushiguro sounded so detached at first yet the more he spoke, the more he clings to his words like a gospel. Like it was a fact. If even a pessimistic person like Fushiguro can have a spark of hope, then so can Nobara.

What’s use in mourning for someone who has a chance in *living*. Her determination starts to emerge from the flames of her grief.

“When- When our idiot comes back, i’m definitely giving him a piece of my mind.”

Nobara walks to one of the chairs she threw earlier. She carries it, placing it besides Fushiguro as a small reminder. You are not alone. She accepts it. She accepts that Itadori is currently missing.

When Nobara came to Tokyo and enrolled inside Jujutsu High as a Jujutsu Sorcerer, she was hesitant in letting herself getting attached.

She isn’t the type of person to let someone sit in one of her chairs immediately.

What she didn’t expect though, was for Itadori to grab one and make a seat for himself. The seat is vacant now. But even so...

She will wait for him.

She will wait for him to occupy that empty seat again.


•—————— ☾ ———————•

Despite how annoying and non flippant Gojo is... He can and will be a responsible guy at times when it is necessary.

That is what Nanami Kento thought, as he is in this moment riding a car with both Gojo, his former senior and the third year student, Itadori Sukuna.

He asked Gojo at first on why he’s here but Gojo simply replied with: “He wants to come with us to find Yuuji-kun. And well, who am I to deny him on finding his baby brother? He’s a strong kid, both of them are.”

“We’re here.” Ijichi announces, the car slowing down until it halts.

“Thank you, your help is appreciated.” Nanami opens the door, with Gojo following after him and Sukuna being the last.

“Be careful.”

“Don’t worry, Ijichi! I, Gojo Satoru, the strongest sorcerer, is here, after all!”

Reassured, Ijichi started putting up a veil. “Emerge from the darkness, blacker than black. Purify that which is impure.”

As the outside world slowly comes to a close...Nanami, Gojo and Sukuna begins their investigation in finding Itadori Yuuji.

I am an adult, you are a child. I have a duty to protect you.

He can’t help but think about Itadori’s will to prove himself as he remembers the words he told him the first time they met.

“You ready?” Gojo asks.

“Yeah. Let’s get this over with.” Sukuna responds.

FILE: Itadori Yuuji, 15 years old. First year student. Grade one sorcerer. Was last found in Shibuya, he was on a mission with both Fushiguro Megumi and Kugisaki Nobara.

The first thing they do is to search for footprints. Thankfully, Yuuji’s cursed energy stood out from others, as it possessed an oddly ancient feeling to it.

With Gojo’s six eyes and teleportation, their search is going to be faster.

Nanami may not be Itadori’s official teacher but he knew how much the kid looked up to him. He found himself being rather fond of him, with his sunshine personified personality, along with a built in magnet that drags people near to him.

He may be a grade one sorcerer but he is still a child. A child who only found out about Jujutsu society a few months ago. A child who has a pure, clean soul.

The accumulation of these small despairs such as finding more fallen out hairs on your pillow, such as having your favorite food being sold out in the store... Experiencing the littlest inconveniences is what makes a person an adult.

The fact that Itadori may not have the chance to get angry at losing in a video game, that he may not have the chance to groan as his favorite manga is left in a cliffhanger, the fact that he may not have a chance in growing up and reaching adulthood anymore...He can’t help but feel a pang of mournfulness.

Jujutsu Sorcery truly is sh*t.


The three sorcerers continue walking in the damp grass. It’s quiet. Gojo’s usual idle chatter was absent. Sukuna’s usual commentary from the peanut gallery is absent as well.

“When Kugisaki, Itadori and I finally defeated the special grade, the labyrinth collapsed. There was mist surrounding us. Kugisaki and I managed to hear and find each other. When the fog was settled...Itadori was gone. We didn’t even hear or see him for one last time. He was just... gone. All of the sudden.”

Fushiguro clasps his hands, his head hanging low.

“Fushiguro-kun mentioned a fog. Was it stated in the report that the cursed spirit possessed the ability to do so?” Nanami questioned.

Gojo shakes his head, “Nope. I don’t think so.”

“Hm. Why was there a fog, then? There is not even a single speck of it here in this forest when we entered. Is it possible that there are any specific conditions?” Sukuna mused.

“That is highly likely, Sukuna-kun. Perhaps it could be the side effect of the labyrinth collapsing or perhaps someone else was behind it.”

The time Gojo came to a halt, Nanami was immediately alert.

“Is there something wrong, Gojo-san?”

“Yuuji-kun’s cursed energy is much more stronger here. That’s interesting.”

“Explain.” Sukuna growled.

“I would like to hear one too, Gojo-san.”

He points at the tracks, “So! Usually when a person uses their cursed technique, there are residuals. In this point, right here... This must be where Yuuji was taken. See? There’s a chance he was using his cursed energy to fight.”

Gojo’s deduction was correct.

“How come he wasn’t heard? The brat’s a loud person. Even if he was in the middle of fighting, he can still be heard without speaking.”

“Only Itadori-kun’s cursed energy residual can be found. The perpetrator might have drugged Itadori-kun instead of using cursed techniques to avoid being found.” Nanami concludes.

“Do you think a cursed spirit or curse user could be behind this, Nanami? The two of you fought Patchface together before.” Gojo snaps his fingers.

“Patchface... He does possess remarkable intelligence, putting that aside, he doesn’t strike me as the type to drug someone. He is more of the type to take advantage of the fog to murder or rather, transfigure someone rather than knocking someone unconscious.”

“So the Patchface is out of the equation, huh.” Sukuna crosses his arms, deep in thought.“Hm. Does he possess enough intelligence to work with a curse user? It is possible that he has allies beyond cursed spirits. Like that one time.”

“Cursed spirits working with curse users... Are you talking about the exchange event, Sukuna-kun?”Nanami continues,

“Patchface was not inside the barrier, I presume. Yet that doesn’t mean that he was not involved. The death paintings could have be stolen by him.”

Sukuna huffs, “It is quite suspicious, isn’t it, Nanami-san? I find myself confused on how Yuuji can be in the center, of all of these strange phenomena.” An eye of the storm.

Nanami spots Sukuna wince slightly.

“Do you know something, Sukuna-kun?”


Sukuna’s words were interrupted when screeching can be heard. A grade four cursed spirit, what was it doing here?

It easily vanishes under Sukuna’s slash. Wait... Where is Gojo?


Gojo was in a slightly far distance. Silent. Still. Unmoving. Nanami and Sukuna carefully approached him, did he discover something?


“Nanami, Sukuna-kun.” Gojo takes a deep breath. “I need to tell you something.”

“Just get straight to the point.” Sukuna snapped, irritated, he is growing impatient every second that passes. Nanami understands him though.

“It’s a dead end. There aren’t any cursed energy residuals left to be found. On the bright side we made a breakthrough! So not everything is lost.” Gojo claps, it’s not as enthusiastic compared to before.

Nanami simply bobs his head while Sukuna grunts, but he doesn’t say anything more. It’s enough, at least.

With their investigation coming to an abrupt stop, the three sorcerers went back to Ijichi. Nanami was the one to call him.

Sukuna’s shoulders were tense, he noticed.

“Sukuna-kun.” Nanami calls out, Sukuna raises his eyebrow at him suddenly calling his name while they were heading back.

“I know that we may not be as close as you are with Gojo-san, but, feel free to talk to me if you need to. There are times where Itadori-kun talked fondly of you. Seeing as how you decided to join and help instead of doing your missions and staying in Jujutsu Tech... I highly respect the love and trust in the bond the two of you share. I know what it’s like to grieve, Sukuna-kun. But please remember that you are still a child, you don’t have to carry the burdens of an adult, let alone go as far to act like one. Being a child is not a sin.” Nanami finished.

Despite his seemingly neutral expression, it was clear that Sukuna was dumbfounded after hearing his speech.

“I shall consider it, Nanami-san. Thanks.” His voice was rougher with a tinge of rasp.

There was a hint of protectiveness in Nanami’s voice, “It’s no problem, Sukuna-kun. After all, I’m an adult. It is my duty to protect and look after you.”

Gojo smiles at them with mirth.

As Ijichi’s cars come into view, the engine roars and Nanami is left with memories of both Haibara and Yuuji.

He hopes that this time, history doesn’t repeat itself. May the cycle be broken.

1. There was a fog at the time Itadori Yuuji was taken.
2. Based on the level of his cursed energy increasing, it was likely he fought back against his perpetrator.
3. His perpetrator was most likely a curse user.
4. There is a possibility that Itadori Yuuji’s disappearance and the goodwill event is connected.

•Check on Fushiguro-kun, Kugisaki-kun as well as Sukuna-kun, Maki-kun, Inumaki-kun and Panda-kun. They’re just children.
•Clean up the grave of Itadori and Sukuna’s late grandfather in the place of their absence. It is Sukuna-kun’s personal request.

•—————— ☾ ———————•

July 1, 2018


Yuuji takes a picture of the flowers in the park. It’s currently summer. Despite how hot it is, the warm breeze is pleasant, relaxing. It is currently the weekends. So, it’s his day off!
Kugisaki and Fushiguro went shopping. So, it’s just him and Sukuna. He doesn’t mind though, they have a lot to catch up to.

At the moment Yuuji was taking his time on taking photos and enjoying the view around, Sukuna is sitting on a bench, eating ice cream. He’s already content with it.

There are dogs running around, children chasing each other, elderly people reading newspapers. Overall it’s a peaceful atmosphere. A nice break from Jujutsu Society.

He takes quick picture of an unknowing Sukuna before he runs to him, sweating buckets from how hot it is. Whilst sitting, he puts his one leg up.

He turns on his phone, slides the volume bar to go higher, browses through his playlist and clicks play. He softly hums, unconsciously mouthing the lyrics of an English song.

Murders of murderers living in fear of it was in the clearing ♪
Buzzing around to hearing ♪
But the bees and birds who knew the words ♪
Soon arrived the twilight ♪
Finally the night and day remembered ♪
How they came to be ♪

He opens his camera, carefully inspecting each of the photos he took. They looked nice. Good to know. He might print these later then place it in his photo album.

“Oi, brat.”

Yuuji turns his head to Sukuna. “Hm? What’s up?”

“What’s with the photos? I have thought you abandoned your hobby a long time ago.” Sukuna was rather curious.

Yuuji sheepishly laughs, rubbing his neck... “Yep. I did stop for a while but... Just recently picked it up. After this whole thing happened.” He animatedly made gestures with his hand.

“Interesting.” Sukuna leans back on the bench, “Is there a reason why you picked it up again?” He puts his fist under his chin.

“It’s uh... It’s a selfish reason, hehe.”

“Now I am even more interested. So, speak up, punkass.”

“Punkass!? And it’s just... I don’t want to be forgotten, you know? I want to be remembered as Itadori Yuuji. Not just as the ‘Tiger Of West Middle'”or a nameless corpse in a morgue.

Sukuna stares with bewilderment, “How the hell is that selfish? We need to work on your definition of it.”

Yuuji rolls his eyes. “Whatever, aniki. It’s just a silly fear that I have.” Like how he’s afraid of having his face worn.

Sukuna sighs in disappointment, “Brat.”

“Yes, aniki?”

“I am rather confident that you will never be forgotten. Besides, you stand out already with your glowy eyes and fangs.”

Sukuna adds in a murmur, “Do know that I will never forget you for as long as I live.”

Yuuji stares at him with reverence, stars sparkling in his amber eyes.

•—————— ☾ ———————•

In the end as the old memory stops playing, the plants that were once there grew holes and teeth inside of their petals as the once sweet memory slowly becomes distorted, with Yuuji bleeding, his heart taken away and thrown carelessly.

“If that’s the case, then why did you forgot about me? Why didn’t you save me?” His neck snaps, with spiders coming out of his empty eye sockets. He was still grinning widely with his fangs longer than it should be.

“Why didn’t you save me, aniki? I was there. I was there. I was there. I was th3r3. I was th34§-”

His cries pleading eventually morphed into distorted sobs and-

Sukuna wakes up with muffled screams, accompanied with shivers in his spine.

Yuuji’s voice rang in his head akin to a broken record player.

He doesn’t get to fall asleep until the sun rises.

•—————— ☾ ———————•

It is currently October 1, 2018.

Itadori Yuuji is still missing.

Gojo has already tried finding his cursed energy and teleporting to that location way before he went to Shibuya with Nanami and Sukuna.

Still nothing. He can’t sense his cursed energy with the residuals as the sole exception. Only Nanami and Shoko knows, though. It was dreadful to think that Yuuji was dead as one of the reasons why his cursed energy cannot be detected.

He fears Megumi, Nobara and Sukuna’s reaction to this information. He may be a blunt person as others described him but he doesn’t want to see them looking so grief-stricken, so heartbroken.

He teleports once again to the place where he investigated last time. He’s the strongest Jujutsu Sorcerer. He is an invisible god, he can do this, he can find his precious student.

He follows Yuuji’s residuals once again until he finds himself deeper and deeper into the forest. Besides the trees, there aren’t any signs of other living beings inside this place.

It’s been several weeks already yet the mystery around Yuuji’s case haven’t vanished. The more they find answers, the more questions they gain.

For example, why were there cursed spirits working with curse users just to kidnap Yuuji? What is happening to Yuuji?

He remembers the time when one of the higher ups suggested that Yuuji was a spy. He almost casted Hollow Purple on him.

Yuuji is an honest kid, a terrible liar, that’s for sure.

What if all of this was a ruse made by Yuuji so he can leave Jujutsu Society?

Like Suguru?

Like Suguru.

That’s a ridiculous thought. Suguru and Yuuji are different in various ways.

Both of them wanted to help others. Both of their eyes crinkle when they smile. You can see it too, don’t you, Gojo Satoru?

But the thing is, Yuuji is a strong kid, with unwavering resolution. He isn’t someone who is easily taken down.

He sighs, stuffing his hands into his pocket. He wishes that the mission was assigned to him instead.

What’s the point of being the strongest when you can’t even save the people you cared for? He kicks a rock in frustration.

He goes rigid, taking off his blindfold when he senses something different, something familiar. This cursed energy...!


How, how is this possible? There’s no way. How? How? He killed him. He’s... dead.

This cursed energy belonged to-

•—————— ☾ ———————•

As Yuuji towers over the knocked out curse users, he ran and he ran and he ran. He needs to leave, HE NEEDS TO LEAVE!
He’s not going down without a fight. He’s not.

“Where are you going, my son?” A masculine voice with poison laced honey dripping in it. He sounds so sickly sweet.

He flails, trying to fight back against those who are trying to hold him back. “LET ME GO! LET ME GO!” He shouts, squirming. He attempts to bite them but before he could do so, the world flickers, slowly turning into black.


“Don’t worry, Yuuji. This will all be over soon. Your time out is going to be finished, just be patient.” He smiles apathetically. His eyes resembled those of a snake. No matter how friendly he sounds and looks, a predator lurks within his skin. A wolf in sheep’s clothing.

“NO, NO, DON’T YOU f*ckING DARE! ANIKI, GOJO-SENSEI, SOMEONE, ANYONE, HELP!” He tries to thrash around but alas, his protests are for naught.

“You have exceeded my expectations. I’m so proud of you. You have done and endured enough pain, Yuuji. It’s time for you rest now, don’t you think so? Hm?” He chuckles. The words may sound comforting in the outside. But it ended up doing the opposite, as he feels both dread as well as an impending sense of doom.

After that, he opens the door. Letting someone with blue hair and stitches come inside. It’s him, it’s him.

He grits his teeth and growled as Mahito comes into view with a wicked, feral grin. His eyes widened as he realized what he is about to do. Mahito comes closer and closer, a predator stalking their prey. He feels angry, he feels scared, he feels like a small helpless child. When it’s just pain, when it’s just a bit of torture, Itadori Yuuji won’t stop but, but- He can’t handle this anymore, he can’t he can’t- He wants to live, HE WANTS TO LIVE-

“NO, NO, NO, NO, NO- NOOO¥%£” He screams and he screams as he feels soul being modified against his will, then-

All the emotions he felt at the moment eventually faded into nothingness.

•—————— ☾ ———————•

Ten year old Sukuna and eight year old Yuuji are in their house with Wasuke.

It’s Halloween now! Yuuji is vibrating with excitement! He’s so excited, this is his favorite holiday! He’s going to wear a tiger costume then he’s going to decorate the house, not only that, he’s going to help his grandpa in the kitchen to make cupcakes! He’s also going to watch super spooky movies!

“Halloween ♪ Ha-llo-ween ♪ Ha-llo-ween ♪ ween-ween ♪” He sings to himself.

He puts on his tiger costume all by himself. He runs to the bathroom, calling for his older brother. “Kuna-nii! Face paint!”

“Hold on, Yuu! I’m still using it!” Sukuna was using it to paint what seems to be a second pair of eyes along with markings.

While Yuuji wore a casual tiger onesie, Sukuna wore a traditional kimono. Sukuna accidentally chose the kimono for women instead of for men’s, but he found it comfortable so he didn’t care.

“Hurry up, Kuna-nii!” He stomps his feet, pouting.

“You’re such an impatient brat!”

“Butt face!”


“Big oaf!”


“Old geezer!”

Sukuna dramatically gasps. “That’s it! Just, hold on there!”

Yuuji giggles when he watches Sukuna finishing his make up with a scowl. And when Sukuna finally finished on adding additional touches, he turned around only to see that Yuuji ran away.


Yuuji covers his mouth as he snickers behind the table. When he sees Sukuna running around to find him, he dashes to the bathroom.


The face paint bottle fell.
He bends down to the floor to pick it up. He then stares at the mirror and was getting ready to put tiger stripes on his face, but then-

The lights were turned off. Leaving a bright amber glow in the dark. Thankfully, he can see well! And it’s only the bathroom light that was turned off-

The lights turn on again and he sees Sukuna’s looming figure. He’s smirking, with a devious glint in his eyes.


“Kuna...nii?” He blinks.

Sukuna raises his two hands and then charges at him, with tickles!



Yuuji laughs loudly as Sukuna tickles him. The face paint bottle was still on his hand, with it’s cap open.

“That is what you get for calling me an old geezer!”

Then as Sukuna intensifies the tickling, Yuuji guffaws and guffaws until he accidentally presses the bottle, the paint then hits Sukuna in his face.

He was now covered in face paint.
Instead of being angry, the two children simply bursted out laughing, the laughter echoed through the bathroom.

“Love you, Kuna-nii!”

“Love you too, Yuu... I guess.”


The beauty of the childhood innocence they once had. The beauty of the old, simple times.

•—————— ☾ ———————•

October 31 2018. Present time.

It’s Halloween. Yuuji is still missing, he’s hasn’t been found he hasn’t come back. Sukuna remembers planning with Yuuji on what they can do in Halloween. He remembers when both he and Yuuji were just children, having fun.

They don’t have the chance anymore.
He can’t even celebrate with the others because now, they have to go on a mission in Shibuya (the same place where Yuuji went missing) because so many people were dying. The amount of cursed spirits and transfigured humans cannot be counted by hand only.

Not only that, there were special grades and there were curse users. The cherry on top was Gojo Satoru getting sealed. Sukuna does enjoy a good challenge though, hell, he can even use them as an outlet for his anger and grief.

Uraume and Sukuna were forced to part ways due to the influx of cursed spirits that were destroying this place. Sukuna knows that Uraume can handle themselves.

“Be careful, Sukuna-sama.”

He’s walking in the empty halls of the abandoned train station, with his footsteps as the only source of sound. There were several transfigured humans and cursed spirits that Sukuna easily killed.

It's unnerving. It’s too quiet. Where are the special grades? Were they exorcised already or are they in hiding? Despite that, he keeps his head on his shoulders. His heartbeat is calm and steady. Jujutsu Sorcerers need to keep their cool.

It's cold. To think that a moment ago, this place was filled to the brim with normal people laughing and having fun. It was supposed to be a normal holiday, a holiday of joy, enjoyment. They were supposed to just wear costumes and eat sweets.

That doesn’t matter now, the past is in the past. He shall focus on the present. More transfigured humans came in his way and he exorcised them with dismantle and cleave, over and over again-

Until he stops in his tracks as he feels it. As he feels the cursed energy that belonged to the person he never knew he would see again. The cursed energy to the person he thought he lost, he thought he *failed*.

As he heard his voice, he turned on his heel and came face to face with-

“Hello. Aniki, long time no see.” He softly smiles and waves at him, “Sorry i’m late.”


Yuuji’s uniform wasn’t tattered to shreds, rather it was in perfect condition. His face was absent of any bruises and scars. He looks healthy, he looks fine.

It’s him, it’s him, it’s him, it’s him, it’s him... it’s him! He feels a whirlwind of emotions. Shock, Anger, Joy-

He wants to smack him, he wants to scold him, he wants to wrap his arms around him and embrace him. He missed him. He missed his brother so much...


Something is wrong.

Something is off.

Despite Yuuji’s gentle smile, his tanned skin looked way too pale. The starlight that he held in his eyes were non existent. Almost like ‘Kaori’, almost like a corpse.

Almost like a corpse.

Bright eyes.
Tanned skin.
No stitches.

Dull eyes.
Pale skin.

Sukuna’s mellow, wide eyes narrowed, the affection he once held in them turned into anger and disdain. He glares daggers, with his shoulders tensed up.

“What’s wrong, aniki?” Yuuji? Tilts his head.

“Who the hell are you?” Sukuna growls, baring his teeth.

Yuuji? Frowns. “What are you talking about? It’s me, Yuuji. Your little brother.” He opens his arms, “See?”


Yuuji? drops his arms, staring at him with a blank gaze... Before he started wheezing, he sounds so demented.

“You’re a smart one, aren’t you?” He puts his hair up, revealing an array of stitches across his forehead. To his horror, he tugs on a string then...

He takes off the upper part of his head like a cap, to reveal a brain with yellow teeth.

“How did you know, aniki? Or should I say, Sukuna?”

Immortal he, return to me.

What are you? Who are you, truly?

A misty memory? a haunting face? a lost embrace? Who is this guy, who is he? What did he do to his mother, what did he do his father? What did he do to his brother!?

After he shows his weird brain thing, Pseudo-Yuuji starts to explain his cursed technique.

“My cursed technique allows me to swap bodies. I can replace the body indefinitely as long as the brain is transferred. I can also gain their innate technique.”

I can replace the body indefinitely.

Oh god, oh god. Holy f*ck, holy f*ck. He was the reason why Yuuji went missing. He killed him, he killed him and took over his body. His body. His body. He wasn’t a shape shifter, no, he is a body snatcher. Sukuna feels bile crawling up his throat.

“Hah...What is the meaning of all this? What is the purpose of taking over both my mother and my brother!?”

“Oh? You know the truth already, huh? That is because I wanted to create the perfect vessel. The perfect vessel for me.” He puts on his head back, twisting it onto place. His hair goes down on it’s own.

Pseudo-Yuuji continues, “The process was long and troublesome. But I managed to create my perfect little vessel, my perfect little experiment. Do you remember the cursed object Yuuji ate?”

“You planted it. You made Yuuji eat it on purpose.” Realization dawns upon him.

“Yes! I precisely did, I wanted to test his strength and how useful it would be. He surpassed my expectations for not only did he survive, he became a sorcerer, a sorcerer who rose to grade one despite having no innate techniques! It’s incredible.” His voice is full of pride.

“Oi, are you not a body snatcher? Why do you need to create a vessel?”

“It’s simple, my vessels wear out so easily after a few years. It’s tiring, you know? But! Unlike you humans, Yuuji’s body not only possesses superhuman strength, it also lasts much more longer. I have always wanted Zenin Toji’s body but im afraid my techniques would clash with his heavenly restriction. It’s like I have my own ‘heavenly restriction’ without the whole ‘no cursed energy’ thing. It’s beautiful.” He talks like a crazed, passionate, mad scientist.

It disgusts him. It disgusts him on the way he talks about Yuuji, like a possession, like a object instead of a child he gave life to.

Pseudo-Yuuji sighs, “It was troublesome getting this body, though, ‘aniki’. He was so disobedient. I had to discipline him.”

Fushiguro. Gojo-sensei. Kugisaki. Nanamin. Aniki.

Yuuji always said those names with warmth and affection. He even unintentionally softens his voice at some of them.

This impostor doesn’t possess any of those qualities. He sounds so cold, he sounds so detached. It’s uncanny hearing it from Yuuji’s body.

No matter how well he replicates Yuuji’s voice, he’ll never capture the endearment and awe in it. He feels his cursed energy going out of control but he keeps it down. He still needs to retain his composure for intel.

Even if he’s disturbed by the implications.

But, it was for naught when-

“Yo, Gojo-sensei.”


“It’s hilarious, really. ‘Gojo-sensei’ was so shocked when he saw his precious student’s face. Reminds me of the time when Yuuji was yelling for help. He was calling for his teacher and he was calling for you as well. No matter how many days have went by, he still called out for you until he took his final breath.”

When Pseudo-Yuuji revealed the reason for Gojo’s sealing and Yuuji’s words through mockery.

He was calling for you. He was calling for you and you didn’t save him. He suffered and you left him alone.

Angered, instinct took over Sukuna’s senses. Instead of using his innate technique, he charges his fist with cursed energy, striking him in the gut.

He ended up missing.

Pseudo-Yuuji titters, “Attacking your dear little brother’s body? How rude. You didn’t even answer his pleads for help, oh well, it’s too late now♪”

Sukuna feels an arrow of regret piercing through his body, but he suppresses and keeps it down.

The body is the soul. The soul is the body.

Pseudo-Yuuji is using Yuuji’s body... There is still a chance that Yuuji’s soul is still there. He just needs to stall him and awaken him.

That way, Yuuji gets his own body back.

Using cleave and dismantle, along with fuga is off the table, as he doesn’t want to kill him. He can’t, he can’t kill him. He takes a deep breath and goes into a fighting stance.

“Oi, brat. It’s time for you to wake up!”

“Oh?” He sounds amused, it’s clear that he’s planning something. He calls for one of his curses while grinning.

“It’s pointless, but sure, go ahead ♪” Pseudo-Yuuji playfully added.

While Sukuna won’t can’t go all out on Yuuji, he can go all out on the cursed spirits. It’s strange, he feels a weird sense of déjà vu. That doesn’t matter now. He needs to save Yuuji and keep on fighting.

Several serpents came his way, hissing and growling. He kicks them, creates a slicing motion and watches as they get diced. How weak.

It turns out to be a distraction as Pseudo-Yuuji was now behind him with his fist aimed directly at his face.

“BLACK FLASH!” Sparks of black adorned his fist with space warping around him.

He feels his jaw breaking. He immediately pumps RCT into his veins, he feels dizzy.... Pseudo-Yuuji crosses his arms, looking at him with intrigue before he directs his left hand, luckily, Sukuna still managed to catch it.

Unfortunately for him, it was a ruse as Pseudo-Yuuji knocked him off his feet using his legs, then punches him in the gut. Another Black Flash.

He raises his claw like nails to aim at his face, since Sukuna’s dizziness has dissipated, he kicks him in the crotch then rolls over.

Pseudo-Yuuji doesn’t even seem affected by Sukuna’s kick. That’s how durable Yuuji’s body is.

When Sukuna bumps into pillar, he soaks his body in cursed energy, slices it, then throws it at Pseudo-Yuuji.

“Oi! Wake up, brat! How long are you going to let yourself be manipulated!?”

Instead of dodging or punching through the sliced off pillar, the pillar... floats?

“Uh oh. Bad decision, Sukuna!” He playfully sing sang.

Pseudo-Yuuji kicks the pillar towards him, with his cleave infused palm he destroys the pillar, that was a close call- sh*t.

Dust shrouded the whole area, which left Sukuna coughing. A beam of blood almost pierces through Sukuna’s leg.

“Is this what you got? How laughable.” Sukuna taunted.

The dust fades away, leaving Sukuna surrounded by butterfly curses along with a Tsuchigumo curse. The Tsuchigumo curse is probably grade one while the butterflies are grade two. He uses both his fists and his cursed techniques as he exorcises the curses. There are so many of them, but they’re nothing to Sukuna. He did have a little bit of difficulty with Tsuchigumo but he succeeded thanks to fuga.

At the moment when he just defeated the cursed spirits, Pseudo-Yuuji was right behind him. With inhuman speed, his movement as fast as lightning- He traps Sukuna in a headlock.

Sukuna momentarily thought about slicing his arms off before he resorted to kicking him in the back. Pseudo-Yuuji stumbles a bit then Sukuna lifts his hand and was about to strike him, but...

“Aniki... What...are you doing...? It...hurts.”

He ceases the moment he heard the actual Yuuji’s voice. He sounded so small, so resigned, so tired. Hope returns to his eyes as he approaches him.

Yuuji? His mind thought.

But his soul together with his instincts were yelling at him that, no, that’s not Yuuji. He’s pretending to be him. His eyes are hidden. Stay away, stay away.

Though unfortunately, Sukuna is a selfish fool deluded by hope and love. Frater meus.

So, he falls right into Pseudo-Yuuji’s trap and can only watch as he grabs his throat and slams him into the wall with a malicious smile. Cursed spirits wrap his hands and feet, leaving him defenseless.

“Any last words?”

Sukuna was quiet as he ponders. He takes a deep breath, making direct eye contact.

“Listen, Yuuji. It was due to my idiocy and ignorance that your cries ended up going unheard. Only i am to blame on why you ended up like this, why you ended up having a painful death. Out of all people I have met, you are far by the most kindest and selfless one.”

He quietly laughs at himself, who knew he can be this sentimental?

“I never regretted having you as my brother, Yuu. I thank you for all of the times we have spent.”

Sukuna slowly closes his eyes. Preparing for his inevitable end,

•—————— ☾ ———————•

Amidst the abyss, a lone soul stands alone. It’s cold. It’s silent. He doesn’t remember how long he was here, he doesn’t even remember who or what he is.

Is he human?

No. Humans are both sentient and sapient beings.

He cannot feel, nor can he possess the ability to understand, to understand his purpose.
Is he a person, then?

A person has their own identity, they can be defined and regarded as an individual with their own will, goals and morality.

He has none of those. None. He may be conscious but that is as far as he goes.

Is he alive? Is he dead?

He doesn’t feel alive yet he doesn’t feel dead either. Perhaps it’s both. Perhaps it’s neither.

Ah... Why does it matter anyways, soon, his ‘existence’ will come to an end.

He feels nothing yet he still identify his current emotions.

Numbness. Exhaustion.

What are these for?

He is absent of memories, he is absent of emotions, he is absent of morality, he is absent of a human heart, he is absent of a body. He has no need for any of those anymore, he threw it away or was it taken from him?

He can slightly hear the sounds of screaming but no matter what he does, nothing happens. It’s pointless.

No point in intervening.

Until, until he hears someone calling out for his name, for him.

But hasn’t he done enough?

Isn’t he enough?

He’s tired. He’s tired of living just to suffer.

“W--- up, ----i-k-n. D--’t l-t y--- de---------on w---r.”

“-i, b--t. It’s t--e for y-- to --ke up.”

“O-! W--e up, br-t! H-w long a-- y-u goi-g to let yo-rs--f be mani—lat-d!?”

Who are they? Why is my heart aching?

A red string slowly forms in his direction the more his name gets called. His last straw as when he heard those nine words.

I have never regretted having you as my brother.

Brother, brother. He has a brother, who’s dying because of the one who’s piloting his a body that once belonged to him.

No, he’s not letting him die. Even if the clock is ticking, he will not let his efforts go into vain.
So he tugs and he tugs until he sees light, until his memories rush into him and it burns, it burns- But he still keeps on going. He will never give up, he needs to save him, he needs to save the people he cares for.

He’ll fulfill his promise of being together forever with his brother.

His hands are stained with blood. He’ll never be able to clean it.

The only thing he can do is to prevent anymore people to die by his hand.

He sees a bright white orb...

And Itadori Yuuji wakes up.

•—————— ☾ ———————•

When Sukuna was preparing for his death, to his surprise, it never came. The cursed spirits that held him hostage has now latched onto Pseudo-Yuuji, who soon vanished.

Pseudo-Yuuji lets go of Sukuna, his left arm suddenly grabs his throat.

“My, my. How interesting.”

He uses his right arm to let go of his left arm but then- he gets punched by his own right arm. Wait no, Yuuji punches him in the chin using his right arm.

After that, Pseudo-Yuuji froze, his head hung low as his left arm still has a firm grasp on his throat.

Yuuji? He wants to call out his name but he’s cautious about whether it’s actually him or not. He prepares to raise his hands...

The moment Yuuji? Made eye contact with him, with light along a mixture of regret in his eyes that’s when he realized: It’s him.


“Aniki, sorry. I... Listen, I don’t have that much time left, so...”

Yuuji inhales then gives him a sad smile. The same smile he had before he went missing, “I need you to exorcise me.”

“What- What the hell are you talking about, brat!? Are you out of your mind!?” Sukuna yells, no way he’s going to kill him, he just came back!

“So many, so many people died because of me-“


“LISTEN TO ME!” Yuuji shouts, with his voice echoing throughout the place.

He continues, “I’m sorry, aniki. But there’s no other way. I don’t... I don’t have much time left anymore. This is my one last wish before my soul dies.” In contrast to earlier, he sounds more gentle, melancholic.

“Yu...Yuuji... No. No. You got to be kidding me..”

No! No! Sukuna knows that he’s being a selfish little brat right now but he can’t. He just got him back... And now he wants to be killed.

“My hands are already stained with blood. This body will continue killing more people and... I can’t bear to see you die. Gojo-sensei was already sealed because of me. I will never be able to rest in peace. So please, Kuna-nii.” Yuuji pleads, using the childhood nickname.


He used the nickname, oh he used the nickname.

“Exorcise me, you’re the only one that can do this.” He finished.

Sukuna wants to be selfish, he wants to let him live. But... It’s because of his selfishness that Yuuji suffered alone. It’s because of his selfishness that Yuuji will always be haunted by the people that were slaughtered by his own body.

Sukuna and Yuuji are two sides of the same coin. Day and Night. Selfish and Selfless. In the end, Sukuna surrenders, as he chokes back a sob.

“Hey, it’s okay. It’s okay. I’m glad I managed to spend my final moments with you. For me, this is a proper death. Ojichan did say to be surrounded by people when I die...”

He knows that this is going to take a large toll on his older brother, so he decided to reassure him instead.

Funny how Yuuji was the one comforting Sukuna when he’s the one dying.

Yuuji and Sukuna shared one last embrace before he raised his hands, preparing to do a domain expansion.

“Goodbye, Kuna-nii. Live a long, happy life for me.”

“Farewell, Yuu. I’ll never forget you for as long as I live. You cleared my skies.”

Yuuji’s bright, loving smile will forever be engraved in Sukuna’s mind as a barrage of slashes came directed at his brother.

•—————— ☾ ———————•

The skies are fully encased with clouds so dark, it’s almost like they’re going to a funeral.

The sun is nowhere to be found, it’s dark in here.

It’s raining.

I hate the rain.

Why is it still raining?

I did what i was supposed to.

It was necessary, it was Yuuji’s last wish.

So, why is it raining?

Sukuna asks himself as he cradles Yuuji’s dead body. His head is nothing but a puddle of crimson. From years now on, will I still remember your face? Will I still remember your voice?

He doesn’t think he can forget Yuuji’s face. Not when he’s the one who killed him. Not when he’s the one who killed his brother.

Oh. Oh god. Oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god-
He killed his brother with his own hands. He killed him. He killed him with his own hands. He tried so hard to find him, to save him yet he ended up dying in his own hands.

All for nothing at all.

He ends up being the one to break their promise of being together forever.

Mission failed.

He’s a murderer. He’s nothing but a wicked murderer.

What have you done? You unwanted, useless, child?

Gods have the ability to resurrect people from the dead. Sukuna is no god, he’s a guillotine, a cog. All false gods cower under the heaven’s wrath.

He’s suddenly a child again as he hopes for Yuuji to wake up. For all of this to be a dream.

Wake up, you idiotic little brother.

Why won’t you wake up? You’re late for school, Yuu. No.

He’s not coming back. Yuuji is not coming back.

For the first time in years, Sukuna’s tears rolled down his cheeks until it reached Yuuji’s uniform.

For he is unheard. For no one can hear his cries. He hugged Yuuji’s body and he screams and he screams and he screams-

Until his throat gives up on him. Until he runs out of tears to shed. Until his voice is hoarse. Until he is left with the heavy feeling of emptiness.

His hands are dripping with blood.

It’s still raining, it looks like the rain is not stopping anytime soon.

In the end, the sun never rose again.

For there is only one sun that can provide flames for those who are living, for there is only one sun that can shine so bright...

As the lights are turned off, as the curtains come to a close, he is the one that ended up diminishing the sun and his light with his own bare hands.

The moon silently mourns for the absence of warmth.

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Author: Reed Wilderman

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Author information

Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

Phone: +21813267449721

Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.