paper rings - omontz - 呪術廻戦 (2024)

After the fourth venue in just a single day, Satoru is beginning to seriously suspect there’s something he’s missing.

Yuuji, his ever lovely, always incredibly patient and understanding Yuuji, is being the pickiest man alive when it comes to picking out their wedding venue. Satoru was certain Yuuji would adore the first two places they went to, one of them handpicked by Satoru with the other one being forcefully handpicked by his handsomely paid and trustworthy assistant, Ijichi.

The first two venues, however, were a bust (“Isn’t it just too beautiful and extravagant? How much does this place even cost?” and “Satoru-san, this place makes me feel like I’m being judged for breathing wrong”). As was the third one (“It’s too dirty, right? Why is everyone ignoring us too? Do they know something strange?”). And, even the fourth one (“The parking is too far away! Why is this place a mansion anyway?”). So, now, standing in a strange, simple church they only went to because it was closest to the fourth one, Satoru finally gives in and asks.

Curling his arm around Yuuji’s back and bringing him closer than ever, he murmurs out an amused, “Anddd what’s wrong with this one? You’re glaring at these walls as if they’ve personally offended every single one of your loved ones. Or is the ceiling too low?”

Yuuji glances at him, cheeks flushing prettily. Satoru grins, leaning in and kissing his cheeks, which only makes his fiancé flush harder.

Humming, Yuuji gives an intentional look around. “Isn’t it too warm in this place, Satoru-san?”

Satoru pretends to think about it, making a show of feeling his arms and shivering. “Ohh, not really!”

Yuuji looks slightly put out by this answer before he gestures with his head to the walls he was just glaring at. “What about the windows? They’re facing the wrong way, right?”

Satoru glances at the perfectly normal windows. He nods seriously. “Perhaps.”

Nodding like they’re both in on a secret, Yuuji leans in and whispers, “Also, I think someone’s died here before, Gojo-sensei.”

Satoru blinks at him. “Someone’s died everywhere in Japan, Yuuji.”

Scowling slightly, Yuuji swallows. “No, but seriously.” He even looks around conspiratorially, as if the supposed dead person will pop out and jump them.

Satoru wonders how he got so lucky.

He puts one hand under his chin and pretends to think just to hold himself back from falling over with laughter. “Hmm… I think you’re right, Yuuji. Maybe we can try again tomorrow instead? Surely, there’s at least one place in Japan not haunted by ghostly spirits!”

Yuuji’s quick to agree.

Unfortunately for Gojo Satoru’s sanity, they do not find the perfect wedding venue the next day. Nor the day after. In fact, it takes exactly fifteen days before Satoru finally gives up on the entire country, seriously rationalizing to Yuuji that maybe we should start looking outside of Japan and didn’t you say once that you always wanted to visit Mexico?

Satoru’s honestly shocked at Yuuji’s immediate, adverse reaction to the concept of getting married outside of Japan. He shakes his head rapidly, claiming that he definitely wants to get married in Japan, okay I’ll choose somewhere, what about that first venue?

So, they return to that apparently too extravagant and gorgeous venue that Satoru lovingly picked out (he had looked up one of the most expensive, exclusive, and best wedding venues in Tokyo and spent ten minutes perusing the website before deciding this was the one) and Yuuji seems to suddenly not have any issues at all, even commenting on how stunning the decor is and how lucky he’ll be to get married here.

Satoru only nods throughout the whole visit, acting as if this sudden change in opinion makes perfect sense. Satoru’s fiancé is definitely a bit strange sometimes. He wouldn’t have him any other way.


Yuuji’s new personality trait of being the cutest and pickiest man alive continues into their brief stint of trying to pick a theme for their wedding.

Truly, Satoru was planning on this experience maybe lasting two or three hours max, figuring that Yuuji would care about the colors just about as much as he does (which is a very small amount, considering all Satoru wants is to be married to Yuuji already).

Lo and behold, though, it’s already been three days of attempting to pick out a wedding theme.

The colors are giving them the most grief by far, Yuuji sometimes spending a full hour laid out on the floor surrounded by different paint swatches as he stares resolutely at different variations and combinations.

Satoru cracks himself up over the serious look on Yuuji’s face as he stares at two shades of red that Satoru is convinced are the same.

He laughs even more when Yuuji holds them up for Satoru and asks which one says wedding more?

“I’m sure they both have their merits,” Satoru replies, beyond fond.

Yuuji seems distressed by this answer. “Okay, and what about the demerits, then?”

“Wow, Yuuji! I see you studied hard for your vocabulary tests back when I taught you! I’m a great sensei, aren’t I?”

Yuuji flings the paint swatches at him in protest.

They do finally land on shades of pinks, blues, and reds. Satoru secretly thinks that Yuuji’s only slightly insane now.


To Satoru’s glee, Satoru quickly learns that Picky Yuuji is here to stay. Everything that Satoru originally thought would take a day at the most ends up taking weeks, especially when it comes to choosing the food. Each course of the meal ends up taking a week alone to decide; Yuuji has asserted that every single cuisine is the best cuisine at least five times now, Satoru’s sure.

Satoru teases him throughout it all, only slightly confused still about what’s shifted so dramatically in his fiancé that he’s decided to care so much about all the semantics.

Yuuji was the one, after all, who initially brought up simply eloping when Satoru did end up proposing. Satoru even agreed, too, but unfortunately, nowhere nearby was open and they spent the next day too busy in bed to think much further than how much they love each other.

After that, when the news spread to their immediate friends, they were banned from eloping, each of them making very understandable points about why they do, in fact, want a wedding. Satoru was convinced immediately when he was forced to consider it as a grand profession of his love. Because what could be better than showing off how much he loves Yuuji more than everyone else does?

Before they even started any official wedding planning, Satoru made sure to make it absolutely clear to Yuuji that there was absolutely no real budget for this wedding. If there’s any benefit to being entrenched with centuries’ worth of clan money, it was this.

Yuuji had blushed at the idea, stating that there’s no way they’d spend that much money.

Now, months later, Satoru delightfully wonders if Yuuji is eating those words along with all the food they’ve been trying.

When they finally reach the dessert section of the planning, Satoru is absolutely ecstatic. Yuuji seems to be of the opposite opinion.

“It’s too sweet, Satoru-san!” He insists about the most delectable chocolate raspberry cheesecake Satoru’s ever had. Satoru nearly weeps.

“Yuuuuji,” Satoru replies, frowning in that cute way Yuuji can never say no to and batting his eyelashes at him. “You would think you’re planning to marry the dessert with how choosy you are! Aren’t I sweet enough for you? You don’t even need to eat the dessert, really, because of me!”

Satoru adores seeing the tip of Yuuji’s ears grow red as he pointedly looks away from Satoru’s attempts at persuasion. Satoru pushes his luck even more, not truly caring in the grand scheme of things. He just likes to watch Yuuji’s reactions. He just likes watching Yuuji.

“Honestly, I think we should just have them all, Yuuji,” he deadpans. “It’s not like I can’t afford it.”

Yuuji’s head whips to look at him. “If we do that, you’re not even going to touch the other courses, Satoru! You need to eat real food at our wedding. I’m worried if it’s all too sweet, you won’t be able to help yourself. What if you pass out from a sugar overdose? You want me to lug you home in a sugar coma?”

Satoru bats his eyelashes even more. Yuuji bites his lip, crosses his arms, and then huffs out a laugh.

“Okayyyy, you win this one. If it’ll make you happy. You aren’t allowed to die on me at our own wedding though, Sensei.”

“I would never.” Satoru grins, absolutely smug.


When it comes to the guest list, something Satoru figured would take no actual time considering how few friends he has along with Yuuji seemingly being friends with all of Japan, it does, of course, take much more time than anticipated.

Because, while Yuuji does say that he’s just going to invite every single person they know (“except Sukuna, he’s a freak”), he does struggle over wondering where to seat everyone.

Satoru, his wonderful and never annoying fiancé, tries to change his mind on that “everybody aspect,” leaning his chin over Yuuji’s shoulder and pointing out people he thinks shouldn’t come as Yuuji sits at the kitchen table and tries to map it all out. He even drew out every single individual table. So, so cute.

Satoru points at a name seated at one of the closest tables to where Satoru and Yuuji will be seated. “He can’t come; he’s in love with you.”

Yuuji sighs. “I can’t not invite Fushiguro, Satoru-san. You want him there, too! You basically raised him!”

Satoru laughs. “Okay,” he points at another name, “well, he can’t come then.”

“Nanamin was your friend first?”

“Fine, but your lawyer friend needs to stay away for sure.”

Yuuji giggles, pushing at Satoru in fake outrage. “He’s your lawyer too!”

Satoru smirks, leaning down and kissing all the protests out from Yuuji’s mouth.

He already knows Yuuji will be successful in inviting everyone, every person being at least somewhat enamored or in love with Yuuji, and if it isn’t love, it’d be out of protection.

Nobara and Megumi were, of course, a bit horrified at the fact that Yuuji was not only getting married at only twenty, but also to their previous teacher, no less. Satoru was only slightly offended by that, understanding very well, but also not understanding at all considering Yuuji and him have already been dating for four years now.

In fact, Satoru made sure to wait until Yuuji turned twenty to finally pop the question. They should be grateful, really.

Satoru’s own friends didn’t really care, all of them already used to the fact that he was dating his former student, but Nanami did imply something drastic would happen to him if he were to ever hurt Yuuji in some way.

Satoru was almost offended by that, too, but he had only grinned at his friend and said that he’d never let that happen for anything in the world.

He pulls back, pressing a light kiss against Yuuji’s nose before he hums and wraps his arms around Yuuji, hugging him from behind.

“Alright, they can all come. But not Yuuta. He has a crush on you, too, and I’ll kill him if he even tries to show up and steal you away.”


Satoru only hugs him even tighter; Yuuji lets out a contented sigh.


When Satoru gets home, later than he expected because he was forced into an impromptu meeting by the evil faculty at his school, he finds Yuuji sleeping on their couch, papers and notes strewn around him.

Satoru walks over, kneeling so he’s nearly eye-level with Yuuji’s sleeping face, and he can’t help the smile the sight pulls from him. He never would have expected falling so in love with Yuuji in the way that he has.

He hopes Yuuji truly understands just how happy Yuuji makes him, every single day, just by being with him, just by choosing Satoru to be his.

Satoru reaches over, delicately picking up some of the notecards scattered across Yuuji’s chest, and he reads them, nosy.

They’re notes of all kinds—small notes about the wedding decor, ideas for different rugs, and some lines written randomly across each one that Satoru half-suspects must be vows.

So, Yuuji’s been planning without him?

Just as Satoru starts to contemplate shaking Yuuji awake just to complain about all the extra work Yuuji is putting on himself, Yuuji begins to wake, his body stirring, making some of the papers next to him fall to the floor.

Satoru watches, enraptured, as Yuuji’s eyes flicker open, Yuuji blearily blinking at him for a few seconds before his sleepy expression turns to one of fond love. Satoru’s heart skips a beat.

He fakes a small gasp, reaching out and patting Yuuji’s cheek gently. Yuuji smiles.

“Satoru, you’re home.”

“I’m home, Yuuji,” he replies softly. “I see you’ve been planning without me, though! I’m hurt and betrayed.”

Yuuji’s smile grows even bigger, his eyes slipping shut as he lets out a tired hum.

“I want everything to be perfect for you. And I want to be helpful because you’ve done so much for me, Gojo-sensei. You always just do so much for me. I wanted to do that for you, too.”

Satoru’s breath catches at the admission. Ah, he understands everything now.

He leans forward, pressing his lips against Yuuji’s cheek, always so soft.

“You’re too good for me, Yuuji,” he mumbles, heart lodged right there in his throat.

Yuuji’s eyes flicker open again, blinking more rapidly, conscious understanding obviously coming to him as he wakes up even more. He’s frowning.

“No. You’re good for me, Satoru-san. And I want to be the one to take care of you for once. Even if… f*ck, I really don’t know the difference between some of those reds, you know? Who even cares that much about it? I stared so long at them but I couldn’t tell at all—why did they even give me such similar colors of red?!”

Suddenly wide awake, Yuuji sits up, yawning as he stretches, and fixes a bemused Satoru with a distressed look.

“Seriously, Sensei, I was convinced I was being pranked! But… I really want you to be happy. I’m happy no matter what. At the end of all of this, we get to be married! How could that not make me happy? But, I’ve read before how stressful wedding planning can be, and when you chose our venue that first time, it made me realize that I didn’t want you doing any work… I wanted to be the one choosing everything to take the decision off your shoulders. You deserve that.”

Satoru listens to all of this with adoring delight, simultaneously feeling a bit bad that Yuuji’s decided to take on so much on his own and Satoru just assumed he was in a (very cute) ridiculously picky state of being.

So, Satoru leans again, taking Yuuji’s face in both of his hands before crawling on top of him and pressing his whole weight down onto him as he starts pressing kisses all over Yuuji’s face. Yuuji squirms under him, but kisses back every time Satoru’s lips ghost over Yuuji’s.

“Yuuji, you are a bit silly, but I get it. But… we could seriously elope tomorrow, f*ck everyone else, and I’d be the happiest man in the entire world, no, universe. Whatever you want from me, Yuuji, I’m yours.” He kisses Yuuji deeply. “Just as you’re mine,” he finally adds, right into Yuuji’s mouth so that the words live in his fiancé forever.

They make out for a bit, Yuuji muttering out hilarious, mild complaints that he’s been holding in during every wedding planning activity they’ve had to do together (“Why should we care where everyone sits?! Can’t they just pick themselves? They’re grown adults!”).

Afterwards, they laugh themselves silly at just how ridiculous they’ve both been, and Yuuji tries to argue again for them to have less desserts, but like last time, Satoru’s pout and eyelashes are deadly, and he wins again. Though, they do decide that they truly don’t need to have professional dancers come and perform the story of their lives in an interpretive dance routine, something that Yuuji admits embarrassed him beyond belief even bringing up. Satoru hadn’t seen the appeal either, but a part of him did find the mere idea of it hysterical.

They pass out an hour later in their own bed, holding each other close, knowing that no matter how the wedding and after-party go, that it’ll all be perfectly wonderful, as long as they’re married and each other’s by the end of it.

paper rings - omontz - 呪術廻戦 (2024)


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Author: Melvina Ondricka

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Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

Address: Suite 382 139 Shaniqua Locks, Paulaborough, UT 90498

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Job: Dynamic Government Specialist

Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.