Liar Liar Pants on Fire - dwaduy93 - 呪術廻戦 (2024)

Chapter 1: Strange Anomaly


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

sh*t. You thought as you ran towards the bathroom locker stalls, breathing heavily due to the lack of oxygen that was circulating through your system. Was it a result of your running or the realization and fear you were experiencing?

This was not what your parents would have wanted to happen but who even cares about their opinion at this point? They never even bothered to check up on you to make sure you were okay and adjusting well to the sudden move into your new apartment. So if anything it’s their fault for not accepting you and your antics. It's not your fault you can be quite the emotional person with a heavily flawed personality. Yes, you were very smart; incredibly so that you found it funny as to how smart you were compared to others but this caused you to feel quite bored and lonely. So insanely bored and lonely that there wasn’t someone else to have fun with. However, this wasn’t much of an issue of you being too smart for others, rather it was others not wanting to be associated with you and you with others. That was when you began to mess with others, specifically the bullies of your school. While it wouldn’t matter who exactly became a target of your games, it felt a lot less guilty to do it towards someone who wasn’t a decent human being. At least until that became boring itself; same reactions same responses. So you became careless and got caught. Though could it even be considered that since you simply let yourself be caught? You were bored and wanted a new change of pace, even though a small part of you already knew where you were going.

And a new change of pace you got in the shape of an all-girls missionary school; 'I wonder what my parents have in store for me. Let’s hope it’s not something basic' was what you found yourself often thinking before they gave you the most basic answer any parent would give to those who didn't want to deal with their child’s problems. Everything was quite similar to your previous school, same social status, same amount of friends, same reactions everyone gave to you, etc. Well, that's a complete lie. There were about three different things from this school being vastly different than that of your previous school. Firstly it’s an all-girls school so there would be fewer boys harassing you; secondly, the grades are broader including middle school and high school graders. Third and the most contrasting thing is that compared to your previous school you had no friends; while yes there were students who would see you all alone and try to spark up a conversation, they never lasted as soon as they found out you were a very boring person.

Amanai Riko.

That's the name of your underclassman and the name of the first person out of everyone in this school to talk to you and stay. She didn’t leave, didn’t abandon you even after you never spoke to her only in thumbs up or hums in signs of approval or disapproval. You didn’t realize it at first because the descent to your now emotions was a slow endeavor. It started off by becoming more and more comfortable when she was around, feeling less numb towards things, giving small smiles here and there at her jokes. Thus resulting you in your now predicament, running and giving your all in physical education to run away from the reality that you have gotten yourself tied to someone yet again. Even when you were done running your mile, even when the teacher told you to stop and drink water, even when you realized you ran the mile in less than 5 minutes, you kept running towards the bathroom locker stalls after quickly mumbling 'bathroom' to her.

Why that is? Well, it’s quite simple. Riko had held your hand and you didn't even notice this until you were halfway through class after doing some reflection. That was how you knew the immediate shift in your emotional balance. Opening the locker room door, you sped towards the bathrooms, leaning on the wall and flopping towards the floor like a fish out of water.


You were aware of your exact emotions. You wanted to be close to her because you saw her as a friend. She saw you as human and not the monster that you are.

This is bad.

You promised yourself this time not to grow close to someone. This time you won't expect anything from anyone as a way to shield your emotions. You won't grow any sort of attachment towards someone who is destined to die.

She is Tengen’s new merger so why would I yet again grow attached to someone who is doomed? Why would I allow myself to be in such misery again?

But the biggest and loudest question that constantly rang in her head like a church bell was not passing any sort of judgment towards Riko rather…

Why did it have to be you who was born to be Tengen’s merger?

——— a few weeks later

It was a good day to be out. After all, you have already finished all your "upperclass” tests so now there's nothing for you to do but laze around outside on the benches doodling whatever crossed your mind. It's always a good day when I get to just laze around.

“Hey Kuma! What are you doing here?!” A recognizable voice was heard from behind you as the boredom that had begun to creep up on you diminished as soon as that voice was heard. Riko ran towards you as a small smile invited itself onto your lips soon turning into laughter once Riko tried to talk only to fail in gasps as her breathlessness caught up to her. “I heard all - gasp - the upperclass women were - gasp - taking standardized tests - gasp - right now, but you’re - gasp - here. Why’s that? Awe man I need a breather.”

Your underclass friend collapsed onto the grass in deep and heavy breaths splayed out as if she were attempting to do a snow angel on the floor but failing miserably. You chuckled at her as you gave her a look of slight disgust with a tad bit of humor. “Hey don't die on the grass, it's full of bugs and microscopic parasites. Very unsanitary ew. Anyways to answer your questionwell you see I'm incredibly smart so I ended up finishing them way before everyone else.”

HUH?!” Riko astonishedly sat up right away and walked over to the bench across from you with little grass particles sitting on her hair. “But it’s only been 1 hour and 45 minutes since they started?! No way you finished every section that fast! They should take the entire day! Are you really that smart?!”

Hehe, yeah thank you for the compliment.”

Rikos face contorted into a questionable look as if she was wondering why she was your friend. “You know I shouldn’t even be surprised by your intelligence, even with all your absences you still manage to find a way to pass all your exams and quizzes. Anyways you will be here for school next week on Monday right?”

“Yeah, I should.” Liar. You were lying, but she didn’t need to know that. “Why do you ask?” You knew exactly why she was asking. Riko wanted to see you before she left to merge with Tengen. But for her survival, you must take care of them before they could kill her.

“Because I want to see you before I move out and leave the school.”

You don't have to worry about that, Riko. I’ll make sure I eliminate them before they hurt you. Most importantly though

“What if I told you that I found a solution to your problem so you wouldn’t leave?”

“I’d say thank you but…this is something I must do.”

…what if I found a way so that you wouldn’t have to merge with Tengen? So that you wouldn’t have to sacrifice yourself?

Sighing deeply you look at her, noticing Riko had a look of surprise due to a small unknown emotion floating in your eyes for a brief movement. “Just make sure you say goodbye to me before you go.”

You don’t have to say goodbye when you will be back here after a few days.

“Of course, I will! You’re my best friend and I love you so much that you're among my top two most favorite people in this world so why wouldn’t I?”

Suddenly you leaned right up close to Riko so much so that if you moved just 5 cm more your lips would be touching. “So I take it it's me and Kuroi the two people you love the most. Does this mean you love me so much you would stay?” You told her with desperation and a sense of pleading in your tone.

Hu-huh?” Your underclassmate's cheeks turned into a slight tint of red, as she stuttered a little.

Hm, with that reaction she’s probably gonna start questioning her choice for Tengens merging now that I told her I love her. Unconsciously at first, but she may begin to question it. That's good now the seed of doubt has been sewn into her mind.

“Never mind.” You sat back down with a smile and relief painted onto your face. “How about we go get something to eat before the rest of the girls come back, then I can draw you for a bit.”

HUH?! How can you so casually that you would draw me? Do you even know how that would send the wrong signals to someone?”

“How is that sending wrong signals? I draw things I like and you're one of them.”

“Okay, stop this madness, or I will fall in love with you.”

If it gets you to stay then so be it.

Just like always, once you had finished your lunch with Riko it was time for her to go back to her classes and school would continue to go agonizingly slow for you. With your knowledge, you were already aware of most of the material taught by your teachers so you often skipped class to just hang out in the frozen yogurt and ice cream shop; mainly because of the free wifi that surprisingly wasn't as slow and ass as the McDonald’s wifi down the street. Looking through the window you kept your gaze on the mandarin duck that floated above the city swamp, making sure to draw its vibrant colors and unique pattern shapes onto your sketchbook. But as the shop door opened the sudden sensation of drowning suffocated you so much that you halted your hand movements for a brief second. It felt like you were stuck underwater, unable to breathe, like you physically could not do anything but take in the water that was forcefully drowning you. Your gaze immediately fell upon two teenage boys and after giving them a quick glance you adverted your gaze returning to your nearly finished drawing, focusing intently on finishing not only the drawing but your yogurt too.

Why the f*ck is the six eyes limitless user here?

Was it due to his boundless cursed energy that you sensed, his jujutsu tech uniform you spot, or his eyes and hair color, which were prominent features in the Gojo clan? It could be any one of these three options, but since you've always been highly perceptive to the unique power system of this world, you're more likely to believe that it was the first resort. Just as you were about to devour your yogurt to immediately escape from this predicament, you gave up on that as soon as the realization dawned on you that they would become suspicious of you and as of now they have no reason to be suspicious of you.

That’s another jujutsu sorcerer next to him. Most likely a classmate or a friend. Wouldn't be a surprise if it's someone who is in equal standing in strength as him. If that's the case then the six-eyes limitless user is probably being overestimated or he has yet to unlock his full potential to completely overpower anyone. But if I think the six eyes and limitless cursed technique user is unbeatable that would be my downfall as that could be turned into a weakness. Then that would mean it could just be neither.

…I hate overthinking.

You heard them order their frozen desserts finding yourself astonished at the amount of sugar the six-eyed limitless user ordered yet making sure to never falter from your stoic expressionless face. Everything was going smoothly until you realized they went to sit at the table directly behind you.

f*cking sh*t. I’m just trying to live my life, why is it so complicated not to get involved with any of these people that directly affect the world itself?

Immediately you felt his gaze. A gaze belonging to the six-eyed limitless wielder.

Did he realize my gaze? It was only .5 seconds longer than any normal person, is it that good that he would notice that detail? Does he already know I'm aware of who he is? Or is there perhaps a different factor to it? Gojo Satoru was his name, wasn't it?

As you calmly added the finishing touches to your sketch, your brain ran through all the possible possibilities. If he noticed my lingering gaze that was just a tad bit longer than any other person, thinking it would be because I knew who he is would be quite the reach. After all, I'm a non-sorcerer so my knowledge of cursed energy is non-existent to those involved in the jujutsu world. So those two options are off the table.

You still felt it. His gaze. Even now after 15 seconds had passed it was still there. If it's not because of those two options then-

Oh. Now his friend's gaze is on me too.

Their very badly hidden whispers were a clear tell that they were talking about you as you hear the words girl, unknown, aura, and non-sorcerer.

What are they-

In an instant, you put everything together like a puzzle. It's no wonder the six-eyed wielder is so strong and powerful. The ability to see cursed energy to its finest detail is an incredible ability that can easily overpower anyone allowing the user to analyze any cursed technique. Although your cursed energy is on the low side, given that you do not have enough cursed energy to even become an assistant manager, that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Now that you were certain they were aware of you, you had to get out of here quickly without raising any red flags, especially from Satoru Gojo. There's always the option, of course, to just stay seated and wait for them to come up to you in an effort to get to know you better, only to be met with misinformation. Although it was a humorous thought that would most certainly have you laughing looking back at it, just the thought of keeping up a conversation with others had you wanting to lay in bed from exhaustion and never get up again.

This is the reasoning behind your current actions, which involved taking your time to carefully place your sketchbook and utensils inside your backpack before swinging it over your shoulder. Shifting your attention towards your frozen yogurt with gummy bears and sprinkles on the top you made sure to give off the impression that you were going to remain seated; consuming your yogurt calmly and patiently. So that when you would grab your frozen snack and stand up at the same time they would be fooled into thinking that all you were going to do was refill your yogurt. As soon as the two teenage sorcerers realized you were heading for the exit, they began to quickly follow you without grabbing their frozen treats. However, you were quick on your feet so by the time they were out you were already lost in the crowd. If of course, you were dealing with normal sorcerers this would be all you need to do however Gojo Satoru is not normal so he found you relatively easy. As expected, you stuck out like a sore thumb in his eyes. Guess your only option is to not only lose them but make both teens completely unaware of their surroundings.

You headed towards the food stalls that were being held, with your yogurt in hand, taking a few spoonfuls here and there. As if you had absolutely no care in the world. Going towards a hotdog stand you buy a ready-made hot dog leaving with both hands now occupied.

Their presence sure is strong, I can still feel their cursed energy even at this distance.

Setting down the hotdog and yogurt in the middle of the street you began to make your way towards the subway underneath the street. Just as you began to descend the stairs, you ran towards the bullet train that was about to depart, in a hurry to catch it up.

Wait! This is my train!” You shouted as a sudden commotion was heard above. A dog barking, a crash, food falling, and people screaming gathering around like busy ants. After all, you made sure to buy a hot dog for a reason.

If those boys aren’t the stupid kind then they may have caught on to me already and noticed the hot dog on the floor caused all this, but by the time they did though, I would already be gone.


YOU LOST HER?! How do you lose track of a non-sorcerer?! I even told you where she was at.” Gojo said as he held a small brown dog in his arms feeding it a hot dog that was on the floor.

Geto loudly grumbled at him as annoyance laced his words. “Weren’t you the one who told me not that long ago that she might not even be a non-sorcerer because of her aura or whatever? Lay off, man. I didn’t expect that dog to jump into the street as a car was about to hit it. I mean what the hell? That car swiveled immediately hitting the food stalls which scattered everything inciting a bunch of people to gather in anger. And you were no help either! ” Gojo gasped in shock as he was now being thrown under the bus for being caught up with the crowd that was mad at the driver for not only nearly hitting the resident stray dog but destroying the food stalls causing an even more commotion that blocked Gojo from moving at all.

Geto sighed as he ran his left hand through his undone hair leaving their unanswered questions unanswered. “Now what are we going to do?”

Nothing.” Looking up he saw Gojo grinning as if he had an enlightenment. “Tell me, don’t you think everything went out too perfectly? Like in movies where someone tries to run away and succeeds in a perfect getaway escape? That is exactly what she just did.”

What do you mean? It's a perfect getaway in movie terms, yes I guess, but only when-” Geto stopped in his tracks as he now understood his white-haired friend. “That was her hotdog right? The one she bought was ready-made. Haha she was onto us right from the start, wasn’t she?”

Yes. The entire time she was aware we were onto her. I didn’t even realize it until I noticed how this hot dog was the same exact hot dog she bought. With my eyes I noticed how all the details on her hot dog are on this one after feeling that everything felt like it was perfectly aligned; like a stage play where she was reading the acts in advance and making decisions based on those acts.”

“I thought you said she didn’t have any cursed energy to even see curses though?”

“Yeah she shouldn't have enough cursed energy to even see them but now I'm not so sure. One thing for certain is that we answered our main question. She is not a normal person. Now let's get going. I don't want to be yelled at for this mess.”


Kuma is not reader's name rather a nickname from Riko which means bear in japanese. in other words she callin yalls pookie lmao. also i finally finished editing dis chapter nd i cleaned up a bit of accidental loopholes I left so yee we gud now.

Chapter 2: inflitration


so i jst found out windbreaker has a gojo lvl character where theyre the strongest nd both got that white hair nd blue eyes nd same jap va im cryin new cope is here. hopefully it doesn't end up like jjk tho in endin i cannot handle another death. istg ill kms fr.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“Can I have some deep-fried spicy sushi, please? I like sushi only when it's deep fried” You asked the nearest bullet train attendant, who was an older lady probably in her late 30s to early 40s as you took your seat.

Giving you a judging and annoying look she scrunched up her nose as if she was biting her tongue. Oh, I am about to be chewed out by her because I'll only eat sushi when it's deep-fried. RIP me I guess. “Yes of course we do. What kind of deep-fried sushi would you like?”

Eh? You have deep-fried sushi?

Are you deaf or are you hearing impaired? Do you need hearing aids?” Being taken aback you began sweat dropping as dealing with older cranky women wasn’t a particular skill you enjoyed doing. However, you couldn’t blame her too much as there were quite heavy bags under her eyes so you were certain that you would be as cranky as her if you had those eyebags. “I asked what kind of spicy deep-fried sushi would you like to have?”

“...I’ll take the one that’s the most liked.” With that, she walked away without even looking twice toward you.

Old women sure are mean. I just wanted to ask because deep-fried sushi isn’t something with multiple varieties and people willing to make it because it's not 'authentic' sushi...I hate Karen’s.

As you took the nearest empty seat in the bullet train your mind began to ponder what had just happened and why. Gojo being able to see the real you isn’t a surprise after all, he does have the gifted six-eyes technique but that begs the question. Does this mean he can see real souls?

No not possible. The six-eyes technique only sees cursed energy in its most detailed and refined form. If so then that would mean …oh. Since my soul did not originate here but my now body does, it would be no surprise if I have a completely different type of cursed energy from everyone else. Thus, catching his attention and making him able to see my real original soul through my cursed energy. Even though it is very little, he could see it…eh whatever I doubt I’ll run into him again…maybe. Scrunching up your face you begin to ponder on after Riko is saved already beginning to feel the effects of exhaustion just thinking about it. Actually, I might end up meeting both of them again if they intend on visiting Riko once she returns to the school but also when they protect her for a bit after that. What a pain. Oh well, it's inevitable I guess. I'll just deal with the repercussions.

The harsh slamming of a ceramic plate with deep-fried sushi had you shifting your eyes toward the direction of your food in amazement as to how it didn’t break. “Here.” The “Karen” attendant told you before she left, going back to her post.

Man, what's wrong with her - suddenly you noticed the hidden tattoo at the back of her neck; specifically a tattoo that’s imprinted on members of the Star Religious Group. Ah, I see why she's upset. Tengen’s merging is going to start soon so they’re anxious they can't find Tengen’s vessel.

As you ate your sushi you began to observe her and study how her mannerisms and posture worked. You studied her to the bone. She may be older, but in appearance, she looks quite similar to you down to even your height. While the Star Religious group may have yet to find Riko’s location, you have already found your target. I suppose passing as her daughter may work but if I truly want to infiltrate the Star Religious group being someone that doesn't exist won’t help. Looks like I’ll just have to steal her identity then. Some fake skin and makeup should help me pass as her.

As you finished your sushi, you raised your hand as a way to call her signaling you were done with your meal. If you were not as tough as you were, you were certain the sheer intense look she gave you would be enough to scare you but you've met even scarier people. So she’s like a walk in the park. Handing her your dishes you began to thank her until you caused your spoon to fall to the floor and sweat drops began to form. Quickly you picked it up from where it fell near her shoes and quickly placed it back on the plate, for her to scoff at you and walk towards the back.

Breathing a sigh of success you stretched your limbs as part one of your plan was already a success. Taking out your makeshift “phone” you saw a tiny green dot on the train walking towards the kitchen before making its way to the front of the train where the post was at. Wearing UGG boots with fluffy socks sure does make slipping a tracking device inside easier as you won't feel it on the inside of your boot.


Although it seemed like a difficult task at first, infiltrating a cult turned out to be a much easier task to accomplish once you approached it in a step-by-step method. However, this was primarily because you were special in that your mentality was not like other people's; your brain worked like any other normal person’s yet at the same time also being ever so vastly different. You continued to work through your so-called plan, which was more akin to an assassination, or even mass execution. Shifting your focus onto tying your shoelaces and positioning your delivery pizza uniform correctly, you glanced at yourself in the mirror making sure your contact lens and wig were proportioned correctly to prevent any mishaps and misdirections.

While I may physically be normal, I seriously doubt that anyone who experienced what I did would ever consider themselves to be a normal person. Whatever, my only wish is that this suffering never befalls anyone who doesn't deserve it.

Well, at least the good thing was that through your journey, you not only gained knowledge but also skills and experience to help save Riko. Maybe a tad bit of some heavy trauma sprinkled into there as a means of influencing you into being manipulative and cunning. Regardless though, you would not have had the courage or drive to carry out your plan, let alone be able to come up with it without that trauma of yours. Grabbing onto your makeshift phone, you flipped it on as the green dot from before appeared once again at a different location with little to no movement.

As expected she's not moving, probably resting on her couch or bed due to her heavy eyebags earlier today; I wouldn’t be surprised if she's too tired to change from clothes, which will unfortunately be her biggest and last mistake.

Karen McRon. That was her name; such a fitting name for someone with her attitude. Before setting her as your target, you had to make sure she was by herself, with no one to come to her aid, stay by her side, or worry about her for a considerable amount of time. The sensation and taste of vile began to rise in your throat; it always did, even when it was directed towards those who deserved it. Maybe this is a sign that you would have been able to become a good person if not for your circ*mstances. Glancing at the full moon that shined brightly tonight, despite the fact that what you were about to do was the complete opposite of anything that shined beautifully, you hoped that this wouldn’t repeat again. Well, it looks like it's time to get the plan on the road and get that ball to start rolling it…or however, that one saying went.

As you left your apartment with a pizza box in hand and a pizza bag in the other, you tracked wherever Karen’s residence was while staying away from the public’s watchful gaze. Once you arrived at her abode, everything began to proceed as you had anticipated. Karen opened the door and, of course, didn't recognize you allowing you to hand her the “pizza ” you brought with you. How did you know though that she ordered a pizza? Well, let's say your tracker doesn’t only function as a tracker but also as a voice recorder.

Having a device that fulfills multiple tasks sure does come in handy.

As she turned her back towards you, reaching for her purse, she was instantly knocked out with a quick jab of your elbow just above the nape of her neck. It has always been easier to just knock someone out by hitting their carotid sinus.

As you quickly went inside her home, you began to make your move by grabbing a chair and using the rope and tape stashed in your pizza bag to tie her up as a means of restraining her. Once you were satisfied you looked at your watch and noticed about a minute was left until the real pizza delivery person arrived. In a rush, you took off the uniform as you shoved the woman into the nearest room, reaching for her purse and pulling out the money she had stashed. Right on the dot, her doorbell rang as you opened the door with a smile on your face. It was a boy who looked to be just a tad bit older than you, so maybe using your manipulation skills on him might work…if he's attracted to girls that is. Fortunately, you didn’t have to go that far as he easily believed your lie that you were her daughter and your mother was simply in the bathroom but you would take and pay for the pizza.

After thanking him you closed the door as the aroma of pizza flooded the living room. I suppose I can indulge a bit. A gasp of pure absolute horror was painted on your face as you opened up the pizza box. Multiple fish eyes stared at you as the most disgustingly vile vegetables danced around them. Anchovies with artichokes and broccoli were the pizza toppings she ordered.

This hag is f*cking crazy. Who likes anchovies artichokes and broccoli on a pizza?

Maybe you should just grab what you came for and finish her off already by luring in a curse to eat her.


“Huh, so this is the address? For a cult this is very underwhelming, I must say.” You adjusted your robe or rather Karen’s robe on yourself, making sure to look as close to her as you could. Though the robe wasn't the only thing you brought; the pizza bag that contained a certain item that would help you throughout your mission, remained hidden under a specifically concentrated location between the dirt and some bushes. Now that you were finally in this situation, you had to be very careful in proceeding with your next actions. After all, you knew nothing of her personality other than certain likes and dislikes of hers, mainly consisting of her food preferences and medical history. If this failed it wouldn’t necessarily be bad for the mission so long as these people all die but you would now be burdened with having to do extra physical work and that wasn’t what you wanted to do.

Oh well, f*ck it we ball. Ascending the steps to the entrance, you entered the building as though you were already familiar with it. If I’m playing the part of a cult member, then I gotta sell it.

Strolling in you saw a few members draped in white robes with some of the others having badges on them, most likely high-ranking individuals. Given how there wasn’t a single person here present who wasn’t branded. You questioned whether this was actually a cult meeting rather than a religious group meeting. Meh, what's the difference? Christianity attracts people with the usage of fear through hell just like cults do.

After a few seconds of just standing around you notice how distant others were from you and how many didn't even bother to strike up a conversation with you. Karen must've been quite the person huh?

Watching a group of people huddle around and walk towards a different area, you followed along, only to get stopped by a random member with a furious look in their eyes.

“Karen, how many times do we have to tell you that you aren’t allowed here? Your position is to look after the well-being of the building through brooming mopping and making sure everything in the building is intact.”

Wait. Woah. She had this position. I see why she would hate this because it's basically a glorified janitor/maid position but it works greatly in my favor as I already have a perfect plan for it. Just need to go to school first. Thank god it's Sunday.

“You can come in to clean once we are done with our meeting, Karen.” Nodding you turned around but got stopped mid-way. Ah is this when they realize I’m not her?

“You look different Karen, did you finally get that plastic surgery?” Resisting the urge to scrunch your face and showcase your facial expressions, you gave him a gentle smile. Yes, this is the exact excuse that I was looking for.

“Yeah because if we are all ugly then one of us had to become beautiful no?” Walking away without waiting to hear his answer, you began to wander elsewhere getting to know the areas while also stumbling upon areas that you weren't allowed access to yet. Only when cleaning did you have access to them and some only under vigilance. Idiots are giving away which rooms to be aware of already by having me watched. Regardless of the vigilance, it is no problem for me so long as I throw them a distraction they won’t even notice. It's like throwing a bone at a dog. This was soon proven once you had left a little distraction to those who were supposed to watch you nibble on as they diverted their attention quickly, allowing you to flip open the window lock without them realizing. After all, you planned on returning under better circ*mstances.

Once you knew where every room was and what the purpose of each room was, you mapped it out in your brain so you wouldn’t have to worry about remembering these exact locations. Though it would have little change as you never needed to study for anything, your memory is impeccable. This includes your days as a baby so yes your memory is that good. While this was very helpful especially when memorizing things, in some ways it wasn't so helpful because you not only remember the taste of your mother's breastmilk but also the times when your parents ignored your cries for attention and would only give you basic physical needs without providing too much in the emotional aspect.

Just because anyone can become a parent doesn't mean they should.

Once you had completed all the cleaning and maintenance, you were forced to leave as it was getting late with the proof of fewer people being present and your restless 'watcher' that hung around by the door. Once you had left and hid in a safe spot, it had now become a waiting game of how many people would come out and how many were left inside. After all, the fewer people that were present, the more chances for step 2 in your plan to have success. It's okay though because you have always been a patient person; something you learned to use in your life.

As the sun's rays began to dim under the moonlight’s glow, you began your move by fully opening the window that you had unlocked earlier, taking the bag inside with you. Entering the ventilation room, you switched the current filter with a new one; one that was inside your bag. While it looked and had the same size, shape, and even color as the current filter, it was vastly different. Because the fibers that made up the filter were coated in a specific solution, while safe to breathe in this state, after a few days it will become very lethal. For now, though things are safe, even for you at this close distance.

Now it's time to get home. Tomorrow will be a big day for you as it is also the day when Riko’s merging mission with Tengen should begin. Leaving the building, a thought crossed your mind for a second.

Is this too much? Is this going too far? After thinking it long and hard you concluded that no it was not. I would do anything to make sure Riko is alive and living a happy full life.

While some might think you are being excessive in your plan, if all you want is to protect a dear friend, then this is the best method and plan you could execute it with given your limited time. The Time Vessel Association was a cult of non-sorcerers who worshiped Tengen as a deity in their purest form. So the merging of Tengen and Riko would make them see it as soiling Tengen thus wanting her dead so they would no doubt hire a strong jujutsu sorcerer to kill her especially since Satoru Gojo, the six-eyed limitless wielder was involved in protecting her. This is why you are going through this harsh method, because of Satoru Gojo. Not only does being the six-eyed limitless wielder bring great defense and attack to the table but he also brings in a huge target on his and Riko’s back. Especially after knowing who was back in town.

Toji Zenin, the sorcerer killer.

Even though you don't exactly consider him to be a stranger, you wouldn't say that you two are close or even friends. If anything he was more akin to a distant master and negligent one too. He was your master who taught you on a whim for some quick cash for a good 2 years before he ultimately decided he didn’t want to teach you anymore and left. He was also the reason why your parents gave up on you and no longer paid any attention to you, seeing you as a lost cause.

Though you weren’t quite sure how he saw you, you didn’t care enough to even ask so you just did what he taught you and moved on with your life once he left. During your sparring and teaching sessions with Toji, there wasn’t much talking that either of you did that didn’t pertain to your training. That didn’t mean it never happened because you remember one sparring session where he eluded a form of aggression and inferiority when the six-eyed limitless wielder was brought up. That's when you knew his exact feelings towards Satoru Gojo.

In your opinion, you saw Toji as a great master and teacher for you given how the both of you are non-sorcerers and have little to no cursed energy. His heavenly restriction was amusing to see as the full potential of the human body without limits dare say sparked some tiny hope in you that you might have a chance against a jujutsu sorcerer if faced upon them. Even if you weren't blessed with a heavenly restriction, seeing and memorizing his moves was something useful to know when faced with someone who knew how to fight. But his inferiority complex towards the six-eyed limitless wielder was a shackle that could get him killed. And you were not someone who wouldn’t use that to your advantage. Especially when it came to Amanai Riko.

Guess it should be no surprise that the Time Vessel Association hired Toji Zenin to kill her. Non-sorcerers would no doubt seek out a person strong enough to kill jujutsu sorcerers without being one themselves. He does reign over the title of being a sorcerer killer for a reason.

While you may never be able to reach the lengths of Toji, this plan didn't require you to as all you had to do was nullify the contract between him and the Star Religious group and that is something you have the power to do.


um so yeah im sry this came out so late. but i have a gud excuse. so did you guys know if ur washing a glass cup too hard then it breaks? :D yah so a glass cup broke in my hand nd lemme tell u it was not pretty. Thankfully it was mah non-dominant hand so i can still type nd stuff but i now have stitches as I had to go to the er bcs it was horrible nd rly hurt ngl lmao.

n e ways so if there is n e incomplete info its bcs i left it incomplete. i like givin people brain massages so they think. so much is alr hinted at so imma let yalls guess. one thing that im not sure i made serious is so chapter 1 when gojo and geto meet you it happened on a friday evenin. meetin karen also happened on a friday evenin nd going to her house was on friday night. but the cult infiltration happened on suday as to prepare for evrythin nd buy da stuff needed.

also dis is not vry proof read as it is 1 am for me rn lmao nd I am vry tired but trust i will do my best in uploadin da next chapter bcs i rly am drownin in da delulu dat gojo is still alive. ill edit dis when i wake up...i think :D

update: I EDITED DIS CHAPTER RAHHHH (finally lmao)

Chapter 3: Anything for her


i miss gojo. gege give him back or im eating ur grandmother's ashes.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

I hate Mondays.

Today is the day that Riko Amanai’s Merging begins. Even though the six-eyed limitless wielder and his friend—who, it turned out, was just as strong as he—would be the ones to risk their lives to keep your friend safe. This begs the question of why the jujutsu society would entrust such a crucial task to some teenagers. Although you highly doubt that if the mission was given to an actual adult sorcerer the outcome would change given that Toji motherf*cking Zenin is involved.

Looking towards your alarm, you read the time as 6:00 a.m., the sense of tiredness and annoyance tipping on your emotions. If not for the fact that today is the start of the big merging day, you would not have gotten up to get ready to go to school rather you would have just stayed in bed and lazed around. Unfortunately, you just had to get attached to Amanai Riko triggering your more… feral emotions. You weren’t sure what to label those emotions as since you weren't sure what to even call them.

God I really don’t want to go to school today but it's not like I’m going to stay there for too long. I just need to get the chemicals from the chemistry and biology lab then head towards the stupid cult sh*t…I hate Mondays. I want to sleep.

After laying down in bed for a solid 15 minutes with your hatred for sunrise bubbling up, you forced yourself up with the thought of keeping Riko from dying as your motivation. Once you were done changing and eating a quick oatmeal with apples and a few berries, you began to make your way towards the train that would soon take you to your school and also towards the cult once you were done with grabbing what you needed.

Man, I really don’t want to have to reapply all that makeup, it was so annoying doing it once. Took over 30 minutes.Took a longer time than coming up with this plan down to the finest details.

As you entered the train, you took a random seat that was in an area with quite the distance from the crowd up front. Well being around people specifically in public spaces never really was one of your greatest skills; just have a random person talk to you and suddenly all your energy is drained. Shutting your eyes, you allowed yourself to take a quick nap as the train began to move. But once you felt the cursed energy radiating from these two boys who had just barely entered the train, your need for a nap diminished yet keeping your eyes shut.

There's no way it can be either of those two I came across just a few days ago because both of their cursed energies were so engulfing that it became hard to notice anything else. Theyre not curse users because who the f*ck would willingly wake up at 6 am to get on a train so most likely it's a student. Jujutsu sorcerers to be specific.

After a while of these two sorcerers standing around, they chose to take the seats right next to you leaving an empty seat separating you from them. Given how you were quite sensitive towards cursed energy, feeling it was all you needed even though you could not see it. That's how you figured out that these two teenage boys are jujutsu sorcerers. Thankfully neither of them was either of those teenage boys you ran into last Friday so there's no way they would know you much less know your particular situation with your cursed energy.

Hmm, maybe they won't notice me?

“Hey did you hear that our upperclassmen just took the mission involving the merging of Tengen? Apparently, it's similar to taking on a rated S-tier mission! They are so cool! I hope I can someday become just as cool!”

Shut up, please.

Haibara, shut up !” The teenage boy who was right beside him whispered harshly towards his friend Haibara right? You guessed that the sensible boy ushered him to be quiet while pointing towards you as if you were asleep. A sudden gasp and a hm in approval was all you needed to know that these kids were indeed speaking about you.

They believe I’m asleep even though I'm not. It's better this way because at least they won't talk to me so I won't be forced into a conversation I want absolutely no part in.

“Wait, Nanami shouldn't we wake her up? Look at her uniform, she’s definitely a student, and what if she ends up sleeping through the entire train missing her stop?”

Please no. I might cry.

You could sense both of their uneasiness as it settled into them that you could miss your train stop because they chose not to wake you up. Possibly making them feel a bit guilty for not waking you up even though they were aware that you were a student just like them. Swallowing down his guilt, Nanami moved forward a bit to tap you on the shoulder.

f*cking sh*t I just wanted some peace and quiet, bro. Is that so hard to ask for?

Before he could even get close to you as a means of waking you up, you opened your eyes, scaring both of the teens with a sigh as you sat up in your seat. “I never knew girls sitting on a random public train just trying to get in a quick nap would suddenly become the target of a subject. Well, I won’t lie though, I do appreciate your concern for that I will say thank you for also trying to wake me up in consideration. But I was up the entire time so there's no need for you to wake up a person who is already conscious.”

“I’m sorry it was probably my loud mouth that woke you up.” The short-haired brunette boy, who was most likely the Haibara that Nanami had called out earlier based on the sound of his voice.

“No, it was not, so don’t fret about something that didn’t happen and something much less out of your control.” Both teens seemed stunned for a good few seconds as they registered the formalness and relative directness coming from your manner of speech.

Man, this is why I don’t like talking to people.

With a deep sigh, you continued your response by adding a little extra for clarification. “It’s fine really, you don't have to worry about it; I was already up before you even began to talk. While yes I may have tried to sneak in a quick nap at first, you were in no way responsible as I was merely just wanting to shut my eyes. So don’t worry it’s not your fault.” Both Yu and Haibara seemed to have been taken even more aback by you, especially when your last sentence left your lips.

“How is it that a random girl on the train who looks like she's the same age as me talks to me even better than my own parents?” This resulted in the poor brunette getting a slap behind his head by the blonde next to him. “Haibara, shut up. You’re going to put this girl in an uncomfortable position."

Sighing yet again (which seems like the only thing you’ve been doing lately) you returned to shutting your eyes yet the squabbles that these two are having were too entertaining to not see .

“Say…uh Miss-’” He got a glare from Nanami that told him to shut up’.

“Don’t call her Miss , she's probably our same age and randomly calling girls Miss can offend them as it indirectly calls her old.”

“Okay, fine I’m sorry.” Pouting he returned to look at you without noticing the slight smile that hid on the corner of your lips. “So, how old are you? You sound like you’re an adult yet you look like you're 16.”

“And of course, you just up and ask it. Haibara don’t ask random women their age. I just told you that it could be seen as offensive.”

A small chuckle left your lips as you took no offense to any of this but rather found it to be quite amusing. “It’s fine. I’m not offended. I'm actually 15, just recently turned 15. And yes I am in school, specifically in my third year.”

You’re 15 and you’re a third year?! How?!” Haibara exclaimed as the same look of shock was painted on the face of his friend sitting next to him.

“I’m just a really smart person who skipped several grades.”

“In that case then would it be inappropriate to have you tutor me?”

The blonde-haired friend next to him sent Haibara a look for this comment.“ Yes, it would be Haibara, now stop bombarding her with random questions.”

Suddenly the voice of the conductor was heard throughout the train through the speakers. “Attention all passengers, the train will be arriving at its next stop.

Grabbing your stuff you begin to get up as the train slowly reduces its speed before coming to a stop.

“Well this is my stop boys, thank you for the entertainment that you two provided me today. Till we meet again.” With that, you got off the train without looking back.

“Bye!” Both boys told you as Haibara tried to rush after you only for the door to close before saying anything back to you. “ Aww , I didn’t get to ask her what her name was.” He said to Nanami as he sat back down.

“You’re an embarrassment.”


You were having a slightly better morning going toward class…until your morning teacher saw you as she began to smirk while scoffing.

“Oh if it isn’t Miss . Oh, I’m so perfect so I don’t need to attend classes and only show up once a week. To what pleasure shall we assist you today for gracing with your oh-so heavenly presence on this Monday morning?”

Narrowing your eyes to her you gave her a look of only pure irritation and annoyance. “It’s actually twice a week but you wouldn’t know since you're too busy messaging your flings that leave you more ghosted than you're ex-husband when it's his turn to take the children than to take proper attendance.”

Her face flushed in embarrassment as no one knew that a teacher in a missionary school had flings and what she would even be doing with them. Much less that she was a divorcee with children sharing custody.

“That's it, young lady-”

Go to the office . Yeah, I know the drill. I’ll show myself out from this boring unnecessary class.” grabbing your stuff and stepping out you headed towards the chem lab rather than the office. After all, you only came here for one and one reason only; the chemicals to make your deadly poison for the star religious group. Though it wouldn’t even be considered a poison in of itself. It’s what it's being paired with that will turn it into a deadly poison.

While you may feel bad for talking to the teacher like that, to be fair you never show up to school on Mondays. They simply suck so much that instead, you typically choose to show up on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, or Thursdays. Mondays suck and Fridays are the best so you would rather not show up and take Friday off early. Your primary concern was to have attended classes so little that, with all of your absences, you would barely manage to graduate.

Not like it'll make a difference; I could miss school for an entire 3 months and only need 3 days to catch up on school tests, projects, and essays.

Entering the chemistry lab you begin to take out the chemicals, the beakers, and pipettes to conduct your concoction. As you take out the powder from your bag you set a timer so you know how much time you spent. It's not like anyone would know that you were here since everyone is in their morning class which tested everyone’s knowledge of Christianity.

I wonder what these fools would do if they found out I was making a whole massacre in the form of a liquid.

As you grabbed the liquid material needed, you began to mix the powder and the liquid together while adding an enhancing solution as well to ease off the suspicions of the taste. Once you were satisfied you poured the secret poison into a reusable flask and quickly cleaned up your mess, making sure to not leave even an ounce of proof of your stay here.

Alright, step 3 of the plan is all good. The next step is going to be the longest, god how boring.

Now it’s time to just get your stuff and leave. While you wish to have stayed just a little bit longer to see Riko Amanai one last time, you know if you stayed you would not leave; for the sake of Riko’s survival, you must dirty your hands again.

If it’s for the sake of Riko, I’ll do anything .


“Hello Karen, you ready to get to work? The preservation of our Master Tengen shall be upheld as the sorcerer we hired shall kill that wretched child that dares to merge with our god.”

f*ck you. Kill yourself.

“Yes indeed. To the preservation of our god Tengen.” Drop dead you f*ck. Don't talk like that about Riko .

After giving him the response you walk away towards the lounge as you begin your ‘work’ though it should be considered more as a massacre of the cult. After a few hours, you hear some commotion and see a group of men bringing in a woman dressed as a maid. However, you knew this maid in particular and she was not in a simple maid outfit or costume.

Thats Kuroi. I didn’t think that those two strongest would fall for such obvious bait by leaving her unguarded. I guess theyre dumber than I thought .

Oh well, it’s not like this isn't a situation to your advantage; such a predicament like this will give you more time to perfect your already flawless plan. Given how these cult members aren't complete fools they would be smart enough to take Kuroi to a more remote location, without giving away their exact address for their main meet up aka this. If so then their second location would probably be Okinawa as it not only is their warehouse but also works greatly in Toji’s favor. Oh well theyre already preparing to send her to Okinawa by car for an exchange of Riko. But with the six-eyed limitless wielder and curse manipulator, no one is harming her. Well, no one that isn’t Toji Zenin.

You were pretty sure if you even had a slight bit of an emotional connection to Toji, you were sure that you would have to choose between keeping Toji alive or Riko Amanai. Why? Well, it's quite simple; Satoru Gojo has yet to truly awaken. The fact that he is compared to in strength that of a person with the same amount of cursed energy as any Grade 1 sorcerer is proof enough.

If he has yet to awaken then when he undoubtedly collides with Toji Zenin knowing how that man operates, he would not think. While Toji is indeed in possession of the inverted spear of heaven, him being him, he would want to end Gojo with a weapon with no cursed energy. In other words, a normal knife not backed up by any cursed energy showing that he does not need cursed energy to take down the pinnacle of jujutsu society. It is because of this and his ego that will cause him a slip up thus allowing Gojo to learn RCT on the spot and kill Toji with a hollow purple . How you knew this was because of your parents and your deduction. If blue is what sucks in things destroying that and red pushes out then its no doubt that there must be a way to merge them both creating something of pure and absolute destruction .

To your delight, this day finally was coming to a close leaving only one day and a half left till the bounty on Riko placed by Toji Zenin was lifted. As soon as it began, the day that the end of the bounty finally came with only 6 hours left. Now things will truly begin to get spiced up. Especially for all of these cult members. As you went in to do your regular clean-up you sneaked into the ventilation room and added a bit more of that coating with an absolutely undiluted version of it.

Taking the reusable flask with you this time you made sure that it stayed in your backpack the entire time to allow it to ferment in the heat and sit completely erasing its medicinal taste without diluting it. Adding the mixture to the alcohol and water you take in a pill to lessen the effect on you that it may have.

Ventilation ready. Beverages ready. A mass killing is about to occur that no one would even be able to know in an autopsy.


15 minutes left until the lifting of the bounty on Riko’s head.

Alight it’s time to start.

You walk towards the center of the stage as all and you meant all of the members looked at you. Looks like the sudden increase of the solution in the ventilation affected them more than I thought. It’s better than I expected.

“Hello everyone! I would like to say thank you to everyone for gathering here at my request to celebrate the killing of the thing that was going to taint our pure god by merging with them! In celebration, I brought alcoholic beverages and water as a toast to Toji Zenin for making our mission a reality!” A sudden cheer from the crowd began to engulf the entire stadium. “While we may not be there to see the demise of that child who tried to stain our god , we will have the luxury of knowing that our efforts to keep Tengen pure have been heard! With this, we will not only have more people joining our cause but also be granted the power to clean up the contamination of this world granted to us by our god! All hail Tengen!”

A burst of ‘ Tengen Tengen ’ and ‘ All hail Tengen ’ began to go around in shouts. You were always good at manipulating people. As alcoholic beverages and water began to be passed around to every member, including yourself, you raised it up as a sign of a toast.

7 Minutes till the lifting of Riko Amanai’s bounty.

You hardly ever got this bad. Typically you would only do the bare minimum so as to not go too far but Riko Amanai was your only friend. The only one who willingly stayed. So it's no surprise you would go this far for her .

After all, you were the type whose thought process was, ‘If someone messed with me it wouldn’t matter much to me, I’ll easily divert their attention onto something or someone else. But mess with the 14-year-old girl who sees me as worth something more than a tool, the one who talked to me and stayed making a friend out of me so I would not be lonely, my underclassman Riko Amanai. I will never forgive you.’ It wasn’t your fault that things would end up like this.

“Here’s to the preservation of Tengen in their most purest form! Cheers!” You exclaimed as everyone including yourself brought the cup to each other's lips in celebration.


SO. i finished dis chapter nd ngl im hella hyped for da next one lmao i alr know yalls r expectin sumin big. sry for the late chapter typing with one hand is actuallly harder than you might think. showering sucs too with one hand mehn. Its boutta be 1 am so imma edit dis tomorrow mornin...maybe :D.

Chapter 4: Let this world burn


RAHHHH NEW CHAPTER (i genuinely miss riko i wish she lived in da manga) also uhh. tw blood graphic description of killing nd literally unhinged reader being unhinged like dazai nd fyodor.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

6 Minutes till the lifting of Riko Amanai’s bounty.

The cheers from the crowd got louder and louder with their claps, whistles, and applause echoed across the room as the joy of Riko’s apparent death that would happen in a few minutes filled the room. Gradually over time, the crowd's claps and cheers began to quiet down but they never noticed. Not until someone screamed for a second before collapsing to the ground with a thud . Many others followed soon after as they screamed in realization collapsing to the floor. With a sigh of relief that everything is finally starting, you start to leave the stage as the crowd continues to collapse to the floor. With every step you took more and more people fell to the floor until you had stepped out of the room and all of the bodies that were once standing were on the ground in absolute silence.

They aren’t here, no surprise there. After all, they are probably too busy with Shiu. That's his name, right? The mediator. They’re probably talking about the distribution of the money for Toji. Though, he won’t be needing it anymore .

5 Minutes till the lifting of Riko Amanai’s bounty.

It took some time to walk from the stadium to the room where the main individuals who gave the order for this to happen were currently having a discussion, but there was no rush as you still had time; you always were quite a patient person. At least this gave you the time you needed to take out the gun from your thigh that was strapped to it. The ones with the most experience in combat and who most likely have weapons strapped to them go first. Looks like your time is finally coming, Shiu. Guess you will be meeting Toji in hell soon, as you would put it .

As the voices of the main people in power got louder and louder, you were correct when it came to the fact that Toji's financial distribution was being discussed. You were filled with annoyance as they flaunted their beliefs about how amazing they were, much like a fat man displaying his food to a starving child. This was how you could tell they were unaware of what had occurred in the stage room moments ago. By being foolish and arrogant, at least, they made this easier.

f*ck you. All of you.

Opening the door you immediately shot towards the one who would cause you the most trouble, Shiu, killing him with one shot towards the head. You should feel something you honestly should after all, he’s the main reason why you met Toji in the first place. It was he who introduced Toji as your instructor upon your parent's request. But all you felt was emptiness. Maybe it was because he threatened Riko’s life that you no longer held anything towards him…no you did feel something. Anger . Both towards him and Toji.

How dare you. I knew the both of you for 2 years and you two betrayed me by attempting to take the life of my dearest friend. I will never forgive you two for the rest of my life.

3 Minutes till the lifting of Riko Amanai’s bounty.

Glacing to your right the main people who orchestrated this were four older men who looked well over their 60s pushing 70s. They tried to hide and escape but you were blocking the door so all they could do was shake in fear. You already knew that these fools wouldn’t appear amongst the crowd in the stage room. Cowards . This was their way of preparing for their escape in order for them to safely run away after dealing with Riko Amanai. Unfortunately for them, you were here and you also were unforgiving. That's why you had previously added some of your special ‘concoction’ into the water dispenser that was in this room but not enough to kill them.

One of those men attempted to attack you but this resulted in them getting knocked out as you easily swiveled out of the man’s reach dealing a blow to the nape of his neck. “All three of you sit. I'll make it quick if you listen to me.”

Grabbing some of the cups you began to fill them up with water as you continued to block the doorway. They sat down as you pointed your weapon towards them, handing them the cup of water to drink. “Drink.” And drank they did. Was it your voice? The nonchalant tone that you laced with your words after killing a person right in front of them? Or that even if they were to find a way to run away they were certain you would find a way to catch them and kill them. “Good now here is what's going to happen. You will unlock the computer that did the money transaction with Toji and give it to me.”

“Karen, what are you doing? This isn’t like you.” One of the men begged. Wow, even now they still don’t know I'm not really Karen .

“That's because I'm not Karen.” You proceed to say as you remove some of the fake skin on your cheeks and nose.

1 minute and 30 seconds until the lifting of Riko Amanai’s bounty.

Shoving the laptop towards them you listed off their names and the people they were closest to, even the family members who they are estranged from. This seemed to be a good enough push as they unlocked the laptop and the chat history along with the transaction with Toji came up.

“Good job, now give it to me. I want to be in on the transaction.” It'll be easier if they think I just want the money. One of the men proceeded by attempting to pause the transaction until you stopped him. “I said I want to be in on it not to pause it.” Nodding the older man proceeded the process to add you in until he collapsed to the floor along with the three others in the room.

25 seconds until the lifting of Amanai Riko’s bounty .

You took the laptop from the man's hands as you began the process of rather than adding yourself to the distribution, you completely and absolutely canceled the transaction, typing up a response ‘ Riko Amani’s death is no longer needed therefore our money transaction has been canceled .’

Toji simply won't accept it once it's canceled without a justification and evidence, so he'll return after he's "killed" Gojo Satoru not only for that but to kill the members too as he realizes that they used him.

5 seconds until the lifting of Amanai Riko’s bounty .

But you were an angry person. You had a flawed personality that typically involved you isolating yourself from others making it impossible to form connections with others including your own parents. The only person you were able to form this connection with was your dear friend and underclassman Riko Amanai. That's why you hesitated in sending the message as it was now officially the moment that Riko Amani’s bounty was lifted. Knowing Toji and how he operated, his first target would be the six-eye limitless wielder and he would do it in his signature Toji Zenin way. So he would have to kill Satoru Gojo first and that's why he undoubtedly would lose because of his ego and his inferiority complex.

I'm not sure how exactly he intends to kill Satoru Gojo but to prove himself that he doesn't need cursed energy to take down the pinnacle of jujutsu society, he would bring down the limitless user with a weapon not consisting of any cursed energy proving even further that he has no use for cursed energy to prove his worth. This will be his downfall as Satoru Gojo has yet to learn the reversed cursed technique, giving him an open window to learning it on the verge of death.

It was only after 15 seconds had passed that you sent the message to Toji, immediately notifying him of the canceled transaction. I’m sorry Toji. Not only about the fact that this will lead to Satoru Gojo learning purple and red thus leading towards your death but that I wasn't able to form a connection between you even though we are both non-sorcerers without cursed energy…

…so as an apology, I'll make sure to look after your son .


You felt bad for them, you really did. No one said that killing someone would be easy, especially the normal members with no power. While they were just people with different beliefs than that of yours it was at the cost of Riko Amanai and you would choose her to live any day at the cost of all these members. Oh well, this isn't the first time I've taken down an entire organization; it had to be done to save Riko.

Dragging the bodies of the top 3 members you left them outside towards the steps, stirring them awake. “Hey, you old geezers wake up. Toji Zenin is going to come in about 2 hours from now, enraged that you guys suspended his payment after all the hard work he put in.”

As all 3 of the remaining living members stirred awake they noticed one of them was missing. “Wh-where's the other g-guy?” One asked with fear present in his tone.

“He died. Had a heart attack. Guess the solution was too much for him.”

“S-so you're done with us ri-right?” Shaking your head in denial, the blood drained from their head as they met your cold expressionless face.

“No, but I'll answer a single question from each person until I kill you.”

“Th-then why? Why are you doing this to us?”

“Riko Amanai. She's my one and only friend, but you f*ckers want her dead so I have no choice other than to kill you to save her. Next question.”

They began to feel more and more uneasy about you and your attitude of easily going past the fact that you have to kill them in your words, with no expressions. “…where are the rest of the members?”

“They're dead too.” You paused for a bit contemplating if you should explain how you killed them now that they were going to die soon too, so it wouldn’t matter if they knew. “…I laced the ventilation filter with hypotension medication to raise your blood pressure as you breathed in the air. And the water I contaminated it with pure undiluted midodrine thus giving every single person here a heart attack from extremely high blood pressure. Last question.”

“How do you plan on killing us?” The last member asked. The air grew cold, your eyes being hidden by a sudden darkness looming over them. Once they saw your eyes a chill ran down their spine as hatred and bloodlust swam around them.

“Bite the curb.”

One of the members tried to run away but the ropes tightly wrapped around him, and the other two, only made it so that all he could do was wriggle around.

“You want to know why the other guy died of a heart attack just like everyone else? Because he's not a pedophile . You Shoji molested your 9-year-old grandson until he was 11; Keni you sexually assaulted your 11 and 9-year-old nephews; and you Haru sexually exploited your 12-year-old daughter for 3 years until she couldn't take it anymore and killed herself; neither of you deserve a peaceful death .”

“So what, you're exacting justice? You're no better than us as unlike us we didn't kill anyone with our own hands. Don’t fool anyone.”

Shut the f*ck up and bite the curb. Or I’ll make you do it .”

“A weak girl like you couldn’t be able to-'' gripping onto his head you forced his jaw onto the curb as he let out blood-curdling screams once you smashed your foot in. Blood began to paint the stairs of the building as it trickled down and down the pathway until it couldn't anymore.

“Alright next.” You said as you threw the man you just smashed your foot on towards the other two as he continued to scream, even though no one could hear. “Or will I have to do it by force again? Though I recommend you to just give in, there's no point in fighting back.”

Unfortunately, neither of the other two followed your advice so you forced them onto steps smashing your foot, crushing their jaws, causing more and more blood to fall down the stairs. Once you were done with them you stood above all three with their jaws destroyed as a bloody mess was on their mouth with their teeth being pushed into and out of their jaws. “I hate pedophiles, especially those like you three that act upon it. The only good thing about pedophiles is that when you die your body can be used as compost for the earth but that's it. So just die .” You said as you felt a shift in the air and an increase in cursed energy at a distance away.

It showed up just on time. I'll take my leave now.

You started to leave as soon as you dropped the special-grade cursed item close to the three men who were writhing in agony as you didn't want to deal with the aftermath of what would transpire in about 15 seconds from now.

Toji would still have the inverted spear of heaven when he comes back so he can just get rid of it if he wants to. Then again, you didn't just drop any special-grade cursed item but one of Sukuna’s fingers. After all, you were highly sensitive towards cursed energy so locating Sukuna’s fingers is no big deal for you so long as you put your mind into it.

The question of whether or not to take the money that was left in the suitcase from the room you had just left was still weighing heavily on your mind. While it may be easier to just leave the money here…they won't need it anymore and neither will Toji so I suppose I could take it for myself.


Thursday. It was officially Thursday; the day that you would see whether or not your efforts were successful, even though you were certain that they were. As you get ready for school your mind wanders off at all the possibilities that could have gone wrong. No stop, don't think like this. Riko is alive and I will see her show up at school today. Stepping out of your apartment you head toward the bullet train, getting a quick 10-minute nap, until your stop comes into view. Thanking the conductor, you get off deciding to take a quick detour toward the nearest liquor shop for some chips and a soft drink. As you are about to pay the girl with short brown hair in front of you orders some…lung cancers, which you raise an eyebrow.

She looks to be my age if not younger so she probably has a fake ID but still no way any normal person would believe her to be over 20. Not to mention her attire so she must be a jujutsu sorcerer…what is it with me and running into jujutsu sorcerers lately? First, it was last Friday then on Monday now today? Is being a jujutsu sorcerer a trend lately?

You hear the cashier deny the girl the cigarettes, not believing the ID that showcased her as 20 being authentic. I suppose having a jujutsu sorcerer in debt to me can be useful down the road . Sighing you pulled out your ID, speaking up behind the jujutsu sorcerer girl. “She is my older foster sister, here you can look at my ID and match up our ages.” You hand over your ID, which rather than being 21 or anything was 18 solely so you could go to theaters and watch rated R movies.

“Your last names don’t match so I don’t believe it.” Said the cashier as he waved your ID around like it was nothing. This irked you as that was your ID he was waving around. f*ck this guy .

“Did you not hear what I just said? She's my older foster sibling therefore our last names won’t match.”

“This still doesn’t prove anything.”

“Just like how this job still won't help you prove to yourself that you deserve to live?”

Alright, get out or I’ll have you removed .”

“Is that what your ex-girlfriend said to you as she kicked your bum ass out the door?”

“Alright security is on its way.”

“Calling security for this? Couldn’t even handle being a college so you dropped out, no surprise you can’t handle some women. It’s okay though, me and my foster sister will remove ourselves.”

Before he could say anything you walked out of the store annoyed just to see if you could get a favor from this jujutsu sorcerer. She looked at you annoyed about speaking up as you whipped both your’s and her’s fake IDs along with the packet of cigarettes she wanted. “Here.” You said as you handed her her ID and her lung cancer sticks.

“How did you even steal it? I didn't even see you doing it and you were right next to me.” She asked you in disbelief. Well… there are a lot of factors that come into it like causing a distraction, being quick, making sure not to disrupt the atmosphere, etc.

“I have quick hands.” You left before she could say anything, heading toward your school while remaining unbothered because you knew you would see her again. After a few minutes of walking your school came into vision and you headed off into your morning class, beginning your school ritual.

As time went on, you grew more and more anxious once break time arrived. Riko was still nowhere to be seen . Did I fail Riko? Is she really…gone? Your body began to run on autopilot as it shut down its emotions with the only difference being that it was towards Amanai Riko as well. It was lunchtime before you knew it, and when you went to your bench, you noticed it was empty; devoid of any presence there. You wanted to throw up so badly. The sense of regurgitating nothing but the air you've been only taking overflood you. It felt like the world had stopped and your entire body was on fire, making it impossible for you to breathe.


Your eyes shot wide open as a sense of relief spread throughout your body recognizing that voice from anywhere. The one girl you had been looking for all this time suddenly embraced your body into a tight hug that further limited the amount of air you were just starting to take.

“Kuma I missed you!” Your underclassman told you with tears in her eyes the reality of the situation dawned on you. She’s alive. Riko Amanai is alive.

Wrapping your hands around her body you reciprocated the hug as tears threatened to fall from your eyelids. “I missed you too Riko.” As it felt that the world was finally spinning again you let your arms drop going to wipe her tears away. “I’m glad you’re back Riko; so glad you came back.” A light blush tainted Riko’s cheeks as her deep and heavy emotions began to show themselves. Wiping her tears with the sleeve of her uniform she showcases her soft and gentle smile towards you. That was when you noticed the two people, or should you say teenage boys, behind Riko.

I expected them to show up but to not even notice them until they made their presence known all because my emotions got the better of me is…dangerous. Riko Amanai you really are my weakness. I hope you turn out to be my only weakness because I cannot be caught losing track of my surroundings like that again.

As you had your internal battle, one of the teenage boys instantly stilled when he recognized you, or rather, your unnatural cursed energy. Satoru Gojo had now seen and recognized you as the girl with the unique cursed energy and yet even though his six eyes began to analyze your cursed energy, it has still yet been able to decipher it. Things have changed now as both he and Suguru could finally put a face to the girl that had caught their attention; Satoru would make sure that you did not escape from his line of sight without answering some of his questions.


tbh idk what to say bcs im tired (no surprise) also this chapter isnt edited so uh...yeah :D uh i might have maybe jst a teensy tiny bit portrayed my feelings about pedophiles bcs just like reader i rly hate them nd want them all to die :D

Chapter 5: That Girl Is So Dangerous


satoru gets on the bad side of reader and brings suguru down with him rip. save suguru he don't deserve dis…actually he kinda do.


idk wut to put here ;-;...hi.

so n e ways i LITTErALLY jst came across dis toe curling, bed wetting, bed sheet crumblin, srumdeliecious climax reaching, heaven ascending gojo edit on mah tiktok fyp nd i-...brb imma go edge to it..../hj

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“Where were you Monday? I waited and waited for you, Kuma, but you never showed up.Why?”

While you had the sudden urge to just up and up tell her in a joking manner that you joined a cult (even though you technically did), with those two freak skyscrapers that got permission from the school to act as Riko’s bodyguards for today and tomorrow, there's no way you could make a joke out of it. Especially when at this very moment they were burning holes into your skull right outside the door of the cafeteria.

Geez could those idiots be any more obvious? So you settled with the next best thing.

“I got kidnapped and enslaved into sex trafficking then I killed everyone who was involved with it before displaying their bodies for the whole world to see like it was a public execution.” You finished it off with a smile stealing one of Riko’s fries.

“I swear to god Kuma if you are not serious about this I will never invite you over to my place again.”

What?! No please no I love Kuroi’s baking I won’t be able to try it again.” You whined with a pout trying to appear as cute to see if you could make Riko back down.

“Then be serious for once.” You pouted with a dramatic sad frown at her response before turning to look at the direction of the two teenage boys who stood outside the doors of the lunch auditorium.

“So are you finally going to tell me why those two skyscrapers are standing outside and following you around?” You asked her, taking another fry from her plate.

I already am aware of the reason why but I don’t know if they know what I am already aware of.

As if a movie was being paused, Riko halted her movements in mid-air as she was about to take a bit out of her food for a solid 3 seconds before responding. “I don’t know.” Quickly taking a massive bite from her food which she tried to talk through failing miserably leaving you laughing out loud while random students just stared at you, being weirded out. “Alright stop it's fine, don’t answer. At least tell me why you told them off a few minutes ago.”

She began chewing her food trying to finish it as if she were on a mission. “Because they would follow me everywhere like ugh ! It would get so annoying to have someone looking after you 24/7 with absolute disregard over your own feelings like I am no longer in danger!” Standing and turning her body to face her ‘bodyguards’ as she scowled at them. “Yeah, I’m talking about you two! You both are giving me unnecessary attention!”

Resisting the urge to laugh at her actions, Riko sat back down “I told them to just wait outside the school as I was looking for you but those guys ended up getting permission from the school to stay here for today and tomorrow. As if their stay here today wasn’t worse enough they said it was under the guise of protecting me.”

And there it is.

“Why would you need protection though?” This question left Riko stunned in shock as her mind thought up an excuse while you resisted the urge to laugh yet again. It’s always fun to just tease Riko like this without her even knowing I already am aware of the answer.

“We-well you see… uhh …Oh! S-so the uncle that I was going to move in with… uhh …he ended up not being a great person so I ended up coming back, yeah! It wasn’t very safe for me so yeah, I’m back now an-and that's why they’re here.” Letting out a loud pfft you laughed louder than before at Riko’s poor attempt of a lie on the spot.

“You suck at lying Riko. But it’s fine because I don’t want you to tell me if you don’t want to; I’d rather you tell me in your own time when you're most comfortable.” Riko stopped for a moment until pouting with a little blush and puffing up her cheeks realizing you were just teasing her. “Sorry, I just couldn’t resist myself from teasing you, your reactions are all so cute.” You told her while poking her one of her puffed-up cheeks.

As the bell rang announcing that lunch break was over and it was time to return to classes, Riko glanced at your untouched plate worry painted on her face. “You didn’t eat, Kuma.”

“Yeah, and you already know why. I don’t like eating when people see me. Only around you and only you. No one else.” Taking a peak at the crowd that got smaller and smaller you stood up with a sigh, throwing your lunch and Riko’s remnants of food into the trash, making your way back as you noticed the two strongest sorcerers were about to escort her to her next class. “See you after school Riko, going to my next class.”

You wanted to get out right now . It wasn’t because the two strongest jujutsu sorcerers now had access to watching you, keeping you under their vigilance, but the fact that even their own presence would bring misfortunes down onto you. For starters, since those two were stuck to Riko’s side, hanging out with her attracted attention, which in turn gave you attention. After all, how many times do girls enrolled in an all-girls missionary school see boys inside their school? No surprise if today and tomorrow all eyes would be on both you and her so long as those two stuck to her like gum.

This is so exhausting.

At least you had the memory of witnessing her chewing them out for following her into the school with a shocked expression spread throughout their faces. You giggled at the thought of remembering her screaming at them once she realized they were behind her as you two hugged. It’s not like you see a 14-year-old girl lecturing some teenage boys older than her every day. Though now that you were alone with your thoughts you could finally thoroughly think about some of the things that had just happened.

To start things off, the fact that those two got permission to stay here even, if it's just 2 days, sounds incredibly outrageous. What would two teenage boys in their second year of high school be doing in an all-girls missionary school that includes middle and high school teenage girls? If anything that would make them want to keep boys out even more. So it wouldn’t be a surprise if Satoru Gojo and his friend…Suguru Getou I think that's his name…whatever I’m sure those teens probably pulled some strings behind the scenes to get full acceptance of the school’s principal to stay in the school for today and tomorrow. It’s not that hard to convince our principal that your stay here is a must to protect a student in her school; in her words, we all have a special spot in her heart as her students. How poetic.

Secondly, there’s the fact that Riko is probably still in danger for now, so that would also explain their current stay here. The fact that it’s only for a few days it’s most likely just to test the waters and see if anyone plans on attacking. Since she was supposed to merge with Tengen, now that she would rather live her life, this explains why she is also currently in an uncertain position of being left alone or being chased after. Thus why the protection is only for two days as a way to test the waters. It’ll all be fine though; as long as I am here by her side, I am enough to guard her and know if anyone is after her to attack or take her away. While I should also be suspicious of those two the possibility of them being here to try and convince her to merge with Tengen is low. They’re kids just like Riko so it wouldn’t be a surprise if they want her to live and enjoy her youth instead. After all, why would she be here right now if they both are the strongest sorcerers? Either one could forcefully take her and get her to merge but they don’t. So at the very least, she is fine around them.

Thirdly, there's still the situation involving the possibility of them wanting to interrogate me. Most likely now or next period since I typically skip my next class. Suddenly you felt the spike in increased cursed energy coming from one of the empty classes in the shape of two beings with one of them being of a very recognizable cursed energy.

Speaking of the devil. I wonder if I should just go the opposite direction forcing them to show themselves just to find that I had already left the school grounds and my trace gone poof even more so since I have very little cursed energy. Nah that would just bring even more trouble to me for tomorrow so I might as well get this over with…but I am a bit angry they went towards these drastic measures. I would rather them ask me in a more private setting without resorting to this. I suppose I could force an apology out of them so that way we could get along. They were the one’s who protected Riko for 3 days. So I’ll be nice with them.

Walking towards the empty classroom you felt a hand come up behind you, wrapping itself around your mouth and another around your waist as they pulled you into the empty room, the door hitting your back with a hard slam as you were being shoved onto it. Wincing in pain, you immediately knew who did this as sky-blue eyes met your eyes.

“So are you gonna speak now-” SLAP .

A loud slap echoed across the room as your eyes glowed with fury. f*ck this guy. If he was nicer maybe I wouldn’t have resorted to slapping him. Ripping his hand away from your mouth, you spat at him nothing but words dripping in vile.

“Firstly, you take your filthy hands off of me I don’t even know where they’ve been. Secondly, why would you and your friend -” You turned your head to look behind him where his black-haired counterpart stood at “-think that it would be a good idea to not only slam me onto a door but do it so harshly that it would garner other’s attention? So much for sneaking me in to this empty classroom.”

You could see disbelief and anger in his eyes as his friend, Geto, came up behind him immediately removing his hands from you, he seeming more mad at Gojo than you for slapping him.

“You deserved that slap. I told you to be gentle with her.” Dramatically breathing in a huge breath of fresh air you began to massage your back as if you just finished doing some hard labor. “I’m sorry about my friend. My name is Su-”

“Suguru Geto and your friend is Satoru Gojo. Yeah, I know, and yes I remember you two from last week. Even though you two are aware I purposefully mislead you, you still choose to come after me. Truly you two have no sense of respect for us common people.” You jumped onto one of the front tables sitting on it in crisscross form while resting your head on your palm. “So fine ask me what you want. I know you two have questions about me so let's knock this out of the park yeah?”

As the two boys stared at you in disbelief, not expecting you to be so complacent. “Really? No funny business you will answer our questions?” As you nodded, Gojo Satoru spoke up with his first question, no surprise there. “Okay fine. Last week, how did you know we were looking at you the whole time?”

Hmm, here I thought he would ask about my cursed energy first, maybe because he isn’t sure if I am aware of the existence of cursed energy.

“I was watched my entire time growing up so I got used to the fact that people’s eyes always fell on me. That why anytime any person has their gaze on me I know.” Well, I also know where they would be watching me from and the how too but we will leave that alone; no reason for them to know. However, I doubt that they would take this as their answer.

True to your assumption, you noticed their annoyance at your answer so this time Geto asked his question as he took an empty seat in the class. “How do you know our names?” Ah there we go, now things are getting good.

“Riko called you by your names earlier when you two made your grand appearance, which by the way, I laughed at the sight of you two being bombarded by girls.” Geto rolled his eyes finding it ironic how you found enjoyment in them being bombarded by girls and yet here you are being bombarded by them with questions. The world truly works in mysterious ways.

Gojo went again with a bit of fury into his question. “What do you know about cursed energy?”

“The f*ck is that? How am I supposed to know about something that I’m not even aware of?” Gojo looked at you in disbelief, not believing you for a second. But it sufficed for his friend as he gave Gojo a look of ‘I told you so’. This was all you needed to know that they were still unaware of your background or who you were as just one search of your name and they would know that you indeed knew about cursed energy.

Once they look me up, I’ll be more honest and hopefully get them to answer me in a more truthful manner.

Geto went this time but this time he made sure to add a bit of spice to his question. “Why aren’t you questioning the fact that two teenage boys are acting as bodyguards for your friend?”

“Hmm, I do wonder why.” The bell rang in announcement that it was then time to head into your next class.

“Well then that’s my queue boys, it’s time for me to pack my sh*t and start heading to my next class as I quite enjoy the one I’m going to right now.” You said grabbing your stuff and heading out towards the door.

“Hey, we aren’t done yet-” Gojo said this but stopped once Geto stopping him and shook his head in disapproval.

“Yes, we are done here.” You turned your head to them holding onto the door handle. “You are a scumbag so why would I want to stay here with you two. Yes, this includes you Geto. While you may not have been the one to physically harm me or even instigate it, you gladly went along with sneaking up on me to interrogate me simply because I produce a different type of cursed energy from others to get answers out of me. For crying out loud I'm a goddamn normal person what would you two want with me?”

This callout left a bad taste in Geto’s mouth as regret filled inside his mouth. He felt ashamed for accepting to go along with Gojo’s plan of getting answers. But Gojo’s eyes widened as he realized what you had just said.

“Now go towards Riko, after all, you two are guarding her no?” Opening the door you stepped out before looking back at them. “Goodbye.” You said, shutting the door and walking in the direction of your next class.


Gojo Satoru was not pleased at all. It felt like his questions were answered but not all of them. While Geto decided to retreat and back down after being exposed out in the open by you, it seemed like he was reflecting on his actions. But Gojo was the complete opposite. You had lied to them. You told them you didn’t know about cursed energy implying you didn’t know about them. It took him just now to realize that you were lying about even how you knew of their name. At the end of your speech, you talked about cursed energy and how you are a normal person. But you would have to be aware of cursed energy to even know about it and that you were a normal person. In all honesty, all he wanted to do right now was shove you into a soundproof room that allowed him to restrict your movements, forcing your mouth open so he could pry all the answers to his questions.

Shaking his head, his emotions began to dwindle realizing the severity of what he just thought. You were a non-sorcerer with very different cursed energy. That was all. You were not like Toji and nor were you Toji so you could easily die if he wanted you dead. This is the reason he began to feel guilty about it, even though it happened later than he would have preferred, he began to feel the regret hit his tastebuds. Sighing he opted to instead ambush you and get any form of reaction from you from his questions even if they remained unanswered. Of course in an ethical manner.

That is what he told himself until he decided to go to the bathroom and found you roaming the halls quickly grabbing you, like before, covering your mouth, and wrapping his arm around your waist, shoving the both of you into a closet that was most likely the janitor’s closet. Your back hitting the wall with his leg pressing both your thighs together keeping you from running, doing the same to your arms by grabbing them with his free hand, placing them above your heads as a way to restrain you.

“You kinky f*cker.” You spat at him once he removed his hand giving him a competitive look gleaming with anger. “You have guts to do this to me again or you're probably just heartless but I don’t care. Let me go.”

You lied.”

“Yes and? Sure I lied but is it such a big deal that I just don’t want attention on me. I said that stuff so you would leave me alone. Seems like it had the opposite effect on you though.” You said ever so slightly getting close to his face lowering the tone of your voice into a softer more dominant tone.

“You know about cursed energy so you knew about Suguru and I way before. Not only that but thinking about it, Riko never said our names or yours. Only in nicknames. You may fool the rest but you can't fool me. Who are you, really?"

“I’m just Riko’s upperclassman friend who knows nothing of jujutsu sorcery."

“Bullsh*t.” He spat leaning into your face a tad bit closer, so close you could smell the gum in his mouth. “What the hell is up with your cursed energy?”

“Careful. Get any closer and you might just kiss me. Wouldn’t want my cooties now would you?” This had him leaning away from you but not enough so that you could escape. Before he could speak up again, you continued on by answering his question. “Would me telling you exactly why my cursed energy is completely different from others down to the molecular level make any difference? To be frank the only reason why I was able to figure this out is because of you.”

“What does that mean? Stop being coy.” Gojo said as he looked down at you with a frown. This guy really is as tall a goddamn skyscraper.

“When you saw me down at the frozen yogurt and ice cream shop last Friday what you noticed first was me. You kept your gaze on me for quite a while it almost made me blush.” You said in a soft whisper-like voice with a mocking tone to it that downright left him feeling odd. But even the look that he was giving you, the look that a person gives to a bug, didn’t stop you from running your mouth to him with a grin on your face. “I’m not stupid so I realized immediately why you kept staring at me like a stalker. I’m a completely normal person with barely any cursed energy, so what kind of secrets does the six-eyes limitless wielder see in me? Ah, there we go. It’s my cursed energy.”

“You may not know how or even why my cursed energy is the way it is but know this; if you end up figuring out why and decide that you should go off running your mouth before you could even get the chance to do it.” With the flick of a wrist, the blink of an eye, the tie that hung around his neck was suddenly being used as a dog leash to pull him down towards your height with his face barely inches apart; you were so close to him that you could taste the gum in his mouth by the mere smell. That was when you began to talk in such a soft yet authoritative tone that sent a chill down his spine, surpassing the energy he gave you just a minute ago. “I will not only make sure to wipe your memory of me but I will do it by force in the most unpleasant way.”

Gripping onto his tie you shoving him back with it to give yourself room to walk out of the closet. Before you left you turned your head staring back at him from your shoulder with a look of annoyance. “Well then, see you later. Because even I can see, with or without the six eyes technique, that this won’t be the last time you will be coming across this face of mine so we should learn to get along.” You said before opening the door and exiting, shutting the door with a silent, so silent it could've been mistaken as a loud slam by the mere feel in the air.


RRAAAAHHHHHH LORE DROPSS AND MANY HINTS DROPPED TOO LESS GOOOOO LMK WUT YALLS THEORIES HAVE RN ND WUT U THINK BOUT READER. (i love manipulative cunning intelligent yet powerless characters bcs they smart af i f*cking love em bcs dey dont even need to be physically strong to win.)

sry if my updates been a bit slow im signin dis lease nd dey ask for too much like ive been at dis for 2 weeks bruh. but mehn its da cheapest price at $525 a month. its rly hard to get dis whole thin figured out bcs dey rly be pushin mah buttons but i be damned bcs i would rather kms den pay 700$ for rent while bein in college nd broke in cali. its alr freakin expensive jst breathin here.

n e ways mah hands doin better got a hand appointment literally tomorrow so ill lyk how it goes.

Liar Liar Pants on Fire - dwaduy93 - 呪術廻戦 (2024)


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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Author information

Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.